Boughton Aluph & Eastwell Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting held on the 14th November 2016, 7.30pm at The Iron Room, Boughton Lees.


Cllr Carol Bunker (Chair), Cllr Ken Newman (Vice Chair), Cllrs Erica Lasparini, Julie Tingey, Ivor Groves and Parish Clerk Graham Jordan

  1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Cllr Jason Matthews due to work commitments. Cllr Spencer Phillips was also absent. No apology received.

  1. Disclosures of Interests

There were no declarations of interest or lobbying made.

  1. Co-option of New Parish Councillor

At the Chair’s invitation, Nigel Bunker gave a brief outline of his skills and experience together with his reasons for putting himself forward to join the Parish Council. Cllr Lasparini proposed that Mr Bunker be co-opted to the Council. Seconded by Cllr Tingey. It was resolved by unanimous vote that Nigel Bunker be co-opted to the Parish Council.

Action: Parish Clerk to forward the appointment documentation to Ashford Borough Council and hold copy on file.

  1. Questions or Representations from Members of the Public

There were no members of the public present.

  1. Minutes of the Meeting of 12th October 2016

The minutes of the meeting of the 12th October 2016 were approved and signed as a true record.

The Chair advised that changes had been made to the order and presentation of the meeting agenda in order to better highlight key decisions and action points. Cllr Newman asked that meeting minutes and matters arising should be dealt with before the open session for members of the public.

Action: Parish Clerk to amend the agenda for future meetings.

  1. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Chair reported that the Parish Council had contributed to a survey from the Kent County Council (KCC) Highways survey on roads in the parish.

The Parish Clerk advised that he had not yet received obtained a copy of KCC Highways’ policy on speed cameras. The Parish Council was therefore not yet in a position to respond to Mr Tweedy.

Action: Parish Clerk to follow up with KCC Highways and report to the December meeting. Mr Tweedy to be advised of the delay.

  1. Chair’s Report

The Chair advised that she had written to the Chairs of Westwell and Wye Parish Councils and had received helpful and positive responses. She had also had exchanges with the Chairs of the two Residents’ Associations in the parish and the Kennington Forum. She had also made personal contact with the Chair of Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Cricket Club.

  1. Parish Clerk’s Finance Report

8.1 Statement of Account and Bank Reconciliation

The Parish Clerk tabled a finance reportand budget spreadsheet. He confirmed that the Bank Statements have been reconciled and that all expenditure remains within budget. It was noted that some of the budgets for one off projects were not properly reflected in the financial spreadsheet.

Action: Parish Clerk to complete a Mid-Year Budget review for discussion at December meeting.

8.2 Review of Internal Audit Report Recommendations

The Parish Clerk tabled a list ofactions to be completed by the end of March 2017 taken from the Internal Audit Report. Cllr Lasparini asked that the action plan be reviewed by the Council monthly.

The Chair noted that the Internal Auditor had drawn particular attention to the importance of the Parish Council maintaining a website as a source of information about the Council, especially its finances, in order to improve overall transparency.

Action: Parish Clerk to provide monthly updates on progress against the Internal Audit action plan.

8.3 Terms of Appointment of the Internal Auditor including Fee Rate

The Parish Clerk advised that the Internal Auditor had not provided his rate card for future work. Cllr Lasparini proposed that he should be retained to act for the Parish Council at a fee consistent with that charged this year (£323.40),or appropriate uplift in line with inflation. Seconded by the Chair. It was resolved unanimously to appoint David Buckett as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor.

Action: Parish Clerk to agree terms of appointment forDavid Buckett to act as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor.

  1. Current Projects

9.1 Neighbourhood Plan Progress Report

Cllr Lasparini advised that one of the basic conditions that a Neighbourhood Plan must meet, if it is to proceed to referendum, is conformity with the local planning authority’s Local Plan. The Steering Group had been developing the Neighbourhood Plan alongside Ashford Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan. It now appeared possible that the Borough Council will publish a second draft Local Plan for public consultation in Spring/Summer 2017. If there is a delay in the Local Plan, the Neighbourhood Plan will also be delayed. In the interim, Cllr Lasparini believed the Parish Council had an important opportunity to influence Ashford Borough Council’s revised Local Plan. A meeting with the planning department would take place in January 2017.

Cllr Lasparini said that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group planned to proceed with writing a skeleton draft plan. As the project had built considerable interest and traction with the community, Councillors discussed how any extension of the timetable for the Neigbourhood Plan should be communicated to residents.

9.2Traffic Management and Road Safety Strategy

9.2.1 Award of contract for the recalibration and servicing of parish speed indicator signs

The Parish Clerk outlined the provisions of the contract. Cllr Newman asked that the Parish Council should also hold a copy of the electrical certificate. Subject to this proviso, it was resolved unanimously that the Parish Council should enter into the contract with The Kent County Council. The Chair signed the contract on behalf of the Parish Council.

Action: Parish Clerk to process the contract. If an electrical certificate is issued after annual inspection, a copy to be retained on the Parish Council’s files.

9.2.2 Feedback from traffic/road safety consultation heldon 5th November 2016

Cllr Lasparini reported that the consultation event had been well attended, with 60 people taking part. The event had elicited 48 offers of help with 15 volunteers to join a local campaign group.

Cllr Lasparini tabled a summary of the questionnaires completed by attendees. Councillors noted the three priorities for improving road safety were (1) reduction in speed limits, (2) redesign of the Wye Road/The Lees junction and (3) the introduction of traffic islands on the A251 Faversham Road.

The next stage would be for the Parish Council to look at traffic issues around Sandyhurst Lane and Goat Lees, following which a traffic management plan could be prepared for the whole parish. In preparing the plan, Cllr Lasparini advised that it may be helpful for the Parish Council to obtain a few hours consultancy from traffic and transport specialists. Councillors supported this course of action. Costed options to be put forward at the appropriate time.

The Chair warned that it may be difficult to come up with definitive plans for Trinity Road as it would be hard to know the impact of new housing development at Eureka Park.

The Chair thanked Cllr Lasparini for her efforts and the Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Residents’ Association for supporting the event.

9.2.3 Road safety measures for Trinity Road

The Chair reminded Councillors of the contradictory views on the safety of parish roads of residents and the Parish Council’s traffic survey report and subsequent surveys by KCC Highways. The advice of the highways authority did not support either a permanent crossing or speed indicator cameras on Trinity Road. The Parish Council could still take action to address residents’ concerns. There was a discussion about the Council funding a school crossing patrol. It was agreed that the Chair should explore this with the Head Teacher at Goat Lees Primary School.

Action: Cllr Tingey to make initial contact with the Head Teacher at Goat Lees Primary School. To be followed up by the Chair who will report backat a future meeting.

9.3 Village Green – Granting of a Lease/License to Boughton Aluph and Eastwell Cricket Club

To help progress the granting of a lease and other shared matters, the Chair proposed that a Councillor should act as the main point of contact between the Council and the Cricket Club. It was resolved unanimously that Cllr Bunker should be the Parish Council’s liaison with the Cricket Club.

Action: Cllr Bunker to contact the Cricket Club to advise them of his role.

9.4 War Memorial Garden, Boughton Lees

The Chair advised that local resident Ann Hardie had offered to maintain the garden at the War Memorial and recommended that the Council set an annual maintenance budget, to be reviewed annually. The Parish Council’s thanks to Mrs Hardie are to be formally recorded in the meeting minutes. It was resolved unanimously to make available an annual budget of £50 for plants and general maintenance of the War Memorial garden.

Action: Parish Clerk to notify Ann Hardie of the annual allowance and update budget accordingly.

9.5 New BT Cabinet, Boughton Lees

The Parish Clerk reported that the Wayleave agreement for the installation of the broadband cabinet had been returned to BT Openreach and a payment of £750 received. An application had been made to Fields in Trust for consideration at their November meeting. A question had been raised about whether Charity Commission approval was also required. Cllr Lasparini advised that in her experience this was unlikely to be necessary.

Action: Parish Clerk to liaise with Cllr Lasparini should an approach to the Charity Commission be necessary.

10. New Projects

10.1 Measures to Protect Boughton Lees Village Green from Vandalism

The Chair reported that,after two recent instances of vandalism,the Cricket Club had requested financial assistance with measures to protect the Green from further damage.

Action: Cllr Bunker to liaise with the Cricket Club on costed options for protecting the Green for consideration at a future meeting.

10.2 Small Grants Scheme

Councillors discussed a paper put forward by Cllr Lasparini containing an outline proposal for a small grants scheme. The grants would be available to local community groups for projects which benefit the parish and its residents. Councillors gave in principle support to piloting a small grants scheme in 2017.

Action: Cllr Lasparini to draw up a policy and set of procedures for the consideration and awarding of grants for consideration at a future meeting.

10.3 Other Project Proposals

The Chair encouraged Councillors to come forward with costed options for future projects.

Cllr Tingey suggested financial assistance to Goat Lees Primary School, in particular to advance their plans to develop there outside space.

Action: The Chair to raise this with the Head Teacher as part of planned discussions about a school crossing patrol.

Cllr Bunker asked whether the Parish Council might contribute to the costs of roof repairs at All Saints Church, Boughton Aluph for which fundraising was ongoing. Guidance was requested about whether a Parish Council has the powers to fund the maintenance or repair of churches.

Action: Parish Clerk to establish the powers of the Parish Council to fund the maintenance or repair of churches and to report at the December meeting.

The Chair raised the provision of a bus shelter at Boughton Lees Village Green.

Action: Parish Clerk to provide costed options for installing a bus shelter plus ancillary works for consideration at the December meeting.

11. Planning

11.1 Applications

The Council considered the following planning applications:

16/01608/AS: Erection of fence at The Flying Horse, Boughton Aluph- Objection

Theindustrial-style security fence was considered out of place in the grounds of a Grade II listed building in a Conservation Area.

16/01504/AS: Two-storey rear extension at 77 Guernsey Way, Kennington– No objection.

16/00035/GPDE/AS: Single storey rear extension at Holmleigh, 314 Sandyhurst Lane– No objection.

16/01665/AS: Partial dismantle and reconstruction of stowage barn at Lenacre Hall Farm - No objection.

11.2 Recent Decisions

The Council noted the following planning decisions taken by Ashford Borough Council:

16/01313/AS: El Ashere, Wye Road – Permitted 22/10/16

16/01428/AS: Poultry Shed, Wye – Prior approval not required.

12.Correspondence Received Since Last Meeting

12.1 Memorial or Commemorative Bench Policy

The Parish Clerk tabled a draft policy for memorial benches. The Chair asked Cllr Bunker to consult with the Cricket Clubon the draft policy and to report back before the document is finalised. Cllr Lasparini recommended that the policy should be clear on who is eligible for a memorial bench.

Action: Cllr Bunker to liaise with the Cricket Club on the draft policy for memorial benches and bring any revisions to a future meeting.

12.2 Listing of Local Features

Cllr Lasparini reported that two residents had separately suggested that the Parish Council make applications to Historic England to list the War Memorial at Boughton Lees and the fingerpost at the junction of Pilgrims Way and Church Lane. Councillors agreed unanimously to pursue this.

Action: Parish Clerk to research the listing process and report back at the December meeting.

13.Payments for Authorisation

13.1 To agree the Parish Clerk’s Salary Payment and PAYE for previous month

The Parish Clerk tabled his monthly timesheet. The salary payment was agreed.

13.2 Payments and Cheques

The following payments were agreed and cheques signed:

Cheque No 001438 – £323.40 - David Buckett – Internal Audit Fee

Cheque No 001439 – £414.00 - Colour Thirst Ltd – A1 Posters for Traffic Survey consultation

Cheque No 001440 – £ 36.02 - Erica Lasparini – Postcards for Traffic Survey Consultation

Cheque No 001441 – £385.05 - Graham Jordan – October Salary

Cheque No 001442 – £96.20 - HMRC – Tax re October Salary payment

Cheque No 001443 - £21.98 – Graham Jordan – Reimbursement for ink and paper purchase

Cheque No 001444 - £20.25 – Graham Jordan – Mileage reimbursement

Cheque No 001445 – £35.00 - Derek Anthony – Reimbursement for wreath purchase

14.Any Other Business

The Chair advised that the Parish Clerk has tendered his resignation but had kindly agreed to remain in post until 31 December 2016 or until a replacement is found, whichever is the sooner. The position will be advertised. The Parish Clerk tabled the National Joint Council for Local Government Services 2016-18 National Salary Award pay scales to assist in the appointment of a new Clerk.

15.Items for next meeting

Cllr Lasparini recommended that Councillors adopt a logo for the Parish Council. This identity could be used on communications or items funded by the Council to help raise the profile of the Council and its activities in the community. It was resolved unanimously to add this item to the agenda for discussion at the December meeting.

Action: Parish Clerk to add item to the agenda for the next meeting.

16.Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 8th December 2016 at Goat Lees Community Hall at 7.30pm. The Parish Clerk tabled a list of meeting dates for 2017.