13-0110/2/12B6Copy of Violence in

Workplace Report

13-0210/2/12B6Copy of security


13-0310/10/12National TreasuryCopy of list of Employees Union bargaining unit

Employees (7777)

Listing of positions

Duty stations, grade

Notation of professional

Or non-professional

Status and the employee

Organization code with a

Key of those codes

13-0410/23/12Melvin Hugh HallA copy of the Standard

Form 61 Group Life Insurance


13-0510/31/12B6Copy of IG Investigation




13-0611/15/12B6Copy of resume package

Application point total

Explanation of how point

Total was derived and

Successful applicant’s

Name and resume package

For DISA-649145-12KM

13-0711/27/12Information SystemsCopy of the DCAA pre-award

Solutionsaudit conducted for


13-0812/13/12Judicial WatchAny and all records

Regarding, concerning

Or related to the blocking

Of and/or restriction of

Access to the following

Web sites via the NIPRnet

And/or any other Department

Of Defense computer system

Or network:

Any and all records listing,

Naming or identifying the web

Sites to which access via the

NIPRnet and/or any other

Department of Defense computer

System or network was blocked

At any time between

December 1, 2010 and the date of

This request



13-0912/20/12B6Copy of violence in the

Workplace report

13-101/10/13William WeberAny and all records

Pertaining to him

13-112/5/13Cooley, LLPCopy of all documents

Provided to DISA

Since January 2012 from

Linquest relating to

Project Manager Airborne

Reconnaissance and

Exploitation Systems Program

On Intelsat Satellite

IS-26; documents provided

To DISA since January 2012

From Linquest prepared or

Received from Tachyon Networks;

All Tachyon documents provided

To DISA since January 2012

By Linquest relating to the

Capacity needs of PM ARES

And FTOA MARSS on Intelsat


13-122/5/13Nick SchwellenbachCopy of DoDIG report 2011-089




13-132/5/13Nick SchwellenbachCopy of DoDIG report 2011-079


13-142/12/13B6All records related

To DISA 825793-13OG

Including email


Completed forms;

Written documentation

Information regarding

All meetings to include

Minutes; transcripts

Of all recorded telephone

Calls related to subject

Job announcement

13-152/13/13B6Percentage of GS13, GS-14

SES males and females who

have left Agency since

4 Feb 11 before retirement;

The percentage of GS13s

Promoted to GS14’s who were

Males/females; the percentage

of GS14s promoted to GS15’s

who were males/females;

The percentage of GS15s promoted

to SES who were males/females;

The percentage of selected

Executive leadership development

Program participants (primary not

Altenates)were males and females



13-162/21/13Edge PointCopy of all uncashed

Checks/warrants for

Six months or more

For amounts of $1,000

Or more; accounting

Tax overpayments which

Have been refundable for

Six months or more for

Amounts of $1,000 or

More; all unclaimed funds

Which have not been

Escheated to the state

For amounts $1,000 or


13-172/21/13Kirk BrownCopy of the organizational

Chart for Chief Information


13-183/15/13Data SecurityCopy of telephone directory

And organizational chart

13-193/19/13Brian WengerAll records concerning

L. Ron Hubbard

13-203/19/13Caroline LetkermanAll records concerning

L. Ron Hubbard



13-213/20/13Lynae GruberAll correspondence to and

From DISA and Representatives

Mike Honda, Anna Eshoo and

Zoe Lofgren from 2009 to


13-223/26/13Michael EvansCopy of all documents

And electronic records

Pertaining to Colombia That were drafted,

Approved, cleared, signed

By, sent to or sent from

Donald Rumsfeld

(DoD Consultation)

13-234/10/13Derek DelanoNumber of mobile services

(including laptops, mobile

Phones and tablets) that have

Been reported lost or stolen

DISA employees and contractors

From January 1 2010-March 31, 2013

Average cost of each lost or stolen


13-244/11/13Karl GrindelDISA records on Solar Sunrise

(FBI Consult)



13-254/16/13B6Copy of all statements,

Official and unofficial

Reports and other documents

Related to the matter of

Alleged Violence in the


13-264/30/13B6Copy of his rating for

Job announcement DISA


13-274/30/13Austin HughesRecords containing

Information on how

Many people are in

The witness protection


13-285/9/13John GreenwaldCopy of all MOU’s and

Comity agreements at

The NRO since 2009

(NRO Referral)

13-295/10/13Anita GrovesAll records pertaining

To Emergency Power Off

Button Incident

(DIA Consult)

13-305/16/13B6Copy of background

Investigative files



13-315/20/13B6Copy of all records

Pertaining to the

Status indefinite


13-325/21/13B6Copy of background

Investigative files

13-335/21/13Peter HoellerCopy of all documents

Showing how a civilian

Smart phone on the T-Mobile

Network gets assigned a

DoD Network Information

Center registered Internet

Protocol (IP) address;

All documents describing

How a civilian smart phone

Is authenticated by the

DoD Network Information

Center’s Dynamic Host Control

Protocol (DHCP) server in order

To obtain aDoD Network Information

Center registered IP address

13-346/7/13B6Copy of IG investigation

13-356/12/13B6Copy of IG investigation




13-366/26/13B6Copy of all records

Pertaining to him for


13-377/9/13Bernard BurawskiCopy of records pertaining

To FAS 702 Operations for

Upstream and Prism Data

Collection Programs

13-387/17/13MuckRock NewsA copy of all memoranda

Briefs, emails, security

Alerts, policy guidance,

Records and any other

Documents including

Communications and

Procurement relating

To a Tor relay with

The nickname “London pipe”

13-397/22/13Caffeine SecurityCopy of DISA FSO Gold Disk

Binaries, Source Code

Developer documentation,

User/administrator manuals

13-407/25/13DRS TechnologiesCopy of all small business

Task order award documents

Under FCSA pertaining to

Categories: CTC, CSS

(Schedule 70) and CS2



13-418/5/13B6All documents

Pertaining to

Vacancy announcement


13-428/6/13Michael SerratoInformation in

File plan 1200-03

Drawings of electrical

Plumbing,heating or

Air conditioning

Systems; file plan

700-27, small and

Disadvantaged business

Utilization files

13-438/15/13Keri BurnorAny and all records

Pertaining to her

13-448/15/13Mark ZaidCopy of records DISA

Provided to DoD CAF

To revoke clearance

13-458/15/13B6All records pertaining

Electronic surveillance

Of telephone number

B6 and emails




13-468/27/13Jeniffer SetzerAny records pertaining

To her or Julius C. Jones

13-478/28/13B6Copy of all documents

Relating to questioning

Of B6 byDISA security,

July 26, 2013

13-489/3/13B6Records pertaining to OPM


(DMDC Referral)

13-499/9/13MuckRock NewsA copy of all correspondence

Between DISA and the

Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Court

13-509/18/13B6Copy of his resume

Selected candidate’s

Resume and supporting

Documentation, breakdown

Of candidate ranking/and

Or point totals and

Explanation of how totals

Rankings were derived for

Job Announcement D-DISA-




13-519/19/13Jeremy RyanCopy of documents pertaining

To the Nuremberg trials and

UFOs that were documented

Under project Grudge, project

Forecast and Project Paper


13-529/19/13MuckRock NewsA copy of all memoranda,

Briefs, emails records of

Any other documents including

Communications and procurements

Relating to Tor Relays owned

Controlled, run or operated

By DoD either on a DoD Network

Or elsewhere

13-539/24/13Center for A copy of Agency memos

EffectiveCommunications to Congress

GovernmentAnd reports on the impact

Of sequestration in FY2013

And anticipated impacts of

Sequestration in FY2014 and/
or other deeper potential

Cuts; FY2013 operating plans

That detail sequestration’s

Impact across agency program

Areas and subsequent use of

Reprogramming authority to

Mitigate impacts



13-549/25/13The HillCopy of 2013 FOIA Log