To Change Election Results-Stop the Money from Donors !

---- Money is the KEY --- MONEY BUYS ELECTIONS

--Ask Donors to Please Not Contribute to Members of Congress that waste our money!

Snail Mail to Donors of Failing Members of Congress

(emails are not productive). Later, we can march on their doorsteps.

If you want to make a difference, If you want to get involved, If you want to take action NOW, then this is a big something each and everyone of us can do one minute, or one address, or one letter at a time.

Many pages bellow list U.S. Congress Members from the U.S. & Florida that is rated POOR at controlling spending (‘F’) and those rated good (‘A & B’) (as listed on National Taxpayers Union’s web site ). If we want to really change what is going on, then change the players, and you change the players by changing their money supply. Stop the money & you stop the politician. If they find out the Tea Parties have control of their campaign funds, they will come to us.

Farther to the bottom, also from NTU’s web site are the top DONORS to those from Florida rated as POOR (‘F’). I have Googled many of Kathy Castor’s (rated ‘F’) donors for their addresses. I am sending a letter asking them to please not contribute to a politician that is wasting our tax money. Maybe when it gets as close as your congresswoman, you will back off, but we need to make a statement. “We are tired of your spending.”

I need help. I think this is best way to CHANGE the negative things happening now in the U.S. But we all need to plead with these donors. We need to keep the Donors from supporting bad behavior and we need to let everyone know we mean to make a big difference in U.S. politics. We mean to take our country back. And we mean business.

Many of the first of these steps immediately below are already done for you farther down. Way down below are Florida’s’ worst Members of Congress and their donors.

We need addresses.

We need letters.

We need everyone to mail letters.


  1. -also see Plans & Letters pages
  2. Find/use link to (National Taxpayers Union)
  3. On left of “NTU’s” web site, find Donors tab.
  4. Input Member of Congress’s Name
  5. Search for Donors (sort by highest $s)
  6. Copy page and past in word processor program
  7. From word processor, copy name and city to Google for search
  8. Find street address and copy into word processor for complete address
  9. Copy letter from Empower…Citizens and make your changes.
  10. Mail to Donor – wait for fireworks
  11. Post letter and address to friends on Social Tea Party Networks
  12. Plead with members to copy and snail mail also.
  13. If positive response from Donor, post to stop others from mailings
  14. If negative, ask for more help – plan a demonstration at his front door.

Sample Letter to neighborhood donoror PAC (contain no names or numbers that need changed, just add an address and send)

Dear Fellow Citizen:

I am writing you as a very concerned citizen about the massive spending of our governments, state and federal. Our country is in very serious trouble and we are headed for worse trouble, or at best, continued recessive economic conditions unless we change how our taxes are spent.

The evidence is all around us. California is very near complete financial collapse. Several states such as California, Florida, Nevada and others have property taxes so high that they have stopped the construction industry and that industry is one of the keys to economic growth in the states and this country. With that, the states collect less revenue and the cycle becomes difficult to stop. This time, that cycle may not be stopped. Add to all the state problems is a federal government that just keeps printing money. If we get out of this recession, and that is not guaranteed, we will be faced with years of very serious inflation.

A large step we all can take is stopping the WASTEFUL spending many politicians are in love with. They have a belief it is their political duty to get as much as they can for their voting district. In fact, the worst of these politicians get much more than their share and most of the time it is for pet projects, usually with their names attached to some building, and the project, itself, has little merit. Add to that are politicians with long careers at their post, which gains them power, and many times the leaders of powerful committees. Benjamin Franklin warned us of politicians who are rewarded with great wealth that will garner them power and which will lead to corruption. Now, we find ourselves at that point with many of those politicians.

You have been a generous donor of politicians in the past. But some of those politicians are among those who have been graded as a “Wasteful Spender” by more than one non-partisan group that watches government spending. Helping our favorite candidates gain office by rewarding them with your hard earned political donations is part of the American political system that makes this country great and we all commend you in your generous giving to great leaders in the past. But giving donations to “Bad” Wasteful Spenders is rewarding bad behavior and is hurting this country seriously. Your donations to them are counterproductive for all of us. Your donations are creating higher taxes for all the rest of us in order to fund those wasteful projects. Your donations are causing unemployment and people losing their homes. We are simply asking you to not give campaign donations to those politicians that have proven they will waste our tax money. We are your family, neighbors, employees and friends. Why hurt us?

I am giving you a web site that will make it easy to see who those politicians are: The National Taxpayers Union. Just page down 2 or 3 pages and find the politician and what grade they have been given. I would ask you not give to any politicians that have received a grade of “D” or “F.”

If you really like that politician and feel you still want to donate to their campaign because of their other qualities, ask them to sign the “No Earmark Pledge” that many Members of Congress have already signed. Then, we all win.

Please give to worthy candidates only. There are plenty of worthy candidates. We are just asking you to think of us when you give to them.

Tea Party Action Group

Another Sample Letter. It might well be worth calling the company to insure the correct address first. You will need to read through and change the name "Microsoft" and the list of donations. The next letter needs nothing changed, just copy and send.

Microsoft phone number:425-882-8080


16011 NE 36th Way Box 97017

Redmond WA 98073

Dear Sir/Madam;

I am writing you as anAmerican veteranand a member of several Tea Party organizations concerned about the recent massive spending by the U.S. government. Our stance and belief is this great country, of which we are all citizens, cannot continue with the unbridled spending by the federal government, which is happening now. There is a limit to what our federal government can spend and allow its' citizens to continue to prosper and we think we are quickly passing that limit.We are now in the critical zone. I am writing you because I think your company is complicit in this destruction, albeit done with good intentions though selfish and shortsighted.

Your company is and has been very generous with political donations to sitting members of congress. For years, Americans of both major parties have begged for term limits. But term limits laws would have to be made by those, which would be displaced in their jobs by those laws, so it does not happen. Money corrupts and our founding fathers warned us of creating a congress that becomes wealthy and, thus, corruptible (Benjamin Franklin). Because of your company and others like you, which generously give to many incumbent politicians, other worthy candidates are out spent on campaigns by numbers easily reaching 10, 20, 50 times more than the challenger, but justas worthya politician. Thus making a very unfair playing field and without term limits, which will normally, eventually lead to corruption. With term limits, I hope we could eventually get to campaign finance reform that would not allow companies like yours to give tocongressional district campaign contributions. Our great county has many natural resources and it is certainly not lacking in intellectual greatness. Won't you please give our country a better chance of flowering?

I know your company is coerced year after year from politicians asking for political donations.I am not askingyou not to give any campaign contributions. But some of those same politicians waste tax revenue paid by you, me and all of your employees on very wasteful programs. That wasted money could and should be spent more responsibly.Or simply reduce all of our taxes to allow all of us to prosper more. Fortunately there are many non-partisan organizations that grade politicians on wasteful spending. I am asking you to please not donate to politicians that have a poor grade on wasteful spending. One non-partisan organization that grades members of congress on wasteful spending is the National Taxpayers Union

For example, your company donated $17,250 to Florida U.S. Congressman Robert Wexler for the 2008 campaign and Mr. Wexler gets a grade of "F" from the National Taxpayers Union. Again, your company is very generous. There is also a voluntary effort floating around congress whereby members make a pledge not to make ANY appropriations (pork) requests.Obviously, Congressman Wexler's name is not on that list. Companies like yours that give generously to members of congress that, in turn, waste American citizens' tax payments is counter productive, and in my opinion, unpatriotic. Is Microsoft anti-American? Then why promote the destruction of the United States by financially supporting members of congress that are moving our country toward oblivion? There are other choices. There are better choices. Is Microsoft so shortsighted, so shallow not to look ahead to see what your efforts do to your neighbors and fellow citizens?

I am asking you, begging you and your company not to contribute to political candidates that have a poor record of being responsible with the spending of all Americans tax payments.Today, Americans are hurting like most have never experienced. Yet congress passes a historically massive spending bill without even reading it. How much is Microsoft to blame for that? I know Congressman Wexler voted for it. In fact all on the big spender list below voted for it.

I am asking you and your company not to give political contributions to political candidates that have not signed on to the "No Earmark Pledge" or have a grade of "D" or "F" by the National Taxpayers' Union on wasteful spending. Some of those of which Microsoft gave to for the 2008 campaign, have agrade of "D" or "F" and have not pledge to curtail Appropriations spendinginclude the following:


Baucus, Max (D-MT) / Senate / $15,225
Leahy, Patrick (D-VT) / Senate / $12,750
Harkin, Tom (D-IA) / Senate / $12,000
Murray, Patty (D-WA) / Senate / $11,000
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) / Senate / $10,000
Inslee, Jay R (D-WA) / House / $27,650
Crowley, Joseph (D-NY) / House / $19,750
Wexler, Robert (D-FL) / House / $17,250
Smith, Adam (D-WA) / House / $17,100
Larsen, Rick (D-WA) / House / $12,100
Baird, Brian (D-WA) / House / $10,100
Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA) / House / $10,000

Obviously, the above are all Democrats. Democrats are many times (5,10 to 20) more big spenders than Republicans.I could not find a single Republican high on your list of receiving contributions and also being a big wasteful spender of taxpayer money.

Again, I am pleading with you to help save our country. Send a message to wasteful spenders. If you have a hard time resisting, ask them to sign the Pledge for NO Earmark spending before you contribute. Tell them you are being pressured by many patriots that, today,use Microsoft products at home and business.

And I am asking you to please reply to this letter so I can, hopefully, tell my patriot friends that we now have a newfriend in Microsoft. And in the spirit of American politics, we would be very pleased if you could please make a contribution to our campaign in asking other generous businesses to also curtail their unpatriotic financial support to wasteful members of congress. We can modify their behavior with a little tough love. We will all benefit.

Thank you for reading this long plea,

Tea Party Action Group

National Taxpayers Union Congressional Ratings

110th Congress • 2nd Session 2008



Cramer, R...... F...... 8%

Davis, A...... F...... 9%


Giffords, G...... F...... 19%

Grijalva, R...... F...... 15%

Pastor, E...... F...... 10%


Berry, M...... F...... 6%

Ross, M...... F...... 7%

Snyder, V...... F...... 7%


Baca, J...... F...... 11%

Becerra, X...... F...... 13%

Berman, H...... F...... 7%

Capps, L...... F...... 6%

Cardoza, D...... F...... 9%

Costa, J...... F...... 7%

Davis, S...... F...... 6%

Eshoo, A...... F...... 8%

Farr, S...... F...... 5%

Filner, B...... F...... 22%

Harman, J...... F...... 13%

Honda, M...... F...... 5%

Lee, B...... F...... 14%

Lofgren, Z...... F...... 5%

Matsui, D...... F...... 6%

McNerney, J...... F...... 9%

Miller, George...... F...... 6%

Napolitano, G...... F...... 15%

Pelosi, N...... N.A. ..N.A.**

Richardson, L...... F...... 6%

Roybal-Allard, L...... F...... 15%

Sánchez, Linda...... F...... 15%

Sanchez, Loretta ...... F...... 19%

Schiff, A...... F...... 13%

Sherman, B...... F...... 17%

Solis, H...... F...... 10%

Speier, J...... F ...... 7%*

Stark, P...... D.....27%

Tauscher, E...... F...... 9%

Thompson, M...... F...... 13%

Waters, M...... F...... 7%

Watson, D...... F...... 12%

Waxman, H...... F...... 11%

Woolsey, L...... F...... 16%


DeGette, D...... F...... 7%

Perlmutter, E...... F...... 7%

Salazar, J...... F...... 14%

Udall, M...... F...... 17%


Courtney, J...... F...... 17%

DeLauro, R...... F...... 6%

Larson, J...... F...... 2%

Murphy, C...... F...... 9%


Brown, C...... F...... 5%

Castor, K...... F...... 16%

Hastings, A...... F...... 5%

Klein, R...... F...... 8%

Mahoney, T...... F...... 10%

Meek, K...... F...... 5%

Wasserman Schultz, D. ..F...... 5%

Wexler, R...... F...... 6%


Bishop, S...... F...... 5%

Johnson, H...... F...... 15%

Lewis, J...... F...... 13%

Marshall, J...... F...... 22%

Scott, D...... F...... 9%


Abercrombie, N...... F...... 9%

Hirono, M...... F...... 10%


Bean, M...... F...... 25%

Costello, J...... F...... 15%

Davis, D...... F...... 8%

Emanuel, R...... F...... 5%

Foster, B...... F...... 14%

Gutierrez, L...... F...... 6%

Hare, P...... F...... 5%

Jackson Jr., J...... F...... 12%

LaHood, R...... F...... 25%

Lipinski, D...... F...... 17%


Carson, A...... F...... 12%

Donnelly, J...... F...... 16%

Ellsworth, B...... F...... 15%

Hill, B...... F...... 22%

Visclosky, P...... F...... 16%


Boswell, L...... F...... 6%

Braley, B...... F...... 12%

Loebsack, D...... F...... 6%


Boyda, N...... F...... 18%

Moore, D...... F...... 6%


Chandler, B...... F...... 15%

Yarmuth, J...... F...... 13%

Cazayoux, D...... F .....24%*

Jefferson, W...... F...... 16%

Melancon, C...... F...... 8%


Allen, T...... F...... 8%

Michaud, M...... F...... 20%


Cummings, E...... F...... 10%

Gilchrest, W...... F...... 25%

Hoyer, S...... F...... 4%

Ruppersberger, C...... F...... 5%

Sarbanes, J...... F...... 6%

Van Hollen, C...... F...... 7%


Capuano, M...... F...... 13%

Delahunt, W...... F...... 16%

Frank, B...... F...... 6%

Lynch, S...... F...... 15%

Markey, E...... F...... 7%

McGovern, J...... F...... 6%

Neal, R...... F...... 4%

Olver, J...... F...... 6%

Tierney, J...... F...... 13%

Tsongas, N...... F...... 5%


Conyers, J...... F...... 17%

Dingell, J...... F...... 7%

Kildee, D...... F...... 5%

Kilpatrick, C...... F...... 10%

Levin, S...... F...... 4%

Stupak, B...... F...... 17%


Ellison, K...... F...... 8%

McCollum, B...... F...... 5%

Oberstar, J...... F...... 6%

Peterson, C...... F...... 21%

Walz, T...... F...... 20%


Taylor, G...... F...... 20%

Thompson, B...... F...... 15%


Carnahan, R...... F...... 7%

Clay, W...... F...... 15%

Cleaver, E...... F...... 9%

Skelton, I...... F...... 6%


Berkley, S...... F...... 12%


Hodes, P...... F...... 18%

Shea-Porter, C...... F...... 18%


Andrews, R...... F...... 6%

Holt, R...... F...... 8%

Pallone, F...... F...... 7%

Pascrell, B...... F...... 12%

Payne, D...... F...... 17%

Rothman, S...... F...... 17%

Sires, A...... F...... 5%


Udall, T...... F...... 17%


Ackerman, G...... F...... 5%

Arcuri, M...... F...... 8%

Bishop, T...... F...... 7%

Clarke, Y...... F...... 8%

Crowley, J...... F...... 6%

Engel, E...... F...... 5%

Gillibrand, K...... F...... 21%

Hall, J...... F...... 8%

Higgins, B...... F...... 7%

Hinchey, M...... F...... 15%

Israel, S...... F...... 7%

Lowey, N...... F...... 6%

Maloney, C...... F...... 6%

McCarthy, C...... F...... 7%

McNulty, M...... F...... 4%

Meeks, G...... F...... 6%

Nadler, J...... F...... 4%

Rangel, C...... F...... 5%

Serrano, J...... F...... 17%

Slaughter, L...... F...... 5%

Towns, E...... F...... 6%

Velazquez, N...... F...... 7%

Weiner, A...... F...... 5%


Butterfield, G...... F...... 18%

Etheridge, B...... F...... 6%

Miller, B...... F...... 6%

Price, D...... F...... 6%

Watt, M...... F...... 5%


Pomeroy, E...... F...... 6%


Kaptur, M...... F...... 17%

Kucinich, D...... F...... 25%

Ryan, T...... F...... 4%

Schmidt, J...... B- ....64%

Space, Z...... F...... 5%

Sutton, B...... F...... 11%


Boren, D...... F...... 16%


Blumenauer, E...... F...... 24%

DeFazio, P...... F...... 22%

Hooley, D...... F...... 4%

Wu, D...... F...... 13%


Altmire, J...... F...... 21%

Brady, R...... F...... 5%

Carney, C...... F...... 18%

Doyle, M...... F...... 5%

Fattah, C...... F...... 6%

Holden, T...... F...... 18%

Kanjorski, P...... F...... 7%

Murphy, P...... F...... 12%

Murtha, J...... F...... 7%

Schwartz, A...... F...... 7%

Sestak, J...... F...... 7%


Kennedy, P...... F...... 6%

Langevin, J...... F...... 7%


Clyburn, J...... F...... 4%

Spratt, J...... F...... 6%


Herseth Sandlin, S...... F...... 22%


Cohen, S...... F...... 5%

Davis, L...... F...... 16%

Gordon, B...... F...... 6%

Tanner, J...... F...... 5%


Cuellar, H...... F...... 14%

Doggett, L...... F...... 18%

Edwards, C...... F...... 6%

Gonzalez, C...... F...... 8%

Green, A...... F...... 10%

Green, G...... F...... 20%

Hinojosa, R...... F...... 9%

Jackson-Lee, S...... F...... 12%

Johnson, E...... F...... 5%

Ortiz, S...... F...... 16%

Reyes, S...... F...... 8%

Rodriguez, C...... F...... 22%


Welch, P...... F...... 13%


Boucher, R...... F...... 7%

Moran, J...... F...... 7%

Scott, B...... F...... 15%


Baird, B...... F...... 7%

Dicks, N...... F...... 6%

Inslee, J...... F...... 22%

Larsen, R...... F...... 7%

McDermott, J...... F...... 19%

Smith, A...... F...... 16%


Mollohan, A...... F...... 6%

Rahall, N...... F...... 11%


Baldwin, T...... F...... 7%

Kagen, S...... F...... 20%

Kind, R...... F...... 16%

Moore, G...... F...... 16%

Obey, D...... F...... 6%



Lincoln, B...... F...... 13%

Pryor, M...... F...... 6%


Boxer, B...... F...... 3%

Feinstein, D...... F...... 3%


Salazar, K...... F...... 5%


Dodd, C...... F...... 4%

Lieberman, J...... F...... 6%


Biden, J...... F...... 2%

Carper, T...... F...... 8%


Nelson, B...... F...... 15%


Akaka, D...... F...... 3%

Inouye, D...... F...... 3%


Durbin, R...... F...... 4%


Bayh, E...... F...... 15%


Harkin, T...... F...... 4%


Snowe, O...... F...... 12%


Cardin, B...... F...... 4%

Mikulski, B ...... F...... 2%


Kerry, J...... F...... 4%


Levin, C ...... F...... 3%

Stabenow, D...... F...... 15%


Klobuchar, A...... F...... 4%


McCaskill, C...... F...... 11%


Baucus, M...... F...... 11%


Nelson, B...... F...... 9%


Reid, H...... F...... 15%


Lautenberg, F...... F...... 2%

Menendez, R...... F...... 2%


Bingaman, J...... F...... 4%


Clinton, H...... F...... 4%*

Schumer, C...... F...... 2%


Conrad, K...... F...... 5%


Brown, S...... F...... 8%


Casey, B...... F...... 3%


Reed, J...... F...... 11%

Whitehouse, S...... F...... 10%


Leahy, P...... F...... 4%


Webb, J...... F...... 3%


Murray, P...... F...... 3%


Byrd, R...... F...... 9%

Rockefeller, J...... F...... 3%


Kohl, H...... F...... 5%



Aderholt, R...... B .....65%

Bonner, J...... B- ....60%


Flake, J...... A.....98%

Franks, T...... A.....93%

Shadegg, J...... A.....84%



Bilbray, B...... B .....73%

Calvert, K...... B .....66%

Campbell, J...... A.....81%

Doolittle, J...... B .....74%

Dreier, D...... B- ....63%

Gallegly, E...... B .....67%

Herger, W...... B .....67%

Hunter, D...... B .....71%

Issa, D...... A.....81%

Lewis, J...... B- ....63%

Lungren, D...... B .....65%

McCarthy, K...... B+ ...77%

McKeon, H...... B .....67%

Miller, Gary ...... B .....65%

Nunes, D...... A.....80%

Radanovich, G...... B- ....64%

Rohrabacher, D...... A.....82%

Royce, E...... A.....88%


Lamborn, D...... A.....90%

Musgrave, M...... B .....70%

Tancredo, T...... B+ ...77%


State Average ...... 14%



Bilirakis, G...... B- ....63%

Brown-Waite, G...... B- ....62%

Crenshaw, A...... B- ....64%

Feeney, T...... A.....84%

Keller, R...... B .....69%

Mack, C...... A.....83%

Mica, J...... B+ ...79%

Miller, J...... A.....86%

Stearns, C ...... A.....82%

Weldon, D...... B .....71%

Young, B...... B .....69%


Broun, P ...... A.....93%

Deal, N...... A.....83%

Gingrey, P...... B+ ...77%

Kingston, J...... B+ ...79%

Linder, J...... A.....87%

Price, T...... A.....85%

Westmoreland, L...... A.....84%

State Average ...... 52%


State Average ...... 9%


Sali, W...... A.....80%

State Average ...... 65%


Manzullo, D...... B .....68%

Roskam, P...... B+ ...78%

Shimkus, J...... B .....68%

State Average ...... 31%


Burton, D...... A.....82%

Buyer, S...... B- ....64%

Pence, M...... A.....88%

State Average ...... 41%


King, S...... B+ ...79%

Latham, T...... B- ....60%

State Average ...... 33%


Moran, J...... B .....72%

Tiahrt, T...... B .....71%

State Average ...... 41%


Davis, G...... B .....70%

Rogers, H...... B- ....60%

Whitfield, E...... B- ....61%

State Average ...... 46%


Alexander, R...... B- ....62%

McCrery, J...... B .....65%

Scalise, S...... B+ ...79%*

State Average ...... 43%


State Average ...... 14%


Bartlett, R...... B .....72%

State Average ...... 18%



Hoekstra, P...... B .....65%

Rogers, M...... B- ....63%

Walberg, T...... B .....67%

State Average ...... 37%


Bachmann, M...... A.....81%

Kline, J...... B- ....61%

State Average ...... 31%



Akin, T...... A.....84%

Blunt, R...... B .....66%

Graves, S...... B- ....61%

Hulshof, K...... B .....71%*

State Average ...... 39%


Rehberg, D...... B- ....60%


Smith, A...... B+ ...75%

Terry, L...... B .....69%

State Average ...... 67%


Heller, D...... B .....67%

State Average ...... 35%