August 18th, 2017 Issue 1

Costa Catholic Academy’s Weekly Newsletter

Welcome Back!

All School Pictures are Wed., August 30th.

We have had such an awesome start to the school year. Together, the entire staff has committed to having an awesome year. As the Principal of Costa Catholic Academy, I want to let you know that we have had a positive school culture transformation with staff and students this year already. I am so impressed with how the staff already is becoming one Costa unified Staff, how the students are engaged in their education, and how the parents have been supportive of our efforts to date. We sure aren’t perfect right now, but we have made great positive strides so far this year. Healing is happening!

On Monday, a solar eclipse will be taking place during the school day and it has a lot of media attention. We do have protective glasses for all students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Staff will be taking these students outside for brief periods of time during the day to witness the eclipse since it is literally a once in a lifetime event. Please emphasize to your children that for their safety, they need to keep their special viewing glasses on all of the time when they are outside on Monday. On Monday, as a safety precaution, we will NOT be doing any outside activities including recess or physical education. Thank you, Mr. Buresh

Teachers have their BOX TOPS envelopes ready to be filled. Start sending in those Box Tops. I will pick up weekly startingSeptember 1st. Last pick up will beOctober 13th. The class in 1st place at the end will get a pizza party, 2nd place will get an ice cream party! Thank you for your support.Cheryl Fell, Box Tops Coordinator

Corpus Christi Church in Galesburg is having their annual QUARTER RAFFLE FUNDRAISER on Friday, September 8th at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1556 E. Fremont St. Price is $10 per person and you can purchase quarters there or bring your own. There will be lots of new items to win and some special items to take chances on. Doors open at 6 p.m. with food available to purchase and the raffle begins at 7:00 PM. Please come and support Galesburg's “original” Quarter Raffle. A portion of the proceeds with go to the St. Vincent De Paul food pantry. Come and bring a friend for a fun evening and support a good cause.


Playground Duty, Chicken Dinner, Lunch Supervision, Room Parents.

A Service Hours update/reminder will be in your 3rd quarter report card envelopes. Your completed service hour forms are due in the office no later than Friday, May 25th, 2018. Forms are available in the office.


·  August 30 School Pictures

·  September 4 No School – Labor Day

·  September 8 Casual Day $1

·  September 13 2 Hour Early Dismissal

·  September 25 No School

·  October 3 Picture Retakes

·  October 13 End of 1st Quarter

·  October 13 Casual Day $1

·  October 20 No School

·  October 27 No School

·  November 8 2 Hour Early Dismissal

·  November 22, 23, & 24 No School – Thanksgiving Break

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE is 9:00 AM Thursday. Send to Gina Lucero at