New HavenCountyRegistrars of Voters
CNVS II workshop Minutes
CheshireTown Hall
August 28, 2012
Attendance: Helen Mis, Aleta Looker, Louise Pitney, Marie Greene, Chet Miller, Anthony Esposito, Rose Mentone, Kathy Grace, Louise Graver, Paulette Hart, Kerri Rowland, Antoinette Carey, Marion Zullo, Sandra Swan, Anne McBain, Ann Hearn, Mary McDonald, Patty Jackson-Marshall
10:05 a.m. Chair Marie Greene welcoming remarks and introduces one of the workshop hosts – Aleta Looker. Aleta welcomes the group and introduces, the Cheshire Town Manager, Michael Milone who gives opening remarks and pleasantries.
Brief workshop topics and information from Marie Greene:
Denise Merrill may not be attending SOTS day at ROVAC conference.She is a national delegate to the Democratic Convention in So. Carolina.
Last day’s (Friday) theme at ROVAC conference is Red, White and Blue.
Contest at conference: Oldest political pin.
Marie Greene welcomes the speaker, Ted Bromley.
Powerpoint presentation: CNVS II. –
Summary of presentation and information given by Ted:
CVRS II: What has changed?
Speed and reliability.
Updated search functions.
Streamlined data entry and reports criteria.
Log-In page
Log-in boxes on right top page
Software downloads available on right bottom page
Documents and search help info on left bottom page
Log-in and screen shows any voter cancellations that you may have (reminder screen)
On left side, navigation screen that can be collapsed or expanded to move through the various screens.
Activities: Voter registration, Maintain town data, Redistrict, System, Maintain Voter History, Elections, Canvass. Those in bold print have expanded sub categories, e.g. under Elections, ‘Who voted’ and under Maintain town data, ‘Party History’, ‘Address History’, etc.
Inquiries: Voter information, Election Day Inquiry, Town Polling Place, Voter Petition history, Town street and Voter Absentee Ballot.
Election Day Inquiry is new
Reports: Alpha Voter List, Change Detail, Official Voter List, Phone List, Polling Place List, Town Street List. Supplemental Voter List: Absentee ballot summary, Election Summary, Election voter detail, Voter registration summary– which currently contains a few glitches & finally, Voter List and Report Status.
Registrar Maintenance: Absentee Ballot, Disk File, Duplicate Voter List, In State Cancellations, Labels, Labels for Permanent Absentee Voters. Absentee ballot report (Town Clerk might utilize) Duplicate voter names list, In State cancellations list, Petition voter list, special status list, unit number list (use to show how consistently you label unit numbers) -- Use these functions specific reasons and helps clean up voter data for your office.
Disk File report may be run and used to create an excel format Alpha.
Reminders: This is the first page that pops up when you log in. Summary of cancellations, letters to print and reports available to print.
Updates: Application updates, system requirements and available software to download.
There is also a Help screen and a Log out screen: self explanatory.
Notes on using CNVS II: What is new and/or of note:
Inquiries: You can enter statewide last name Brom* and all the Broms, Bromfield, Bromleys, etc will come up. You can enter first name Sam, and you will get all Sams that are registered to vote. DOB, all voters with that date of birth.
Election Day Inquiry: Allows ROV to allow the Deputies, Staff on Election Day to check status of voters – but not input any data or change any voter information.
Memo: A place to make a note that is NON-personal…example: Pollworker 2007, 2008.
Do not add personal information as this is FOI – able.
Alpha Lists are as of the day of printing. Official Voter Lists are lists of voters that will be eligible to vote during the (you entered an election date) future election.
Acceptable ID/Criteria: First time mail-in voter has to provide us with ID -either a CT License, Soc Sec Card…CNVS checks with Soc Sec and/or DMV data bases for match per HAVA statute.
If they show you a bank statement or utility bill, SOTS is going to trust that you have seen the statement.
Once the ID # verified, it is NOT stored in the data base of CNVS.
If you hit “in person” CNVS will NOT check DMV.
With those of special status, do not use their residence address. Choose special status ‘other’ for judges, etc.
Special status: Military: Do not use residence address, choose Military under special status.
All special status-Military, Overseas, Other will appear at the end of official check off lists –make sure to train staff to look there and check off.
Mailing Address now defines where to place the APO/FPO. Select no city, no state.
Maintain Elections: There is a function to insert local elections such as primaries/referenda.
Quick Search: exactly what it says, quick way to see all data on voter
Inquiries: Previous name function & prior residence function updated
Election Day Inquiry: For Election Day staff (and town clerks) to look up voter info, no changes to voter capability. Read only.
Election Voter Detail – gives you whether voted by absentee & in person
Election Voter Detail – in put an election date and you can get a list of who voted or did not vote in the previous years/elections. Useful for canvass.
Reports: Official, Monthly change detail, supplemental – you have to put an election date in
Reports: for a lot of reports you do not need to enter specific date
Age range added, sort order option
Report Status: View vs. Submit request – CNVS saves them for 2-3 days if they are submitted rather than viewed. If you submit – then you have a reference of the information to return to, especially if you choose to save the information.
New business: Aleta Looker was presented a gift following the announcement of her retirement as a Cheshire ROV. Aleta thanked the attendees, and wished her successor the best of luck.
Call to adjourn: Marie Greene, seconded: Helen Mis
Meeting adjourned: 11: 58 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Jackson-Marshall
Secretary, New Haven County ROVAC