Manpower at BT Field Expense Policy Guidelines and Policy V.5January2010
Manpower at BT Field Expense Guidelines and Policy
Now Next
- Purpose
- Scope
- Policy
This policy details the Manpower at BT Field Expense Guidelines and Process for business travel and expense reimbursement.
It is designed to ensure that employees who undertake business travel follow the correct expense process as agreed by BT and Manpower.
The Company reserve the right to vary or amend any of the terms of this policy at its absolute discretion with effect from 1st June 2009.
All Manpower at BT employees who incur field expenses.
* Non retail - DFTS & Global Services
Continue to expense as normal until advised otherwise.
Manpower Retail Contract
- Stores Without Walls Secondments
- Employees previously in BT Global Services business unit, now transferred into the BT Retail business unit
- Home Advisors
Business Travel
- Inform your Manpower Manager you have been requested to work in the field and forward the request email from BT Manager before you commence your secondment.
- Train, rail and air travel wherever possible should be booked by your BT manager.
- For SWW, Manpower will reimburse travel expenses to and from stores and to and from the hotel, where applicable.
- Provided the journey is different from the ordinary commuting journey the cost of travel can be claimed in full.
- Allfuel must be claimed by the mile, not by receipts, and must have the correct mileage rates. Please speak to you Manpower Manager for current mileage rates.
- If a hire car has been authorised all fuel must be claimed by the mile. You may claim the tank refill costs prior to releasing the vehicle but a valid receipt must be provided.
- Travel to and from the store will not be added as overtime under any circumstances.
- Taxis should only be utilised exceptionally where it is cost effective or no feasible alternative travel arrangements exist.
- Taxis should normally be pre-booked to avoid surcharge and waiting times.
- Train travel is the preferred transport for SWW secondments.
- Train travel and flights must only ever be standard/economy class. Manpower will not reimburse first class or business class rail or flights.
- All business travel expense claims must be accompanied by a receipt this should be in most cases a VAT receipt. If a receipt is not available, this must be declared at the time of submitting the claim and as an alternative a copy of the card statement may be submitted.
- Debit card/credit card customer copy slips are not deemed as valid receipts.
- If you are late or unable to attend work due to illness please inform your Manpower Manager as normal.
- This expense policy outlines the correct procedure for the reimbursement for travel and travel related expenses. It must not be used to purchase items on behalf of BT, for team meetings or employee reward recognition.
- Expenses should be completed as soon as possible on a monthly basis. For clarity & audit purposes please ensure the expenses form is entered in date order & that all items for the specified date are consolidated & claimed on the same form i.e. train tickets, taxi/tube/bus fares, mileage, lunch/overnight food allowances.
- ReceiptsMUSTbe submitted in order for Manpower to comply with Inland Revenue requirements. If receipts cannot be presented for whatever reason, Manpower reserves the right not to reimburse the expense in question.
Hotel Accommodation
- Hotels will be booked for you via your BT Regional Manager.
- Personal incidental expenses MUST NOTbe claimed for i.e. toothpaste, cigarettes etc.
Alternative Overnight Stays
- If you decide to stay with friends or relatives or in other types of accommodation instead of a hotel. You can claim a 24-hour flat rate of £25 to cover accommodation, food and expenses. Other associated costs MUST NOT be claimed for e.g. personal incidental expenses or meals.
Meals and drinks
- If you are staying in overnight hotel accommodation you can claim up to £15 (including soft beverages only) to cover your food costs for the day including lunch.
- Itemised receipts must be requested.
- Please purchase any alcoholic beverages separately at your own expense or alternatively deduct the appropriate amounts from your claimable expenses and receipts.
- If you are commuting daily you can claim £3 for lunch if working at a non BT site (SWW).
Claiming expenses - Home Advisors
- Home Advisors are only able to claim travel expenses to and from their place of work to their BT Centre.
- Additionally at the end of each calendar quarter Home Advisors will be able to claim a £26Utility Payment (no receipts required).
- Expenses will only be paid following approval from your BT and Manpower Manager.
- Submit your expenses to your Manpower Manager in a timely manner. All expense claims must be submitted within 6 months of incurring the expenses.
- Itemise and date the expenses you wish to claim in the Manpower at BT electronic expense form.
- If you are using a personal vehicle please include the engine type and correct mileage rate which can be obtained from your Manpower Manager.
- Ensure the expenses you are claiming are compliant with the Manpower at BT Field Expense Guidelines and Policy.
- Print and sign your expense form for your BT Manager to approve/sign off.
- Photo copy your compliant receipts.
- Hand your expense form to your Manpower Manager to countersign, receipts as well as the photocopies so that they can be sent to payroll and kept on file.
Claiming expenses - Stores Without Walls
- Expenses will only be paid if you can produce itemised receipts.
- Submit your expenses to your Manpower Manager in a timely manner. All expense claims must be submitted within 6 months of incurring the expenses.
- Itemise and date the expenses you wish to claim in the Manpower at BT Stores Without Walls electronic expense form.
- Separate the net amount and VAT amount if applicable.
- Ensure the expenses you are claiming are compliant with the Manpower at BT Field Expense Guidelines and Policy.
- Print and sign your expense form for your SWW Manager and Manpower Manager to approve/sign off.
- Photo copy your compliant receipts.
- Hand your expense form to your Manpower Manager, receipts as well as the photocopies so that they can be sent to payroll and kept on file.
- Request your SWW manager to send approval/confirmation email to Manpower billing.
Claiming expenses - ex Global Services staff
- Expenses will only be paid if you can produce itemised receipts.
- Submit your expenses to your Manpower Manager in a timely manner. All expense claims must be submitted within 6 months of incurring the expenses.
- Itemise and date the expenses you wish to claim in the Manpower at BT electronic expense form.
- Separate the net amount and VAT amount if applicable.
- Ensure the expenses you are claiming are compliant with the Manpower at BT Field Expense Guidelines and Policy.
- Print and sign your expense form for your BT Manager to approve/sign off.
- Photo copy your compliant receipts.
- Hand your expense form to your Manpower Manager to countersign, receipts as well as the photocopies so that they can be sent to payroll and kept on file.
Acceptable expense claims
- £3 daily lunch allowance if you are commuting to a non BT site (SWW).
- £15 daily allowance if you are staying in a hotel overnight.
- £25 daily, if you decide/have no option but to stay with friends or relatives.
- Travel costs to and from stores and to and from the hotel where applicable.
- Taxis in the exception.
Unacceptable/non compliant expense claims
Expenses that are deemed unacceptable/ non compliant are those that fall outside of the acceptable expense claim list or exceed the set claimable limits.
For example, non-valid receipts, toothpaste, flowers, crates of beer and other personal incidental expenses. The list is not exhaustive.
Audits will be conducted at random. Manpower reserves the right to reclaim, in full from your pay, the expenses in question following 4 weeks notification. You may appeal to your Manpower Manager if you believe you are able to substantiate the expense claim.
Hint’s and Tips
To ensure your expenses are reimbursed in a timely manner and without delay please follow the below actions.
Expense form
- Ensure your Manpower Manager is aware you will be commencing work in the field.
- If VAT is displayed on the receipt, separate the net amount and VAT amount on the expense form.
- Ensure your Manpower Manager has seen and approved your expenses.
- Submit only ‘valid receipts’. Valid receipts are machine printed tickets that indicate the establishment, date, time and expense amounts (itemised). The list is not exhaustive.
- Do not submit Debit card/credit card customer copy slips, as they are not valid receipts.
- Ensure you can provide itemised receipts in all occasions possible.
- Ensure all your receipts can be accounted for so that your Manpower Manager can send the hard copies of your receipts to Payroll.
- When purchasing your claimable £3 lunch, ensure that you either request separate receipts for your meal and other personal incidental expenses or highlight the claimable lunch expenses and adjust the receipt accordingly.
- Ensure any expenses do not go beyond the £15 daily limit staying in overnight hotel accommodation. Please purchase separately any additional expenses.
- Purchase your evening meal from food establishments that can provide you with a valid printed receipt and not a hand written piece of paper.
- On your final day of the SWW secondment and not returning to the hotel for the evening, please do not claim more than the £3 lunch allowance.
If you are in any doubt as to these requirements set out in the policy above, please seek further advice from your Manpower Manager.
I have read and understood the above requirements and agree to be bound by them.
Signature:………………………Print Name: ………………………
Date: ………………………