Approved SEC Meeting Minutes

IEEE, Piscataway, NJ

12 December 2013


Yatin Trivedi

Kishik Park

Jeff Handal

Amin Karim

James Irvine

David Law


Samantha Bradley

Jennifer McClain

Susan Tatiner

Alex Torres

John Tehan

Jill Bagley

Steve Welch

Robert Ivan

Martha Tejada


1. Call to Order (Trivedi)
2. Introductions (Trivedi)
3. Approval of Agenda (Trivedi)
4. Approval of Draft Minutes from 19 Nov 2013(Trivedi)
5. Strategic Planning (Alex Torres)
6. Working Lunch
**Rwanda National Science Education (Moira Paterson/Sri Chandra)
7. Standards Education eZine(McClain/Trivedi)
a. Stats Update
b. Breakdown by issue
8. 2014 Workshop, Outreach & Speaking Opportunities(McClain/Trivedi)
9. Creating Video Content(Tatiner/McClain)
a. Working with on standards series
11. Standards University New Initiative(Tatiner/McClain)
12. Standards Grants Update(McClain)
13. Updated Grant Application Instructions(Trivedi/McClain)
14. Revised student application #178
15. 2013 Goals Review and 2014 Plans (McClain/Trivedi)
16. Date for next teleconference (Trivedi)
17. Adjourn

Meeting Minutes

  1. YatinTrivedi called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM Eastern.
  2. All participants introduced themselves.
  3. The draft agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
  4. Jeff Handal made a motion to approve the draft minutes from 19 November 2013. Amin seconded. Motion was approved by unanimous consent.
  5. Alex Torres introduced the strategic planning exercises and participants were broken into two groups. The two groups worked on several exercises analyzing the standards education environment. Alex Torres will compile the key factors identified during the session and the results will be reported back to the SEC in early 2014. SEC participants agreed that it was a good and productive session and committee members would like to continue the work in 2014. Action: Jennifer and Alex to follow up.
  6. Moira Paterson and Sri Chandra from Standards Association reported that they met several people recently at a Conference in Rwanda from the Rwanda Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education is starting to revise its science education curriculum for secondary students.
  7. Moira and Sri will send to Jennifer a summary of the opportunities and coordinate with TaraWisnewski. Jennifer to send the information to Burt Dicht and Doug Gorham to and make sure those with interest are notified of the activities.
  8. Moira has shared this information with Tara Wisnewski and she is interested in maybe coordinating activities through the IEEE Africa initiatives.
  9. The standards education grants are open to secondary school students and there is a joint IEEE-Microsoft Standards Education Grant program available just for students in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  10. Jennifer and Yatin presented up to date statistics on the eZine issues. Details are on the attached presentation to agenda item 7.
  11. Trend seems to be that eZine issues specific to technical topics do better than the others. Communities that care about standards are interested in technical topics.
  12. Robert Ivan indicated that the SA has lots of data from their sites that can help us predict hot topics and other types of information.He will send us a spreadsheet with the breakdown to help us identify trends. He will also help us with better targeted marketing for future issues.
  13. Yatin suggested that we push it out to the associated societies related to our topic. Samantha will send contacts to Jennifer.
  14. For the next issue of the eZine, topics discussed were:
  15. IoT
  16. IEEE activities and some SA standards activities
  17. David/Yatin could ask Constantinos to contribute an article
  18. Automotive Ethernet
  19. Cloud Computing
  20. Internet Governance/Web Privacy
  21. Amin suggested that we add an item that runs in each issue Called “Real World Applications” to an engineering problem.
  22. Send out a call for articles.
  23. Mid-to-late February will be the next issue.
  24. IoT and Internet Governance were preferred topics.
  25. Set up eZinecall right after 1st of year to decide on the topic and recruit contributors.
  26. Amin will write the first Real World Applications article.
  27. Susan presented the draft video made by the SA and CNIS. Video will be freely available.
  28. Video is 17 minutes long and can be used for the classroom.
  29. Could be edited and broken down into pieces.
  30. David noted that the video does not mention inter-operability standards. This topic shouldbe incorporated as one of the major messages in another video.
  31. Group agreed that the video was good.
  32. May be of interest for Engineers Week and for showing it in high schools as part of the STEM message.
  33. We could include a link to the video as background to the Standards Education Lesson Plan. Action Item: Jennifer
  34. Susan and Jennifer will be working with to create a series of videos, including with SASB volunteers to cover various areas of technology, case studies, IPR, standards development, etc.
  35. We are talking about creating a Standards Education Channel on
  36. David suggested walking around with a camera and pointing out all of the standards in part of daily life.
  37. Standards inside your home, inside the car, inside the office, etc.
  38. Need to include more video content for the eZine.
  39. Can be hosted on the SA You Tube channel.
  40. Jennifer to set up ad-hoc call for to finalize video series
  41. Chip Design video will be included.
  42. IPv6 from Jeffry Handal.
  43. Add David to ad hoc.
  44. Susan presented the information about the NIC proposal for IEEE Standards University. See presentation attached to agenda item #11.
  45. An SEC ad-hoc was formed to help complete the draft plan. Ad-hoc members are: Yatin, James, Jeff, David.
  46. Group liked the proposal and had several suggestions including:
  47. Maybe positioning it as a seed grant.
  48. Will need to look at our overall budget so when we present to the NIC we can address how to sustain the activities going forward.
  49. NSF funding.
  50. Group reviewed the changes to the Student Application Grant Form and instructions. The 2014 Student Application and Instructions were approved.
  51. Consideration of student application #178:
  52. SEC votes no. Project is using off-the-shelf modules. There is no explanation of how the standard will be implemented. The application of the standard is clear, but not the implementation. Jennifer: refer to new text in grant application as the explanation and notify the student.
  53. Jennifer reviewed the progress on the SEC’s 2013 (and 2012) goals. See spreadsheet attached to item #15 of agenda.
  54. Action item: Susan and Jennifer to create definitions of standards education and circulate.
  55. SEC members selected the date of Tuesday, January 28th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, for the next teleconference.
  56. Yatin’s term as an SEC member is expiring so he will not be standing for Chair in 2014. James Irvine has agreed to stand for the Chair’s position. The election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for the SEC will happen during the first teleconference in 2014.
  57. Meeting was adjourned.

Summary of Action Items:

1)Alex Torres, Jennifer McClain: Compile the key factors identified during the strategic planning session and report back to the SEC in early 2014.

2)Moira: Send Jennifer background information on the Rwanda Ministry of Educationrevising its science education curriculum for secondary students. Jennifer to pass information along to EA colleagues, including Doug.

3)Jennifer: Set up eZine Editorial Board call for early January.

4)Jennifer: Set up ad-hoc call for to finalize video series. Ad-hoc members: Jeff, Yatin, David, Jennifer.

5)Jennifer: Set up Standards University Ad-hoc call for January. Ad-hoc members: Yatin, James, Jeff, David, Susan, Jennifer.

6)Jennifer: Notify student for application #178 that SEC has disapproved the grant application.

7)Susan and Jennifer: Create definition(s) of Standards Education and circulate to the SEC.