Opened at 7.35pm
Part 1
1 Members present
Councillors E Hudson, A Ambrose, P Healey, D Ford, C Williams, L Trevaskis, G Wright,
C Gallagher
Clerk to the Council T Rogers-Smith
Public 14
2 Apologies
Councillors A Jones
3 Declarations of Interest with regard to items on the agenda
All Councillors declared an interest in the Village Hall.
4 Minutes of the previous Meeting
Resolve that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Meeting held on 21 November 2016, proposed by
Cllr Ambrose and seconded by Cllr Gallagher, agreed by all be signed as a true record.
5 Police report
PCSO Marnick attended prior to the meeting and presented his report for the month. He was available to answer questions from the public. His attendance is appreciated by Councillors.
6 Planning Report
a 16/00543/FUL Proposed removal of existing conservatory and replacement by single storey orangery to rear elevation at 2 Ennis Close Hale Liverpool L24 5RT Applicant Mr & Mrs Smith Officer Mr Brennan
No objections
a 16/00533/TCA removal of 1 no. Oak Tree at 16 Church Road Hale Liverpool L24 4BA
b 16/00521/TCA felling of 1 no. Poplar Tree within the conservation area at Poppleton Thatch 23 Hale Road
a 16/00179/FUL Proposed creation of external terrace with seating area, provision of ramped access and illumination of adjacent tree at Childe Of Hale Church End Hale Liverpool L24 4AX
b 16/00331/FUL Proposed demolition of single storey flat roofed elements of bungalow, garage, kitchen to rear and part of dining room to side, followed by creation of side extension, front and rear dormer extensions to accommodate loft conversion at 20 Town Lane Hale Liverpool L24 4AG
c 16/00272/FUL Proposed conversion of existing office buildings to 5no. dwellings and garages, demolition of existing industrial sheds and redevelopment to provide 14no. cottages and garages with associated external works and landscaping at Ramsbrook Farm Ramsbrook Lane Hale Liverpool WA8 8NZ
d 16/00364/FUL Proposed erection of single storey convenience store with associated car parking, landscaping and ATM machine on Land Adjacent To The Wellington Hotel Town Lane Hale L24 4AG
e 16/00487/FUL Proposed rebuilding of listed dwelling at 16 Church End Hale Liverpool L24 4AX
f 16/00487/FUL & 16/00488/LBC Proposed rebuilding of listed dwelling at 16 Church End Hale L24 4AX
7 Financial Report
Parish Council Account
a Receipts
Bank charges refund Parish Council 1117.40 [Sept]
VAT refund Re new Village Hall 26731.18
VAT refund Parish Council 534.58
Total 28383.16
b PC Grant applications none
c PC Payments between meetings
Into Solutions Builder 26731.18 reference 002310
d PC Payments January
J Loughran Caretaker 115.00 reference 002311
W Stephens Landscaping 45.00 reference 002312
Tina Rogers-Smith Pay 383.75 reference 000313
Tina Rogers-Smith Supplies laptop 260.00 reference 000313
A Ambrose CCTV equipment 223.88 reference 000314
Royal British Legion Wreath 17.00 reference 000315
Total 1044.63
Parish Council New Village Hall Account
e Receipts
Lottery Grant 33242.46
f Payments for December
Into solutions Builder 8112.67 reference 00031
OMF Derek Cox Architect 780/09 1800.00 reference 00033
Gerrard O’Donnell Contract Services 088/349/07 1209.83 reference 00034
John A Davies Chartered Structural Engineer 1997.73 reference 00035
Unpaid item fee Into cheque paid in too early 20.00
Total 13140.23
g Payments for January
PB Sustainability Ltd SBEM calculations 534.00 reference 00036
A Jones for PC Storage first to June 2017 2402.40 reference 00037
Total 2934.40
Village Hall Management Committee Account
h Receipts
Rental Dance wed 1080.00
I Moscrop Boiler 300.00
E Hudson Book sales 20.00
Donation Buy a brick 150.00
C Mason Flags 200.00
Total 1750.00
i Payments between meetings none
j Payments
W Stephens Landscape work Jan 85.00 reference 001466
k Outstanding payments
British Gas to refund 2.48
Scottish Power in credit 75.57
l PC mobile phone
Clerk request to purchase a mbile phone for PC and Village Hall use approved
8 Correspondence
1175 emails HBC Planning various
1176 emails various - Police & Crime Commissioner
1177 emails Rural Services Network updates
1178 emails Cheshire Police Alerts various
1179 emails Trading standards ican alerts various
1180 email/post various suppliers/services inc defibrillators
1181 emails HMRC
1182 email CHALC various inc conference 23 Jan
1183 emails HBC Democratic Services various
1184 email Frodsham Town Council training
1185 emails/phone various ‘Buy a Brick’
1186 emails/phone various re new VH and into solutions
1187 email Mayors Ball
1188 email Stuart Beardsworth plastic bottle clean up
9 Parish Issues
a Items raised by Councillors
[i] Street Sign at Church End Mews is not in keeping with all other signs. Raised by Cllr Williams
Clerk to contact HBC
10 New Village Hall
Councillors Hudson and Ambrose gave an update on the situation following the liquidation of Into Solutions who were building the new Village Hall. An option has been chosen which should enable local people to provide the work. The build will take longer than originally planned but the build will continue.
11 Public Forum 8.05pm
a Village Hall
Following the liquidation of Into Solutions a question and answer session took place for the public to raise
any issues. Among the queries raised are-
Mr Ross queried whether the person being offered the role of site manager had the necessary qualifications.
And can a list of interior items be issued as groups may want to fundraise for specific items.
Mt Thompson asked if there was any work outstanding.
Mrs Jefferson said sub-contractors have lost a lot of money, including her son with losses around £60000 and
the steel provider around £40000. Her sons name is being disrespected. She wanted to know what the PC were
going to do for them. Having spoken to the lottery they are not interested. The liquidator has been appointed by
Mr Evans.
Mr Baker asked if legal information had been sought.
Mr Brown wanted to know who decided to appoint Into Solutions as they have previously had problems. Also
can the PC put a statement about Jefferson not being the builder.
General queries about PC finance.
Councillors responses-
The PC have every sympathy for all who have lost as a result of this recent situation. The PC’s contract was
directly with Into Solutions. Sub-contractors contracts were with Into Solutions. Advice was taken initially and
tenders sought. From 7 returns the decision was made by all involved. To date money paid to IS has paid for
work done, nothing in advance. The PC cannot provide additional finance for work they have already paid for.
Legal advice is being taken. The PC are working with the Lottery to move forward and to complete the build.
Anyone working on the build will have to have the appropriate qualifications and insurance.
A statement will be made when all information is available. All finance decisions are included in minutes which
are published on the PC website and are available locally on notice boards in the Post office and Cllr Wrights
b Christmas
Mr Antrobus thanked the PC for providing equipment needed to ensure that for the first time in 10 years the
Christmas tree remained in place. Cllr Ambrose thanked those involved Mr Antrobus and Mr Sutton and all
involved in making the Christmas event a success.
c Planning Coop application has been withdrawn . E Hudson.
d Bridge payments various reports about payments. Raised by Mr Antrobus.
Clerk to clarify with Cllr Wharton
12 Dates of next meeting
20 February 2017
Part 2 Items of a “confidential or other special nature” during which it is likely that the meeting will not be open to the public and press as there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Village Hall
Closed at 8.40pm
Signed as a true record
Councillor E Hudson
20 February 2017
Tina Rogers-Smith, Clerk to Hale Parish Council
32 Coppice Green, Kingswood, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7WA, Tel: 01925 710947 Email: