First Weeks of iPad
Lessons to kick off the 1:1 Classroom
(Lessons can be daily or several a day depending upon you and your students’ needs/schedules.) (My goal is to be done with Lesson 6 within a week so students can start using Canvas Morning Messages by second week if not earlier.) (Number iPads to correspond to student number.)
Essential Question: How can we use digital tools to enhance creativity, knowledge, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving skills?
Essential Question: How do you create a positive online community of learners?
Lesson One (iPad Procedures):
Obj. We will identify proper iPad procedures.
§ Today we will review our iPad procedures.
§ Gather students around the iPad procedures bulletin board.
§ Have discussion of why procedures are necessary.
§ Explain expectations/procedures. (Procedures can be created together or already posted.)
§ Emphasize that the iPad is a learning tool.
§ Exit Card- Using a Post-it (Place on iPad Procedures Board): Which procedure do you think is most important and why?
Lesson Two (Getting iPad/Sign in and Set up iPad): Took about 45 minutes last year.
Obj. We will demonstrate proper iPad procedures.
Obj. We will explain how to set up iPads.
§ Introduce numbering system. iPad numbers match student number.
§ Review Be Safe procedures for iPads again.
o Carry carefully
o Store flat on your table when not in use
o Keep food and drinks away
§ Today we are going to sign in and set up our iPad.
§ Show Noblesville Schools Orientation PowerPoint (Intro. and Set up)
§ Stop and talk as appropriate and set up iPads.
§ Students will then put up iPads properly.
§ Exit Card- Using a Post-it (Place on iPad Procedures Board): What are you most excited about using the iPads this year?
Lesson Three (Getting iPad/Downloading Apps/Procedures Review):
Obj. We will demonstrate proper iPad procedures.
Obj. We will explain how to download Apps.
§ Gather students around iPad procedures board and review Be Responsible procedures.
§ Students return to tables with iPads.
§ Today we will download learning tool apps onto our iPad.
§ Emphasize that this is a learning tool. We will download apps that will help us learn more about our world, organize our learning, and show our learning.
§ Ask yourself is this a learning tool? Does it help us learn more about our world, organize our learning, or show our learning?
§ Show App Portal and have students download:
o List Apps Here that you want them to download.
o Include PicCollage App to download.
§ Demonstrate expectations of how to put an iPad back.
§ Students will then put up iPads properly.
§ Exit Card- Whip Around the Room -Share your favorite learning app.
Lesson Four (Getting iPad/Procedures Review/Creating with App/Google Drive):
Obj. We will demonstrate good digital citizenship.
Obj. We will describe how to use the camera and store photos.
Obj. We will explain how to transfer a file in Google Drive.
§ Gather students around iPad procedures board and review Be Respectful procedures.
§ “Before you post, think” Mini-Lesson: Ask students what they think digital citizenship means. Write ideas on board/chart. Digital citizenship or digital etiquette can be defined as appropriate, responsible behavior when using technology. Show poster/anchor chart with “Before you post, think.” Before we make a comment, send a message, post a picture or video, we must ask ourselves these questions: Is it true, is it helpful, is it inspiring, is it necessary, is it kind?
§ (For free copies of posters and bookmarks )
§ Students will get iPads.
§ Today we will be using our digital camera responsibly. We will be demonstrating digital citizenship/etiquette.
§ First, we will be creating an appropriate wallpaper photo for our ipad. We will be creating a “selfie” that will help identify our iPad if it is left behind somewhere in the school. The “selfie” should be appropriate for “work” vs “home” technology.
§ Demonstrate how to use the camera and review that the camera is to be used as a learning tool. Does it help us learn more about our world, organize our learning, or show our learning?
§ Next, we will create collages of pictures that demonstrate our Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful iPad procedures.
§ Each student will work with a partner to take pictures of that student demonstrating 1 procedure from each category of Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful.
§ Have students set their own timers to help them know how much time they have. Set a 5 minute. Then another 5 minute.
§ During this time observe students and compliment those who are demonstrating good behavior/partner work.
§ Have students open up Pic Collage App.
§ Demonstrate how Pic Collage App works.
§ Students will then create a 3 Photo Collage with labels of each Category or Procedure.
§ Demonstrate how to place in folder on Google Drive. (Have Google Drive folder already shared with students.)
§ Students will place collage into Shared folder on Google Drive.
§ Students will then put up iPads properly.
§ The teacher will print these collages and hang on iPad procedures board.
§ Exit Card- Group Brainstorm: How else could we use this App to show our learning this year?
Lesson Five (Setting Up Notability/ Google Drive):
Obj. We will describe how to organize our learning in Notability.
Obj. We will explain how to transfer a file in Notability to Google Drive.
§ Stand by cart and each student has to give one Be Safe procedure when they get their iPad.
§ Students return to tables with iPads.
§ Today will use the learning tool Notability to be able to organize our learning.
§ Students will go through the Nobility Welcome Tutorial independently.
§ Dividers (Plus Sign: Choose Divider)
o Reading
o Reader’s Notebook
o Math
o Writing
o Social Studies
o Science
o Data Folder
§ Subject (Plus Sign: Choose Subject: Edit: Press and Move to Divider)
o Reading
§ No Talking
§ Nonfiction Unit
o Reader’s Notebook
§ Mini-Lessons
§ Anchor Charts
§ Writing About Reading
§ Book Log
o Math
§ Math Homework
§ Unit 1
§ Open Response
o Writing
§ Narrative
o Social Studies
§ Native Americans
§ Explorers
o Science
o Data Folder
§ Multiplication
§ Division
§ Reading Level
§ Goals
§ Transferring file from Google Drive to Notability.
o Students will then go to Google Drive
o Click on Shared with Me
o Find Data Folder
o Click i (information)
o Click Open In
o Click Notability
o Sort into Data Folder
§ Edit
§ Check mark folder
§ Move to Data Folder Subject
§ Each student has to give one Be Respectful procedure when they put up their iPad.
§ Students will then put up iPads properly.
§ Exit Card- Turn and Talk- Why is it important for us to stay organized with our learning files this year?
Lesson Six (Getting iPad/Setting up Canvas/Replacing iPad):
Obj. We will explain how to access Canvas App.
· Have students accept the Canvas class email invitation before starting.
§ Each student has to give one Be Responsible procedure when they get their iPad.
§ Today we are going to learn about setting up our Canvas.
§ Show Noblesville Schools Orientation PowerPoint (Working With Canvas)
o Go to App Portal and get Canvas App (if not already done)
o Enter Canvas URL:
o Choose Connect at Bottom of Screen
o Login: Student ID (Lunch Code) and Password
§ Canvas
o Explain that we will have learning experiences using the Canvas learning App.
o Have students click on Class Schedule and Parent Resources.
o Introduce Morning Work. Explain that every morning their morning message will now be found on their iPad.
o Click on Morning Work.
o Click on Day of the Week.
o Have students complete the Morning Work.
§ Each student has to give one Be Safe procedure when they put up their iPad.
§ Exit Card- Using a Post-it: Write a question that you might have about using Canvas App this year.
Lesson Seven (Online Privacy):
Obj. We will demonstrate good digital citizenship.
§ What is a digital footprint? Show Digital Footprint Video
§ Online Privacy Mini-Lesson: NOTHING we do online is ever private. to explain that the digital world is not make believe it is real life. Your digital life is easily reproducible and shareable to audiences around the world. A “private conversation” is never completely private. It can be retrieved from your computer/iPad.
§ Go through the points of the video:
o Always log out of public computer. Always have a passcode set for your iPad.
o Don’t give your full name, birthdates, addresses, personal info.
o Don’t share passwords. (Treat like toothbrushes)
o Share only information that you are proud of and leave a positive image.
o “Self-reflect before you reveal” (Refer back to “Before you post, think”)
o Think before you click -Sites you visit can be tracked. (This is where you emphasize that they can run a report on where they visit with their school iPad.)
§ Exit Card- Show image Explain what this digital citizenship image means, and how it relates to your digital footprint?
Lesson Seven (Cyber bullying):
Obj. We will demonstrate good digital citizenship.
§ Set: Show Cyber bullying Slides. (Do not tell students that the lesson is about cyber bullying) Pause on each slide and have students turn and talk about what they think is happening in each picture. Last slide will give name to being bullied online-Cyber bullying.
§ Show Stand Up to Cyber bullying video-
§ Cyber bullying Mini-Lesson: Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
§ Go through the points of the video:
o Don’t respond because bullies are looking for a reaction.
o Block and ignore them if you can.
o If it continues, save the evidence (take a screenshot or show immediately) and show an adult.
o Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself or someone else.
o “Before you post, think”- refer to again.
§ Exit Card- Give Me Five Facts- Write down 5 things that you can do if you are facing cyber bullying.
Lesson Eight (Blio):
Have Media Specialist set up students and demonstrate how to access to Blio (ebooks).