Fall Final Exam Review:100 multiple choice questions;You need to know…..

  1. Anatomical Regions; Quadrants
  2. Compare/contrast anatomy vs physiology
  3. General functions of all body systems
  4. Elements of a control system
  5. Negative and Positive feedback mechanisms; know examples
  6. Anatomical position; orientation and directional terms; cavities; sections/planes (cuts)
  7. Acids and bases; pH
  8. What is an inorganic compound; know examples
  9. All types of reactions (synthesis, decomposition, hydrolysis, neutralization, dehydration)
  10. Functions of proteins
  11. ATP: structure, function, where it’s made & how it’s made when you need a little vs. a lot
  12. Cell junctions
  13. Classification and characteristics of epithelial tissues
  14. Endocrine and exocrine glands
  15. Compare/contrast smooth, cardiac, skeletal muscles tissue
  16. Characteristics of nervous tissue and its supporting cells
  17. Where transitional epithelial tissue can be found
  18. Classification and characteristics of connective tissues
  19. Cartilage; chondrocytes; regeneration; collagen fibers:scar tissue
  20. Vascular vs. avascular
  21. Cell structures that function to provide mobility
  22. Peristalsis
  23. Epithelial and connective tissue membranes: cutaneous, mucous, serous, synovial
  24. Functions of the integumentary system
  25. Structure of the hair
  26. Proteins of the integumentary system: keratin, melanin, carotene, hemoglobin
  27. Glands of the skin: locations and functions
  28. Epidermis: structure (layers) and their order
  29. Dermis: all characteristics and their functions
  30. Composition of nails
  31. ABCD rule
  32. Characteristics of melanoma
  33. Structure/function of the Osteon (Haversian system); know this in great detail
  34. Ossification
  35. Foramen Magnum
  36. All of the bones (from your test diagram); know axial vs. appendicular skeleton too
  37. Articulations; joints
  38. Minerals stored in bones
  39. Hematopoesis
  40. Anatomy of the long bone
  41. Epiphyseal plate vs. line; location; function
  42. Parathyroid hormone and what it does
  43. Function of specific bone markings
  44. All bone cells: “osteo____”
  45. Stages of bone fracture healing
  46. Types of fractures
  47. Fontanels- location/function
  48. Uniqueness of hyoid bone
  49. Unique features of cervical vertebrae; atlas and axis and their unique features
  50. Sternum; structure
  51. Arrangement of the vertebral column
  52. Types and respective movements of each of the synovial joints
  53. Skeletal muscle activity: special functional properties
  54. What makes up a motor unit
  55. How cross bridges are formed
  56. Details of the neuromuscular junction and the synaptic cleft
  57. Interactions of skeletal muscles in the body (antagonists, etc…)
  58. Muscle movements and which muscles can do which movements
  59. Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle; know all of the parts down to the myofilaments
  60. The sliding filament theory- what it does, how it works; what is shortening
  61. Neurotransmitters and how they are released; which one causes skeletal muscle contraction
  62. The role of creatine phosphate and how it makes ATP
  63. Why skeletal muscle fatigue occurs
  64. Isometric vs. isotonic contraction
  65. Anaerobic glycolysis: when it occurs and how it makes ATP
  66. What is atrophy