Paper Id: add paper id here
title (Times New Roman 14pt, All Caps, bold, centre adjusted)
Author, A1., Author, B2 and Author, C3 (Times New Roman, 12 pt)
1designation, address, email, indicate as corresponding author if so
2designation, address, email, indicate as corresponding author if so
3designation, address, email, indicate as corresponding author if so
Abstract (Times New Roman 12 pt, First letter capital, bold, Centred)
The abstract should be one paragraph. It should summarize the problem, approach, and significance of the results. Abstract should be approximately 200-250 words in length. Use Times New Roman 12pt, Left & Right justified. Leave one blank line before and after.
Keywords (Times New Roman 12 pt, First letter capital, bold, left adjusted)
Type your keywords, approximately 5 keywords, here, separated by semicolons; Use Times New Roman 12pt, Left & Right justified.
Here introduce the paper including Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions. The paragraphs continue from here and are only separated by headings, subheadings, images and formulas. The section headings are arranged by number. The text should be in single column format and single line spacing.
Papers which are not submitted according to the format below will not be included in the proceedings of the Colloquium. The language of the colloquium and all submissions is English. Page size is A4 only (letter, legal or other size pages are not accepted). Paper should be ten (10) pages or less.
Use only Times New Roman font throughout the article. Restrict heading and subheadings to three levels only.
2. General Formatting Instructions
Files must be in MS Word only and should be formatted for direct printing. Figures and tables should be embedded and not supplied separately.
Please make sure that you use as much as possible normal fonts in your documents. Special fonts, such as fonts used in the Far East (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc.) may cause problems during processing. To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the ‘spellchecker’ function of MS Word. Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (including figures and tables), Acknowledgements, References, Appendix.
Please do not alter the formatting and style layouts which have been set up in this template document. As indicated in the template, papers should be prepared in single column format suitable for direct printing.
Do not number pages, as page numbers will be added separately for the preprints and the Proceedings.
2.1 File naming
Please name your files as paper id_first word of title_Name of 1st Author. For example: “135_sufficiency_vignesh”
3. First level Headings
First level headings are upper case, left adjusted, bold and Times New Roman 12 pt. Leave one blank line before and after.
3.1 Second Level Headings
Second level headings are title case, left adjusted, bold and Times New Roman 12 pt. Leave one blank line before and after the second level heading.
3.1.1 Third Level Headings
Third level headings are title case, left adjusted, bold, italic and Times New Roman 12 pt. Leave one blank line before and after the third level heading.
3.2 General guidelines for the preparation of your text
Text should be prepared in Times New Roman 12pt, sentence case, single line spacing. Give an indentation of 1.27 cm for first line and one blank line between paragraphs.
Avoid hyphenation at the end of a line. Symbols denoting vectors and matrices should be indicated in bold type. Scalar variable names should normally be expressed using italics. Weights and measures should be expressed in SI units. All non-standard abbreviations or symbols must be defined when first mentioned, or a glossary provided. Authors are to complete a final full spell check of their papers and complete virus scan using up to-date virus protection software before submission.
3.2.1 Bulleted list
Bulleted lists may be included and should look like this:
· First point
· Second point
4. Citations, figures, tables, references
4.1 Citations within the text
Citations should follow the APA style (APA Online Guide, 2006). Authors must ensure that every citation in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa. The corresponding references are to be listed in alphabetical order using APA reference style at the end of the paper, in the References section.
Example references are given in this template for books with one author (Baxter, 1997), conference papers (Binh et al., 1998), journal articles (Baldwin et al., 2000), and books with editors (Stock and Campbell, 2000). For electronic references without authors, the reference is cited using the web page title, along with date of accessing the page. The University of Wisconsin Writing Center provides a good resource for questions about the APA style (University of Wisconsin-Madison's APA Guide, 2004).
Where there are two authors both should be listed separated by “and”. If there are three or more authors the first should be listed followed by “et al”. All and ONLY the sources referred to in the main text should be included in the references at the end of the document.
4.2 Figures
All figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2, 3…). Every figure should have a caption. All photographs, schemas, graphs and diagrams are to be referred to as figures. Line drawings should be good quality scans or true electronic output. Low-quality scans are not acceptable. Figures must be embedded into the text and not supplied separately. Lettering and symbols should be clearly defined either in the caption or in a legend provided as part of the figure. Figures should be placed at the top or bottom of a page wherever possible, as close as possible to the first reference to them in the paper.
The figure number and caption should be typed below the illustration in Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, sentence case and centred. If two images fit next to each other, these may be placed next to each other to save space. For example, see Fig. 1.
Fig 1. (a) First picture; (b) Second picture.
4.3 Tables
All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and should be of a size adequate for clear understanding and placed in the text where appropriate. Every table should have a caption. Caption should be placed above table in Times New Roman 12 pt, bold, sentence case and centred. Tables must be embedded into the text and not supplied separately. Below is an example which the authors may find useful. Give one blank line before table caption.
Table 1. An example of a table
An example of a column heading / Column A (t) / Column B (t)And an entry / 1 / 2
And another entry / 3 / 4
And another entry / 5 / 6
4.4 Equations
Equations and formulae should be typed in Equation editor or Mathtype, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side. They should also be separated from the surrounding text by one blank line.
4.5 Footnotes
Footnotes should be avoided if possible.
Acknowledgements is optional. Acknowledgements heading should be left justified, bold, with the first letter capitalized but have no numbers. Text below continues as normal.
References must be listed at the end of the paper. All and ONLY the sources cited to in the main text should be included in the references at the end of the document and should be listed alphabetically.
1. APA Online Guide (2006). Retrieved January 12, 2006, from
2. Baldwin, C., Bevan, C., and Beshalske, A. (2000). Example of journal article reference. Journal of Reference Examples, 141:171.
3. Baxter, C. (1997). Example references of books with one author. New York: Random House.
4. Binh, N., McCue, C., and O'Brien, K. (1998). Example conference paper reference. In Proceedings of National Reference Example Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.
5. Stock, G. and Campbell, J., editors (2000). Example references of books with editors. Philadelphia: Curd and Cover.
6. University of Wisconsin-Madison's APA Guide (2004). Accessed on January 12, 2006, from
Appendix A: An example
Authors including an appendix section should do so after References section. Multiple appendices should all have headings in the style used above. They have to be ordered A, B, C etc.