Susquehanna Brittany Club
October 3, 2008 Club Meeting
Election of Officers
At 7:30 p.m. October 3rd, 2008 at the York Pointer and Setter Club Rossville, Pa., the Annual Meeting of the Susquehanna Brittany Club was called to order by club President, Bob Youngs of Mechanicsburg, Pa. Club members present for this meeting were:
Judy CohenCindy Miller
Barb YoungsBob Youngs
Dan ReinSteve Laughterbauch
Dennis GreenMarilyn Fenicle
Joan WarshefskiLou Polozzolla
(a total of 10 members present at the meeting)
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Dennis Green. These had been sent out to all club members following the last meeting and thus a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes are read as there were no corrections or additions.
Dennis Green gave the following report:
Our balance as of June 8th, 2008, the date of our last meeting was $4786.42. Since the last club meeting several checks had been written to cover all expenses related to club business. He highlighted a few of the bigger payments for the clubs interest.
They are as follows:
Prepaid Judges Gifts for upcoming trials $477.00
Membership awards for club members$711.18
Specialty Show expenses$142.47
Club Web Site setup and years maintenance$360.00
In addition to these major expenses Dennis also acknowledged a donation to the club by Lou Polozzolla of $250.00 that was to be used to help defray the cost of set up of the clubs web site.
Our bank balance as of October, 3rd, 2008 without any other incomes or expenses was $3544.49 in our account. Since the statement Dennis has received money from Nita Knee KC for $98.65, Memberships paid to club for a total of $70.00. With these additional amounts we have as of today a grand total of $3713.14 in the check book. Dennis made it clear that this total did not reflect any of the money for the field trial that began today.
A few questions about amounts received and who and what they were for followed and were all explained by Dennis and Cindy Miller in regard to the Nita Knee check about the show and Dan Rein about what the judges gifts were. All were very happy with what they heard and saw.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report.
First order of old business was to provide two hard working club members with club awards of Susquehanna Brittany Club hooded jackets.
Cindy Miller has been a hard working member of the club for a number of years now, pulling the club’s shows together as our Show Coordinator. Judy Cohen has helped Cindy with the show in getting awards, trophies and in general with all that Cindy needed help with at the show as her right hand person. Both ladies have helped us keep the Dual Dog part of the club alive as we do not really have anybody else in the club that is able to do the work of these two tireless women.
This club award jacket is bright green with our club logo on the front of it. These jackets are awarded to members that work at three of the four club events we have each year and attend at least two meeting a year. These jackets are something we hope folks wear with pride as they are a symbol of the clubs appreciation for those that work theentire event, start to finish and support the club’s political process. These jackets can not be bought so the only one’s that get to wear them are those folks that work to earn them. We hope more will be wearing our club jackets this coming year.
The July Specialty Show had 55 entered, which meant we had a well supported entry. However, with that said the structure of our agreement with Nita Knee left us with a loss of approximately $211.82. This loss included the donations of the folks from our spring 2008 field trial of $90.00. Cindy took time to explain how running the show with Nita Knee is not one to make lots of money if we are lucky but rather a way to have our show and ease some of the needs and possible greater expenses of our club. She took time to thank Dan Rein, Marilyn Fenicle, Lou and Karen Polozzolla for their help in working the hospitality portion of the show by having coffee, drinks and doughnuts etc. for all of the show participants. Our club members worked the crowd, thanking all that came for their support of the show and made those entered feel welcome. Something our club is becoming known for in all circles of the country. Cindy also in her report thanked Judy Cohen for her work as Trophy Chairperson, as this takes a lot of work off of Cindy’s shoulders. It was also announced that Judy would do the Trophy Chairpersons job for the next show but after that we would need to find somebody else to take over this job Judy has done for more then 10 years.
(We all thanked Judy for her work and let her know that she is appreciated for all she has done to help the club.)
At this time the report asks that anybody that might be interested in taking the job as Trophy Chair for the Specialty Show please contact Cindy Miller or one of the Officer’s of the club to put your name in for this job.
Dan Rein reported a profit of $879.90 for the spring 2008 Field Trial held on the same grounds we were using this fall. The spring trial was a two day trial held in March. Dan thanked all that had helped and reported that there were many that had seen us on the circuit since our spring trial. They applauded the well run, fairness and fun of our trial. This is always a good thing to hear compliments from those that come. One of the things that we get compliments on is our Happy Hour/Pot Luck dinner that Marilyn Fenicle works so hard on along with other ladies and men from the club. Marilyn made mention that she welcomed any and all helpers.
Our fall field trial is in progress right now with one day done. Dan thanked all that had helped today and those that were pledged to help throughout the rest of the weekend. With this three day trial we hope to make about what we did in the spring. Dan also informed us that the spring trial of 2009 will be the second full weekend in March and any ideas or help that can be offered are welcome.
This discussion generated much excitement for what we hope will be a way to share information amongst club members and the general public. By request of web site owner, Bob Youngs has taken over the project and Helen Riggle will assist Bob. Bob had brought with him some large 30” X 48” color posters of the pages we had set up since the June meeting. The web site is not complete yet so these were presented so members could see how the layout was coming and if anybody has suggestions on what they thought would make it better.
Bob asked the club members at the meeting if they would like to use this web site as a primary source of communication and a way to further the clubs information base to them. Bob then presented the ideas of a password protected Club Member’s Page. This page would only be available to those people that were actual club members and with the password we hoped that we could keep private club information such as bank information private.
There was a good deal of discussion about the entire web site and most all was very positive. Following the discussion a motion was made and seconded to vote on the private club member page. It was an ALL YES vote, so the motion passed and we will have a private page for our member’s eyes only. Bob cautioned that this sort of page is good only as long as nobody gives out the password. Our hope with this page is to keep club members better informed and have a place to look up club newsletters, club minutes and whatever information they might not have at their fingertips such as the bank balance or what motions were made and other club information.
Bob Youngs and Dan Rein both gave the club notice of phone calls to each of them from John Chokran. John had questioned the standard operating procedure of this club as it related to the 1st Vice President being the Field Trial Chairman. It was explained that the Field Trial Chair was an appointed position and not an elected position. It has been this way for more then the past 35 years of this club. The President of the club always has appointed folks that were willing to take the job and history dictated that the 1st Vice President also accepted the Field Trial Chairman’s job.
John was confused thinking the Field Trial Chairman was an elected job rather then an appointment. After hearing from both Dan and Bob that the election of the Vice President was acceptance of the Field Trial Chairman’s job, John informed both Dan Rein and Bob Youngs that he did not want to have his name on the ballot for the election today. He further informed both Dan Rein and Bob Youngs that he no longer wanted to be a part of the Susquehanna Brittany Club. He wanted no information and no contact with any of the club at all and to withdraw his name. The conversation on John’s part was very vigorous and left no doubt that John no longer wanted to be a part of the club and that in the interest of the harmony of the club we have taken John off the ballot for the office of 1st Vice President. John had accepted the nomination at the time of the June meeting. The nomination was given by Dan Rein’s nomination committee, which John was a working member of, with his acceptance given at that time to them. Now, he was removing himself from the election and all club matters, information and activity.
No new business was brought before the club so we proceeded directly to the club election. Officers according to the new by-laws and constitution will be elected to 3 year terms and the BOD will be set for 2 year terms so we have overlapping leadership in the club.
Cindy Miller and Helen Riggle
Since there was no opposition for the nominated candidates the secretary cast one vote to accept the slate of officers as presented. All yes, and election was complete.
Since there was no other new business the motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. All yes, and meeting ended at 8:30 p.m. Friday night at the York Pointer and Setter Club, Rossville, Pa.
Respectfully submitted
Dennis Green, Secretary.