Glen Ridge Public Schools –Mathematics Curriculum
Course Title: Kindergarten Math
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Duration: 36 weeks
Prerequisite: None
Elective or Required: Required
Mathematics Mission Statement
Since Mathematical and Computational thinking are an integral part of our lives and 21st Century learning, students must be actively involved in their mathematics education with problem solving being an essential part of the curriculum. The mathematics and computer science curricula will emphasize thinking skills through a balance of computation, intuition, common sense, logic, analysis and technology.
Students will be engaged and challenged in a developmentally appropriate, student-centered learning environment. Students will communicate mathematical ideas effectively and apply those ideas by using manipulatives, computational skills, mathematical models and technology in order to solve practical problems.
To achieve these goals, students will be taught a standards-based curriculum that is aligned with the National Common Core Standards in Mathematics and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in Technology and 21st Century Life and Careers.
Course Description:
The kindergarten math program emphasizes the use of concrete materials to develop the understanding of mathematical concepts. The children are activity involved with a wide variety of materials to explore patterning, sorting and classifying, graphing, counting, measurement, geometry, addition and subtraction, place value and problem solving.
Author: Donna Chiaramonte
Date Submitted: Summer 2012
Kindergarten Mathematics
Unit: 1
Approximate: 4 weeks
Essential Questions:
• What is counting and how can it be used?
• How do we tell which object is longer?
• How do we sort objects?
• What are attributes?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
• Explore measurement by comparing lengths (K.MD.1, K.DM.2)
• Use measurement comparison words (K.MD.1, K.DM.2)
• Identify and describe shapes (K.G.2, K.G.3, K.G.4)
• Explore pattern blocks (K.G.2, K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.6)
• Use understanding of one-to-one correspondence and cardinality to count objects, sounds, and taps (K.CC.4a,
K.CC.4b, KCC.4c)
• Connect the number sequence with number quantities and explore the “one more” relationship of successive
Numbers (K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, KCC.4c)
• Count backward by ones (K.CC.1, K.CC.2)
• Recognize and understand zero as a number for “none” (K.CC. 1, K.CC.4a)
• Represent numbers with concrete objects (K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, KCC.4c, K.CC.5)
• Use understanding of one-to-one correspondence and cardinality to count and create sets of object (K.CC.4,
K.CC4.a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.CC.6)
• Recognize that the number of objects in a set is the same regardless of the arrangement or type of object (K.CC.5)
• Represent numbers in various ways (K.CC.6, K.CC.7)
• Associate number names, quantities, and written numerals (K.CC.6, K.CC7)
• Count objects in each sorted category (K.CC. 4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.CC.6)
• Compare the number of objects in each category (K.CC6, K.CC.7)
• Find ways to sort objects using a variety attributes (K.G.4)
• Identify attributes (K.MD.3)
• Experiment with and compare volumes and develop awareness of relative size (K.MD.1, K.MD.2)
• Construct a bar graph and a moveable graph (K.CC.3))
• Make comparisons and answer simple questions based on data from the graphs (K.CC.3))
• Create and extend patterns with sounds and motions
• Create and extend color patterns
• Count the number of coins in each category(K.CC4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4b)
• Compare the number of coins in each category (K.CC.6, K.CC.7)
• Notice coin features (K.MD.3)
• Sort coins according to various attributes (K.MD.3)
• Count numbers and ordinal numbers in sequence (K.CC1,
• Represent numbers with claps or taps (K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, KCC.4c)
• Make a pictorial representation of class data (K.CC.3)
• Compare height of objects (K.MD.1, KM.2)
• Count up to 10 objects (K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, KCC.4c)
• Practice reading numerals through 10 (K.CC.1)
• Recognize numbers as “5 and some more” (K.CC.1)
• Explore shapes in different orientations (K.G.2, K.G.4)
• Combine simple shapes to form other shapes and pictures (K.G..6)
• Describe the relative position of shapes(K.G.1)
• Represent numbers on a ten frame (K.CC.6)
• Use a ten frame to explore benchmarks of 5 and 10(K.CC6, K.CC.7)
• Compare number and sets (K.CC6, K.CC.7)
• Identify pairs of numbers that add to 10 (K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.OA.5)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
• Standard 8.1 – Computer and Information Literacy: All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems
• Standard 8.2 - Technology Education: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they relate to the individual, society, and the environment
• Standard 8.3 - Active Citizenship in the 21st Century: All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
• Standard 9.1 - 21st-Century Life and Career Skills: All the students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
Activities – include 21st Century Technologies:
• Sing and clap to counting songs and chants
• Listen to stories read aloud
• Count by rote in group and individually
• Calendar Activities
• Smart Board
• Study Island
• Play the game Partner Match
• Compare hand and foot sizes
• Describe and identify pattern blocks
• Count by touch using a feely bag
• Play Simon Says
• Sing and eat down to zero
• Read and sing Five Little Monkey Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow
• Create Number Posters
• Create number stations
• Create number collections
• Play the game Match Up
• Sort objects by different attributes
• Sing about attribute or read the Button box by Margarette S. Reid
• Use a sand and water table to experiment with volume
• Create a birthday months graph
• Create an age change graph
• Create sound and motion patterns
• Read the story Beep Beep, Vroom, Vroom! By Stuart J. Murphy
• Create and extend color patterns
• Sort coins into “Banks”
• Play the game Give the Next Number
• Play the computer game Piggy in Numberland (Learning in Motion 1998)
• Compare body heights to objects
• Read the book Where’s My Teddy by Jez Alborough
• Play the game Showing Fingers
• Play the game Counting Fingers
• Play the game Ten Frame
• Count beans using an egg carton or muffin tin
• Combine and create shapes using shape cards
• Do Pattern-Block puzzles
• Make shape picture and puzzles
Enrichment Activities:
• Exemplars
• Challenging Activities
• Enrichment Folders
• Scholastic News: Let’s Find Out Magazines
• Online games (i.e. scholastic, Study Island, Everyday Mathematics Program Math games)
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
• SMART board lessons (clickers)
• Study Island
• Thumbs up/Thumbs down
• Pair/share
• Portfolio
• Center activities
• Observations
• Hands on activities
• Anecdotal Notes
• Classroom work
• Teacher made Math boxes
• Circle Time Discussions
• Whiteboards
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Teacher’s Guide To Activities
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Math Masters
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Resources for Kindergarten Classroom
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Assessment Handbook
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Home School connection Handbook
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Minute Math Activity Book
• Everyday Mathematics Program: My First Math Book
• Everyday Mathematics Program: CD/Software of Everyday Math Games
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Center Activity Cards
Online Resources:
• Online Textbook Information:
• Teacher Webpage
• Online Early Childhood Games (Everyday Math Program):
Kindergarten Mathematics
Unit: 2
Approximate 4 Weeks
Essential Questions:
• What happen when we combine groups and what happens when we take groups apart?
• What is addition?
• What is subtraction?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
• Find and sort shapes (K.G.2, K.G.3)
• Identify and name shapes (K.G.2, K.G.3)
• Describe attributes of shapes (K.G.2, K.G.3)
• Compare and relate 2-dimensional (flat) and 3-dimensional shapes (K.G.4)
• Use spatial vocabulary and concepts in everyday situations (K.G.1)
• Count and move between 1 and 10 on a game board (K.CC.4, K.CC5)
• Read number 1-10 (K.CC.1)
• Notice and describe patterns in surroundings
• Extend patterns
• Practice oral counting forward by ones (K.CC.1)
• Identify numbers and develop stroke formation skills to prepare for writing numbers (K.CC3)
• Compare number of coins (K.CC.6)
• Consider the likelihood of outcomes on a toss of a money coin (K.MD3)
• Recognize and match pictures of coins with actual coins (K.MD2)
• Identify coin features and begin to use coin names (K.MD.2)
• Count objects using one-to-one correspondence (K.CC.4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c)
• Represent numbers with concrete materials (K.CC.4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c)
• Discover that the digits 0-9 can be used to write any number (K.CC.3)
• Recognize a visual pattern of numbers (K.CC.4, K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c)
• Count orally from 10-19 (K.CC.2, K.NBT.1)
• Recognize teen numbers (K.CC.2, K.NBT.1)
• Sequence numbers from 10-19 (K.CC.2, K.NBT.1)
• Orally count by ones through 19 (K.CC.1)
• Use one to one correspondence to count movement (k.CC4, K.CC.4a, K.CC4b, K.CC4c)
• Recognize numerals 10-19 (K.CC.2)
• Sequence numerals 10-19 (K.CC.2)
• Identify the numbers 0-19 (K.CC.1)
• Use concrete materials to represent the numbers 10-19 (K.CC.2, K.NBT.1)
• Recognize each teen number as 10 + a digit (K.CC.2, K.NBT.1)
• Estimate the number of objects in a collection (K.CC.4)
• Count objects in a collection (K.CC.1)
• Use concrete materials and pictures to represent and solve addition and subtraction stories (K.OA1, K.OA.2,
K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.OA.4)
• Begin to distinguish between joining (addition and take-away (subtraction) stories (K.OA1, K.OA.2,
K.OA.3, K.OA.4, K.OA.4)
Interdisciplinary Standards (
• Standard 8.1 – Computer and Information Literacy: All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems
• Standard 8.2 - Technology Education: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they relate to the individual, society, and the environment
• Standard 8.3 - Active Citizenship in the 21st Century: All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
• Standard 9.1 - 21st-Century Life and Career Skills: All the students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
Activities – include 21st Century Technologies:
• Calendar Activities
• Listen to stories read aloud
• Sing songs and chants
• Smart Board
• Study Island
• Create shape collage
• Look for shapes in nature
• Read Circus Shapes by Stuart J. Murphy
• Nibble shapes out of crackers
• Complete an obstacle course using directional words
• Read the directional book The Three Billy Goats Gruff
• Sing the directional song Going on a Bear Hunt
• Make and play the game Spin A Number
• Practice counting on a Life-Size Game Mat
• Go on a pattern hunt around the building or playground
• Play the game Follow the leader
• Play the game Count and Sit
• Sing and act out the song Ten Little Penguins
• Introduce stroke formation skills with action stories
• Use kinesthetic and tactile stroke-formation activities (i.e. sand, salt, cotton balls, shaving cream, finger paint, sand paper)
• Play the Matching Coin game
• Build a number board
• Read the book Bat Jamboree by Kathi Appelt
• Play the Tricky Teen game
• Play oral counting games with teen numbers (i.e. Give the Next Number, Follow the Leader, or Count and Sit)
• Play the game Teen Tangle
• Play I Spy
• Create Paper Chains using teen numbers
• Create an estimating jar
• Tell and act out number stories
Enrichment Activities:
• Exemplars
• Challenging Activities
• Enrichment Folders
• Scholastic News: Let’s Find Out Magazines
• Online games (i.e. scholastic, Study Island, Everyday Mathematics Program Math games)
Methods of Assessments/Evaluation:
• SMART board lessons (clickers)
• Study Island
• Thumbs up/Thumbs down
• Pair/share
• Portfolio
• Center activities
• Observations
• Hands on activities
• Anecdotal Notes
• Classroom work
• Teacher made Math boxes
• Circle Time Discussions
• Whiteboards
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Teacher’s Guide To Activities
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Math Masters
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Resources for Kindergarten Classroom
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Assessment Handbook
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Home School connection Handbook
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Minute Math Activity Book
• Everyday Mathematics Program: My First Math Book
• Everyday Mathematics Program: CD/Software of Everyday Math Games
• Everyday Mathematics Program: Center Activity Cards
Online Resources:
• Online Textbook Information:
• Teacher Webpage
• Online Early Childhood Games (Everyday Math Program):
Kindergarten Mathematics
Unit: 3
Approximate 4 Weeks
Essential Questions:
• How do we measure?
• How do we count?
• How can we compare numbers?
Upon completion of this unit students will be able to:
• Draw the correct quantity of items to represent numbers (K.Cc.3)
• Practice writing numerals (K.CC.3)
• Discuss and reinforce the concept of zero (K.CC.4)
• Create and describe a pattern
• Count dots on a single die (K.CC.4.a)
• Read and write number 1-6 (K.CC.3)
• Create a simple graph of dice rolls ((K.MD.2)
• Make a prediction about dice throws and discuss results (K.MD.2)
• Investigate the use of the pan balance and weighing techniques (K.K.MD.1, K.MD.2)
• Use a pan balance to compare and describe the weights of various objects (K.MD.1, K.MD.2)
• Count numbers of dots on dominos (K.CC.4a)
• Match numbers of dots to written numerals ((K.CC.3)
• Become aware of equivalent names for numbers (K.CC.4b)
• Read numbers (K.CC.1)
• Compare and order numbers (K.CC.6, K.CC.7)
• Measure items and using objects of uniform length (K.MD.1, K.MD.2)
• Compare lengths and arrange items by length (k.MD.1, K.MD.2)
• Develop and us strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems using concrete objects (K.OA.1, K.OA.2,
• Begin to understand the meanings of addition and subtraction (K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.4)
• Practice oral counting (K.CC.1)
• Practice one-to-one counting (K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b)
• Recognize numerals and represent number with objects (K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC4.c)
• Compare and order numbers (K.CC.7)
• Think of and categorizes likely, unlikely, certain, and impossible events (K.MD.3)