Directorate: / Health and Care Services
Service Review: / Brokerage Service Review
Date: / 29.04.16
Q: Will other duties be absorbed in from other teams?
A: Potentially but in scope colleagues are invited to review the role profiles during the consultation phase and feedback if anything is missing and to comment / feedback on the content.
Q: Will the DSAs need to apply for the Brokerage role?
A: This is dependent on the outcome of the GMB assimilation dispute. If after the dispute is heard, there is no change to the current policy, then yes an application would be required as the new role is a higher grade, which would require an application as would not automatically assimilate.
If however the policy is amended after the dispute is heard and it is decided the grade match element should be removed, then it is possible that the roles may assimilate if there is also a 75% match between the current and proposed job descriptions.
Q: Are there any timescales for the assimilation process dispute to be resolved?
A: Both the employer and GMB are committed to discuss and seek resolution of the dispute as soon as possible; however no firm timescales can be set at this stage.
Both management and Union colleagues have jointly agreed that service review processes can continue however No assimilations will take place for this or any other current reshaping until the dispute is heard.
Q: What happens if I don’t meet all the essential criteria?
A: This is likely to be determined on a case by case basis. However, if you don’t meet the essential criteria for a role, then the Vacancy preference process will apply and you can apply for roles where you meet the essential criteria. If no roles are available then the Council will support colleagues through the Alternative Employment Process (AEP), where other suitable roles within the council will be considered. As a very last resort when all other alternatives have been exhausted, if there are no suitable opportunities via AEP, then the redundancy process will be followed.
Q: Who do I contact to arrange a 1 to 1? Can we have 1 to 1s as a group?
A: Please contact Kirsty Dixon via email on to book appointments, either as a 121 or as a group.
Q: Where will I be based in the new structure?
A: Geographical locations should be set as to what works best for the service. We encourage feedback through the consultation for this to be a consideration in the decision making process.
Q: Is there a possibility that I can work from one base, carrying out brokerage for another area?
A: As answered above, work bases will be set out as to what work best for the service. We would welcome you discussing any personal circumstances at a 1 to 1 meeting.
Q: The Service Brokers are expected to make visits, has this been taken into consideration when calculating the grade and JWC’s of the position.
A: Yes, the post specifications have already been evaluated by the Pay and Reward team and given the appropriate grade for the consultation phase. Please provide any feedback on the post specifications that you have during the engagement phase or during 121s
Q: If the number of people matches the number of posts in the structure, will all posts be filled?
A: If the number of people match the expectations for the role, then it is possible all posts will be filled from within the scope pool. However there is also the possibility that some applicants may be unsuccessful. In this case, any remaining vacancies will be advertised internally in the first instance.
Q: Part of the presentation stated that the introduction of Controcc would reduce the tasks of the DSA’s by 37%, where did this figure come from?
A: The 37% figure came from an understanding of what tasks would no longer be required once we had Controcc and some expected efficiency in the way work was conducted. This came as a result of a detailed ‘time task analysis’ conducted as part of the Newtons diagnostic which showed how much time was spent doing such tasks that will no longer be required following the successful implementation of Controcc.
Q:In the presentation document it mentions "take up of referrals" - will brokers have a case load like the practitioners?
A: It is not anticipated that brokers will have a case load. The preferred model would be a one team approach where work will be allocated, taking into consideration current workload and available capacity amongst the team.
Q:Who will manage the brokerage team above the Service Broker Manager?
A: The Brokerage Service Manager will report to a manager within this commissioning structure.
Q:If Controcc is delayed will this delay the implementation of this new structure?
A: Should a delay in the Controcc implementation occur, it is not expected at this stage that this would also delay the implementation of the new brokerage structure being consulted on, but there may be a delay in the service moving towards the new way of working. Dates and transition will be considered in greater detail at the end of the consultation phase and communicated accordingly.
Q:Furness are now covering Millom area - was this taken into account when calculating staff hours required for each District?
A: Yes, this was considered when calculating staff hours for each area.
Q:Who will approve any VR applications?
A: Jo Atkinson, AD Commissioning and Health Integration will initially consider any VR requests, however final decision on VR applications is the responsibility of the Corporate Director Health & Care Services.
Q:Please could you clarify if the Voluntary Redundancy remuneration package, at the present time, is the same as if you were compulsory made redundant?
A: Yes, the CR rate is currently enhanced providing the same as the VR financial package.