`New Zealand Trailer Yacht Association
Council meeting
Minutes of the New Zealand Trailer Yacht Association Council meeting.
Heldat the Offices of C&G Rothbury Insurance brokers, 36 Kelvin Street Invercargill at 3.00pmSaturday 10th December 2005.
WelcomeMick welcomed all to the Council meeting of the NZTYA.
PresentMick Tait, Doug Thompson, Keith Hollick, Nigel Lancaster, Lee Jordan, Bruce Keen, Colin McDonald.
Mac McIntosh phone link.
ApologiesBrad Scott. Keith Hollick/Bruce Keen
MinutesMinutes of the NZTYA Council meeting, 30 July 2005 were read and conformed.
Keith Hollick/Nigel Lancaster
Matters ArisingSailing Regattas,
NZTYANorthIsland Champs Taupo Easter 2005.
NZTYA South Island Champs Te Anau Easter 2005.
AMR 2006 Invercargill 22 July 2006?????????
CorrespondanceNumerous E Mails in and out. Issues with recording/finding/filing E mails in NZTYA site.
Colin McDonald.
Bank statements to be posted direct to the treasurer.
Doug Thompson.
Financial ReportFull report presented and attached.
Doug Thompson/Nigel Lancaster.
NZTYA subs to be sent to member clubs early 2006.
NZTYA reports to be sent to Incorporated Societies.
Doug Thompson
Sailing Events.Nationals. Do the Nationals have a future with NZTYA? If the Nationals are run, then it is OK to run them with out following the YNZ guide lines. YNZ guide lines can be used if needed.
Standards. What standards are required to/for a National, South Island, NorthIsland event.
Race Officer must be of the standard to align with the event, ie National event must have a national Race Officer.
Protest Committee Convener must be of the standard to align with the event, ie National event must have a National Protest Committee Convener
National, South-NorthIsland events Regatta package to be developed.
Brad Scott
Lowry Bay Yacht Club OK to run the 2007 Nationals? What is/are the clubs current expectations?
Colin McDonald
Should NZTYA Nationals and all member Class Associations meet for one large regatta? Some Class Associations have decided that they will run their events on their own.
Future option of running both South Island and NorthIsland championships at one central venue. NorthIsland’s at LakeTaupo at Easter and South Island’s at LakeAvimore at Labour weekend.
Both North and South Island Championships confirmed OK at LakeTaupo and Lake Te Anau.
Trailer Yacht definition
Wording for 2006 remit to be finalised.
Mick Tait.
NZTYA National Body Future Direction
Concern was expressed about the future direction of the national body.
An option is to have a composite team made up from more than one region.
Suggestion that contact be made with Graeme Moffat?, Commodore 2005-2005 was David Anderson, Naval Point Yacht Club, Christchurch with an option of sharing the next move in 2007.
Mick Tait.
NZTYA Constitution
All available copies of the constitution to be gathered together, with any minuted changes and a ‘final current’ version to be posted.
Lee Jordan/Doug Thompson
Contact to be made with YNZ and a current YNZ/NZTYA agreement to me reached.
Mick Tait/Lee Jordan
Farr Association
An extract from the Farr Association magazine was tabled. This related to the F6000 handicaps for Jib and Genoa. Not very complimentary to either Brad or the NZTYA.
NZTYA Secretary, E Mailed Michael Fursdon, Farr Secretary, who passed on to the Authors and no reply was received before the NZTYA meeting.
John Wilks, Farr owner, did not support the article.
Lee Jordan will support Brad Scott in seeking a resolution to the issue.
Initial contact to be made with Farr Association by NZTYA Secretary as Brad currently overseas by.
Colin McDonald
National Magazine
Copy for next publication is almost ready and will go to the printers by 20th December.
Photos should have small description, who, where.
Full list of Office Bearers and member Clubs to be included in all future magazines.
NorthIsland team very complimentary of the magazine content and standard.
Bruce Keen
Affiliation of ex member clubs.
Tauranga Elliot 5.9 fleet to be contacted re current position.
Lee Jordan.
New Plymouth and Napier yacht Clubs to be contacted re rejoining.
Nigel Lancaster
Napier Yacht Club
Letter to be sent to Napier Yacht Club outlining the reasons for the existence of the NZTYA body. NZTYA need to be out there and spread the Aims and Objectives.
YNZ Have a Go programme
NZTY full supports this programme and its aims’
General Round up
Could Taupo be the home of a future NorthIsland vice President?
Errors in the 2005 AMR minutes can not be fixed ’till the 2006 AMR.
Rule J applies to Sports Boats not Trailer Yachts.
Office Bearer’s additions and changes to be recorded in the new updated constitution.
Lee Jordan/Doug Thompson
YNZ’s new look web site has what appears to be a corrupted Trailer Yacht register Data Base. Contact to be made with YNZ. NZTYA link via YNZ appears to be through the YNZ cruising link. Hard to find and connect to,
Lee Jordan
Paradise wed site hard to operate. Advise/help from Brad/Nigel.
NZTYA Documents to stay with current Secretary and be moved on each two years.
Three Divisions. Each with
-Gold for Line Honours.
-Gold for First on handicap.
-Silver for Second on handicap.
-Bronze for Third on Handicap.
Twelve medals for each of the Nationals, NorthIsland and South Island Regattas. Check with local supplier.
NZTYA Logo on the front and Event and location, year on the reverse side.
Check with Mike Coupe at Evans Bay Wellington for Trophies and containers.
Colin McDonald
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 5.15pm.