(COMPLETED June, 2015)

Form AS4 (B) Duplicate and expand as needed. Provide table(s) to support self -study narrative addressing the accreditation standards below.

This form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

4.0.2The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark.

4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely up-dates (minimally every 2 years) these postings

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency.

Identify as a
Social Worker / 85 percent of students /
  • 100 percent of our students identify as a Professional Social Worker. This is required for entrance into the Social Work Program.

Apply Ethical
Principles / 85 percent of students /
  • 83.3 percent of our students earned a C or higher in our Ethics course.
  • Additionally, 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where the application of ethical principles is assessed.

Apply Critical
Thinking / 85 percent of students /
  • 100 percent of our students earned a C or higher in Human Behavior in the social Environment II (having passed HBSE I). In this course students are trained think critically about persons in their environment.
  • Also, 76.9 percent of students earned a C or higher in Social Work Research II (having passed Research I). In this course students are trained to apply critical thinking about the meaning of data for effective practice.

Diversity in
Practice / 85 percent of students /
  • 76.9 percent of students earned a C or higher in Social Discrimination. In this course, students are confronted by the complex social issues that arise in a socially diverse community.
  • Additionally, 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students are challenged in their practice with clients of diverse social backgrounds.

Advance Human
Rights/ Social and
Economic Justice / 85 percent of students /
  • 87.5 percent of students earned a C or higher in Social Policy. In this course, students are confronted with the need for and methods to advance human rights and social justice in the community.
  • Additionally, 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students advance human rights and social justice on behalf of and with their clients.

Engage Research
Informed Practice/
Practice Informed
Research / 85 percent of students /
  • 76.9 percent of our students earned a C or higher in Social Work Research II (having passed Research I). In this course students learn the value and need for evidence-based practice, and practice informed research.
  • Additionally, 100 percent of our Field students earned a C or higher in Seminar II (having passed Seminar I). In this course, Field students apply theory and method regarding research-informed practice and practice-informed research to their own Field work.
  • Additionally, 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students advance human rights and social justice on behalf of and with their clients.

Apply Human Behavior
Knowledge / 85 percent of students /
  • 100 percent of our students earned a C or higher in Human Behavior in the social Environment II (having passed HBSE I). In this course students learn about human behavior.
  • Additionally, 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students apply their knowledge of human behavior to their Field work with clients.
  • Additionally, 100 percent of our Field students earned a C or higher in Seminar II (having passed Seminar I). In this course, Field students apply knowledge regarding human behavior their own Field work with clients.

Engage Policy
Practice to
Advance Well-
Being and Deliver
Services / 85 percent of students /
  • 87.5 percent of students earned a C or higher in Social Policy. In this course, students are confronted with the need for and methods to implement policy as part of their practice.
  • Additionally, 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students engage policy practice to advance the well-being of their clients and deliver services.

Respond to
Practice Contexts / 85 percent of students /
  • 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students practice contexts.

Practice Engagement / 85 percent of students /
  • 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students practice engagement with clients.

Assessment / 85 percent of students /
  • 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students practice assessment of clients and situations.

Intervention / 85 percent of students /
  • 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students practice interventions.

Evaluation / 85 percent of students /
  • 91.7 percent of our Field students successfully completed the requirements for Field Placement where students practice evaluation of clients and situations.