Register of interests

Financial year 2013/14

Document information
Date of last review / 8 October 2013
Owner / Paul Balson - Governance and Risk Manager

Chair: Dr Sam Everington Chief Officer: Jane Milligan

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1  Contents

1 Contents 2

2 Foreword from the Chair 3

3 Governing Body key 4

4 Register of interests for Governing Body Members 5

4.1 Chair – Voting member 5

4.2 CCG Senior Manager – Voting member 6

4.4 Lay Members, Secondary Care Doctor and Registered Nurse – Voting member 7

4.5 Local Authority – Voting member 7

4.7 Elected Members – Voting member 8

4.8 Commissioning Support Unit – Non-voting member 11

4.9 Governing Body Secretary – Non-voting, non-member 11

4.10 CCG Senior Manager – Non-voting, non-member 11

6 Register of interests for other members of staff 12

6.1 Non-voting, non-members 12

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2  Foreword from the Chair

I would like to provide assurance to the assembled that NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group has taken several steps to ensure that it conducts business in a transparent fashion with improving the health of the local population at the heart of its decision making.

The CCG values the breadth and depth of the interests of its Governing Body members and employees; it sees this as testament to the talent and expertise that the CCG can draw upon in delivery of its objectives.

The steps taken are documented within our constitution and our conflicts of interest policy. In summary, the steps are:

•  Firstly, all Governing Body members have received extensive training and development on the subject of conflicts of interest.

•  Secondly, all Governing Body members complete an annual declaration of interests at the start of the financial year, NHS TH CCG is goes one step further and asks all new starters, whether on the Governing Body or not to declare any interests.

•  Thirdly, at every Governing Body meeting and its Committees and sub-committees; has “Conflicts of Interest” on the agenda where attendees declare any interests not recorded.

•  The Chairs of each meeting are clear on the courses of action available to them in the event of an interest having a perceived or actual impact on decision making.

The register of interests is available on our website and available on request from the Governance and Risk Manager.

Dr Sam Everington


NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group

3  Governing Body key

The following table provides a description of the colour scheme for the Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body attendees.

Colour / Description
Red / Chair – Voting member
Green / CCG Senior Manager – Voting member
Light blue / Lay Members, Secondary Care Doctor and Registered Nurse – Voting member
Orange / Local Authority – Voting member
Dark blue / Elected Members – Voting member
Grey / Commissioning Support Unit – Non-voting, non-member
White / CCG Senior Manager – Non-voting, non-member
Purple / Governing Body Secretary – Non-voting, non-member

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4  Register of interests for Governing Body Members

4.1  Chair – Voting member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details /
Dr. Sam Everington / Chair
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / GP Partner for Bromley By Bow Partnership – GP Practice and Walk in Centre.
Directorships, including non-executive directorships, held in private companies or PLCs. / Non-Executive Governing Body Member - Community Health Partnerships (Owned wholly by the Department of Health)
British Medical Association Council member
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Trustee of Stanton Guildhouse in the Cotswolds
Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting for NHS services / GP at Bromley By Bow Centre, a charity.

4.2  CCG Senior Manager – Voting member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details
Jane Milligan / Chief Officer / Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Non-executive director of Family Mosaic Housing Association
Trust Governing Body Member for St. Paul’s Way trust School, Bow.
Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role within the CCG / Partner is the Business Development Director in North and East London CSU.
John Wardell / Deputy Chief Officer / Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Member of ’38 degrees’ a campaign group
Henry Black / Chief Finance Officer / None / N/a
Ross Dunworth / Interim Chief Finance Officer / Directorships, including non-executive directorships, held in private companies or PLCs. / Director Whiteparish Financial Services Limited

4.4  Lay Members, Secondary Care Doctor and Registered Nurse – Voting member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details
Cate Boyle / Vice Chair
Lay Member (Patient and Public Engagement) / Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Conducts charity work for Macmillian Nurses
Mariette Davis / Lay Member (Governance and Audit) / Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Audit Chair for NHS City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group.
Directorships, including non-executive directorships, held in private companies or PLCs / Consultancy work for Acanthus Advisers Private Equity Limited and Aletheia Partners LLP.
Both private equity companies who have nothing to do with the NHS and do not present me with any conflict in my role here at Tower Hamlets.
Dr Tan Vandal / Secondary Care Doctor / Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role withinNHSNELC / associated CCGs / Secondary Care Doctor Member on the Governing Bodies ofNHS Bromley CCG, ,NHS Havering CCG and NHS Barking & Dagenham CCG.
Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting forNHS Services. / Consultant Urological Surgeon
SpireHartswood Hospital
Brentwood, Essex
Directorships, including non-executive directorships, held in private companies or PLCs / Co-Director
Essex Urology Services
Maggie Buckell / Registered Nurse / Directorships, including non-executive directorships, held in private companies or PLCs / Director & Company Secretary - Deborah Management Ltd

4.5  Local Authority – Voting member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details
Deborah Cohen / Service Head Commissioning and Health / None / n/a
Dr Somen Banerjee / Interim Director Public Health / None / N/a

4.7  Elected Members – Voting member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details /
Dr. Stuart Bingham / Principal Clinical Lead
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / Lead GP at Barkantine Practice – GP Practice and Walk in Centre.
Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting for NHS Services / Leadership team member of local faith group (Church).
Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role within NHS NELC / associated CCGs / Provides the Barkantine walk in centre under a personal medical services contract with primary care.
Dr. Isabel Hodkinson / Principal Clinical Lead
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / GP Principal at the Tredegar Practice.
Husband is also a GP at the Tredegar Practice.
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / None at present. Was previously Care Planning Lead at Royal College of General Practitioners – a paid role. The role may continue if additional funding is obtained.
Research funding/grants that may be received by the individual or any organisation they have an interest or role in. / Royal College of General Practitioners is seeking funding to extend the care planning roll out of which Dr. Isabel Hodkinson is championing.
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Member of ’38 degrees’ a campaign group
Dr. Haroon – Ur – Rashid / Governing Body Member
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / GP Principal at the Albion Health Centre
GP appraiser for Tower Hamlets PCT.
Dr. Judith Littlejohns / Governing Body Member
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / Partner of the Mission Practice
Lead for diabetes, sexual health, CKD and finance within the Mission Practice.
Network One Governing Body member on behalf of Mission Practice.
Network One diabetes and sexual health lead.
Network One Finance lead.
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Trustee of Mill Grove, a charity which provides support for families in South Woodford, London.
Dr Shahtab Chowdhury / Governing Body Member
GP / Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Chair of London AiT (Associate in Training (GP trainee)) and FIRST5 (GP in their first 5 yrs post qualification) Committee at Royal College of General Practitioners.
British Medical Association London Executive Governing Body member.
Royal College of General Practitioners North East London Faculty Governing Body Member.
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Signed up to ’38 degrees’ a campaign group
Dr. Nicola Hagdrup / Governing Body Member
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / GP Principal for Jubilee Practice.
Practice provider for Hawthorne Green Nursing Home.
Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role within NHS NELC / associated CCGs / Husband is a Renal Consultant and Clinical Director at Royal Free Hospital.
Dr. Victoria Tzortiou - Brown / Governing Body Member
GP / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / Salaried GP at All Saints Practice
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Royal College of General Practitioners Council member.
Royal College of General Practitioners Commissioning Champion.
Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting for NHS Services. / Salaried GP at Barts Health MSK CAS (Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment Service).
Research funding/grants that may be received by the individual or any organisation they have an interest or role in. / Educational Fellow Arthritis Research UK.
Dr Shah Ali / Shadow Governing Body Member / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / Partner at Barkantine Practice
Runs the Barkantine Walk in Centre
Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting for NHS Services. / Works 1 session in Dermatology for CAS Royal London Hospital – Barts Health NHS Trust
Dr Osman Bhatti / Shadow Governing Body Member / Roles and responsibilities held within members’ practices. / Partner at the Chrisp Street Practice
Directorships, including non-executive directorships, held in private companies or PLCs / Network 7 Board Member (until 1 April 2014)
Positions of authority in an organisation (e.g. charity or voluntary organisation) in the field of health or social care / Newham GP Vocational Training Scheme Programme Director
Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role within NHS NELC or associated CCGs. / Approved Resus Council (UK) ALS Instructor
Website Designer and host for several GP Practices
Wife is a salaried GP in Newham, Sessional GP lead and Newham GP Vocational Training Scheme Programme Director
Dr Martha Leigh / Shadow Governing Body Member / Shareholdings (more than 5%) of companies in the field of health and social care / Does not invest in any private medical companies.
Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role within NHS NELC / associated CCGs. / Is a member of the Labour Party.
Dr Hannah Falvey / Governing Body Member
Allied Health Professional Representative / None / N/a
Virginia Patania / Governing Body Member
Practice Manager Representative / None / N/a
Katherine Gerrans / Governing Body Member
Practice Nurse Representative / None / N/a

4.8  Commissioning Support Unit – Non-voting member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details
Charlotte Fry / NEL CSU / None / N/a
Huw Wilson Jones / NEL CSU / Any connection with a voluntary or other organisation contracting for NHS Services / Wife is Director of St. Mungo’s Voluntary Organisation.

4.9  Governing Body Secretary – Non-voting, non-member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details
Paul Balson / Governance and Risk Manager / Any other role or relationship which the public could perceive would impair or otherwise influence the individual’s judgement or actions in their role within NHS NELC or associated CCGs. / Director of Paul Balson Governance Services Ltd. Providing risk management advice to Enfield CCG.

4.10  CCG Senior Manager – Non-voting, non-member

Name / Position / Type of Interest / Details
Archna Mathur / Deputy Director Strategy and Planning / None / N/a
Ellie Hobart / Head of Engagement / None / N/a
Nicola Weaver / Engagement Manager / None / N/a

6  Register of interests for other members of staff

6.1  Non-voting, non-members

Name / Organisation
Position within TH CCG / Type of Interest / Details /
Amanda Patterson / Member of NHS TH CCG staff / None / N/a
Andrea Antoine / Deputy Chief Finance Officer / None / N/a
Bill Jenks / Member of NHS TH staff / None / N/a
Catherine Platt / Member of NHS TH CCG staff / None / N/a
Collette McQueen / Member of NHS TH CCG staff / None / N/a
Diane Barham / Chief Executive – Healthwatch Tower Hamlets / None / N/a
Dr Anna Livingstone / Clinical Lead