Three Rivers Community FoundationChange, not charity ™

100 North Braddock Ave., Ste. 302, Pittsburgh, PA 152082012 GRANT APPLICATION

412-243-9250 DUE: February 24, 2012

Please include TWO copies of your completed application.

December 2011

Please review the enclosed 2012 Grant Application Funding Criteria and Timetable carefully. We have made several changes from last year.

Please feel free to make copies and pass along or post this application.

Dear Grant Applicant:

Three Rivers Community Foundation (TRCF) is a public foundation that promotes Change, not charity™, by funding and encouraging activism among community-based organizations in underserved areas of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Since 1989, the Foundation has awarded more than 400 grants totaling over $1,000,000 to groups challenging attitudes, policies or institutions as they work to promote social, economic or racial justice (i.e., social change) throughout the region.

TRCF offers two types of grants:

1) Annual Grants: are for projects or operating support and usually range from $500 to $4,000.

2) Special Opportunity Grants: These are for special, UNEXPECTED AND UNPLANNEDopportunities that may arise during the year, for which the organization did not budget. These grants are up to $500 and they are available throughout the year. This application is not enclosed, but can be obtained by calling the office at 412-243-9250.

Please read the enclosed 2012 Grant Application Funding Criteria and Timetable carefully and familiarize yourself with TRCF’s requirements. If after reading the application and reviewing the funding criteria you would like to apply for a grant, be sure to include all the requested information in the following order:

  • Submit TWO (2) paper copies of your completed application to the address above, in addition to emailing a copy of the proposal cover sheet and narrative to
  • Attach Part I: Cover Sheet to the front of each completed application (2 copies) - use the form enclosed.
  • Include all of the information requested in Part II: Narrative in six, single-sided pages or less, at 12 point font, single-spaced.
  • Include only one copy of the required attachments—Part III: Attachments
  • Sign the “Statement of Non-Discrimination”—Part III, Attachment E
  • If applicable, sign the statement for applicants who do not have 501(c)(3) status—Part III, Attachment E

Incomplete applications (including omissions on the cover sheet) and those postmarked after Friday, February 24, 2012 will not be considered.

The TRCF office will be open from 9 AM until 6 PM on Friday, February 24, 2012 to accept proposals.

We look forward to reviewing your proposal.


The Three Rivers Community Foundation Grantmaking Committee


Applicants must have tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service OR must establish that their activities are consistent with those of a 501(c)(3) organization. IRS regulations allow a limited percentage of our grants to be allocated to 501(c)(4) organizations, or those involved with lobbying.

TRCF strongly considers:

  • Grassroots organizations with budgets under $200,000;
  • New organizations or projects that have not been previously funded by TRCF;
  • Projects that take place or have a strong focus on creating change in Southwestern PA (Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, and Westmoreland counties);
  • Projects addressing persistent divisions in society based on race, color, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, religion, disability, sex, ancestry, or national origin;
  • Projects developing new, grassroots leadership, with strong components of community organizing, community education, problem identification and solving, and community building;
  • Youth-led projects and those promoting youth activism;
  • Projects addressing emerging or cutting-edge issues and using new approaches to problem solving;
  • Organizations or projects which take affirmative steps to assure that their workplaces, programs, and services are accessible to people with disabilities; and
  • Collaborations and coalitions that emphasize joint strategies and projects.

TRCF does not consider:

  • Social service projects;
  • Individuals;
  • Funding of capital building expenses that are not tied to a specific project (i.e., general building maintenance or upgrades). However building improvements may be funded if demonstrated to be essential to planned project activities or goals;
  • Funds being used for underwriting fundraisers or matching grants;
  • Organizations whose primary events, work, or programs are held in locations either completely or partially inaccessible to people with disabilities;
  • Direct purchase of office equipment (computers, fax machines, copiers, phones, etc.) solely for office administrative activities. However, the purchase of equipment may be funded if demonstrated to be essential to planned project activities or goals;
  • Projects which proselytize for any specific religion (i.e., passing out religious literature to participants in the program for which funding is being requested);
  • Arts programs that do not include a means for the audience to discuss the social change related issue(s) the work presents, or some other form of action beyond just the exhibit/performance; or
  • Activities that benefit private interest, business, or profit-making groups.
Proposals postmarked after Friday, February 24, 2012 will not be reviewed!

The TRCF office will NOT disclose whether a grant has or has not been funded by phone; applicants must wait for letter.

Three Rivers Community Foundation does not discriminate in its hiring and promotion, Board and Committee recruitment, and grant award process on the basis of race, color, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, religion, disability, sex, ancestry, or national origin.

Three Rivers Community FoundationChange, not charity ™

100 North Braddock Ave., Ste. 302, Pittsburgh, PA 152082012 GRANT APPLICATION

412-243-9250 DUE: February 24, 2012

Please include TWO copies of your completed application.


Date: ______


2.Mailing Address______


3.Contact Person______

  1. Telephone (contact person) [day] (______)______[evening] (______)______
  2. Fax______Email______Org.Website______

6.Are your building, workplace, and/or program and service sites completely accessible to people with disabilities?

____Yes ____No If no, please explain: ______

Will the venue for the primary programs and activities in your proposal be completely accessible to people with disabilities?

____Yes ____No If no, please explain: ______

7.Has the organization received funding from Three Rivers Community Foundation in the past? ____Yes____No

If yes, list year(s) and amounts, and whether grant was for operating or project expenses (e.g. 2007, $3,000, project).


8.Total amount of money you are requesting for 2012 (up to $4,000): $______For: ____Operating ____Project

9a.Has your organization applied to other funding sources for this project? ____ Yes____ No

If yes, please list on budget page.

9b.If part of a larger organization, have you presented this project to them for funding? ____Yes ____No___ n/a

If yes, has funding for this project been approved by the larger organization?____Yes ____No ____Pending

10.Briefly summarize below the project or the intended use of the funds you are requesting (do not leave blank).

11.Your organization's most recent annual operating budget (must be for the entire organization): $______.

If part of a larger national or regional organization, what is your individual group’s operating budget? $______.

12.Geographic region in which the requested funding will be used: ______

13. Did your organization attend one of our information sessions? ____Yes____No

14. Focus of the organization's work or purpose of the project. Please choose and prioritize NO MORE than THREE.

____Disability Rights
____Economic Justice Issues
____Environmental Justice Issues
____Food Justice / ____Les/Gay/Bi/Transgender Rights
____Media Justice
____Peace and Human Rights
____Racial Justice / ___ Voter Empowerment
___ Women, Youth & Families
____Other (please specify below)


Limit Part II: Narrative, A through D to no more than six single-sided pages

(single-spaced, font size no smaller than 12)

  • Briefly answer the following questions on a separate sheet.
  • Identify each page with the organization name and page number.
  • Follow the order of the questions, including headings.
  1. History, Mission and Organizational Structure of your Organization:

Please provide a brief history and accomplishments of your group and how your group is organized/structured. Include your mission statement and whether your organization is part of a larger organization or formally affiliated with any other group(s).

B.Detailed Project Description and Timeline

  1. Describe the project or work for which your organization is requesting funding, including project goals and objectives. Specify who will be responsible for each step, and indicate a time frame, in months, for each step.
  2. How will you work, partner, or collaborate with other groups addressing similar issues?
  3. How will your project promote social change in your community? (See enclosed “Social Change and Community-Based Philanthropy” sheet, pages 9-10.)
  4. How will you support the continuation of the project after this grant expires?

C.Impact on the Community and Evaluation

  1. What outcomes do you expect to achieve? Please be specific about what social change will result from your project or your organization’s work during the next year.
  2. Who is your target audience?
  3. What follow-up activities do you plan to do?
  4. What information and tools will you use to determine your success (e.g., number of participants, feedback, change in community condition, creation or change in legislation, etc.)?
D.Project Budget

For project funding provide budget period, funding sources, and expenses related only to the entire project. Please see page 5 for a sample format.

Budgets must include BOTHincome and expenses.

Budgets must SPECIFY what Three Rivers Community Foundation funds would be used for.

For operational support, include a copy of the organization’s entire operating budget with each application (2 copies total)


  1. PLEASE SPECIFY THE PROJECT BUDGET PERIOD (e.g. 7/1/12 - 6/30/13).

(TRCF cannot fund projects or parts of projects retroactively, so grant funds cannot be used for purchases made or events held before June 20, 2012.)


Please describe how you will fund this project period. If this is an ongoing project, indicate how it has been funded to date. If applicable, include the following types of income:

* Government grants/contracts

* Foundations/corporations

* Individual contributions

* Fundraising events

* Memberships/dues

* Fees for services

* Other Income


If you have substantial in-kind support such as free rent, volunteer time, etc., please list separately.


Please show the anticipated costs of the project and how you will spend the money you are requesting from TRCF. If applicable, include the following types of expenses:

* Salaries and wages

* Payroll taxes/fringe benefits

* Consultants/professional fees

* Equipment

* Supplies

* Printing and copying

* Telephone and fax

* Postage and delivery

* Rent and utilities

* Publicity/advertisements

* Other expenses



Please include ONE copy of attachments A-E.

If attaching other literature such as newsletters, brochures, etc., attach only ONE copy.

Attachment A (applies to ALL applicants)

Your entire organization's current annual operating budget, including both income and expenses.

Attachment B (applies to ALL applicants)

1. List of Board of Directors, Advisory Committee, and/or Organizing/Steering Committee.

2. List of the organization’s staff. Indicate their position and if they are paid (full or part time) employees or volunteers.

3. Names of any people working on the proposed project who are not board or staff.

Attachment C

Copy of the organization’s IRS 501(c)(3) Determination Letter (if applicable).

Attachment D (applies to ALL applicants)

Copy of the organization’s evaluation tools (surveys, feedback forms, etc.). It is preferable if the evaluation tools apply to the project for which you are seeking funding, however, if those have not yet been developed, any tools for any other project are acceptable.

Attachment E (see page 7)

Statement of Non-Discrimination—ALL applicants must sign this form.

Statement for Non-501(c)(3) Organizations – if your organization does not have 501(c)(3) status, you must sign this form.

Successful applicants will be asked to sign and return a grant agreement, and will be asked for either proof of a bank account in the name of the organization (i.e., a copy of a recent bank statement with the account number blacked out, or a copy of a voided check), or for the name and full contact information for their fiscal agent.

Attachment E


Please have a Board officer or responsible individual sign the following statement.

Photocopied signatures are NOT acceptable

In the process of carrying out the activities of the proposed project for which funding is requested from the Three Rivers Community Foundation, we will not discriminate against and will take affirmative steps, including provision of reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities, to include individuals and groups which currently and historically are excluded from full participation in society on the basis of race, color, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, religion, disability, sex, ancestry, or national origin.




Print name and title


Photocopied signatures are NOT acceptable

If you are not a 501(c)(3) organization, your activities must be consistent with IRS non-profit purposes. Please have a Board officer or responsible individual sign the following statement:

We certify that our activities are consistent with IRS non-profit 501(c)(3) purposes (e.g. charitable, religious, educational, etc.).




Print name and title


Before submitting your grant application, have you done the following?

___ Made 2 copies of complete application?

___ Made a copy for yourself to file?

___ Answered all questions on cover sheet?

___ Attached cover sheet to each of the copies?

___ Emailed a copy of the cover sheet and narrative to ?

___ Numbered the pages of the narrative?

___ Put your organization name on each page of the narrative?

___ Answered all four sections of the narrative?

___ If applying for operational support, did you attach your operating budget to both copies?

___ Included income AND expenses in your budget?

___ Specified where TRCF funds will be used?

___ Specified the budget time period?

___ Include ONE copy of the attachments?

___ Attachment A – operating budget

___ Attachment B – board/staff/project team

___ Attachment C – IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter (if applicable)

___ Attachment D – evaluation tools

___ Attachment E – Statement of Non-Discrimination (all) and Non-501(c)(3) Statement (if applicable)

Social Change and Community-Based Philanthropy

What is progressive social change?

While traditional charities generally respond to the symptoms of entrenched social problems, Three Rivers Community Foundation supports those who identify underlying causes and work to change these conditions. This is a core value of progressive social change as reflected in the phrase, Change, not charity. Social change organizing has a number of components including:

  • Building community-based responses.
  • Changing attitudes, behaviors, laws, policies and institutions to better reflect the values of inclusion, fairness, diversity and opportunity.
  • Insisting on accountability and responsiveness among institutions, including the government, large corporations, universities and other entities whose policies and actions profoundly affect the living conditions of individuals and communities.

Progressive social change expands the meaning and practice of "democracy" by involving those closest to social problems in determining their solutions. At its best, people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities and ages join together in developing and implementing solutions to problems.

Because progressive social change involves making significant changes on a systemic level, conflict with those who hold power is often inevitable. The value that social change organizations bring to the table is their ability to organize, to educate and to mobilize.

Money alone does not bring about change; nor do individuals. But when people band together and form organizations to focus their collective vision, social change can happen. When a large number of organizations work together toward a common goal, that's a movement. And movements create change.

On the surface, social change movements appear to be spontaneous bursts of energy, a sweep of people, outraged and energized, rising forth to demand some form of change. But in truth, social change movements flow from careful organizing, massive public education, sustained agitation, and, at times, inspired collaboration across the divides of race, gender and class. These movements are driven by human energy, intelligence, courage -- as well as money.

What is community-based philanthropy?

Over 20 years ago, Three Rivers Community Foundation was founded to support the progressive movement in Southwestern Pennsylvania. TRCF, a member of the national network the Funding Exchange, pioneered the idea of community-based philanthropy based on two primary characteristics: the work we support and the people involved.

The work we support. TRCF supports progressive community-based organizations that address the root causes of social problems. We reach beyond direct services (valuable as they are) to directly address the underlying conditions that foster inequity, lack of opportunity, discrimination, and economic exploitation.

The people who are involved. In keeping a vision based on democratic values, our decision-making bodies are representative of the communities served by our programs. Community activists participate in governance and grantmaking, along with donors, many of whom are themselves activists.

Statements in this section draw upon Change, not Charity, Chapter 2 of Robin Hood Was Right*, and studies by the National Network of Grantmakers and the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. Original text from the McKenzie River Gathering Foundation.

*Collins, C., Rogers, P., and Garner, J.P. (2000). Robin Hood Was Right: A guide to giving your money for social change. W.W. Norton and Company: New York, NY and London, England.

Examples of Change vs. Charity


Focus on individual needs.Focus on institutions and policy.

Give to the fine arts museum.Give to an organization working to ensure National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) funding for the arts.