Newport Pagnell and Olney Lions Club
Minutes of the Business Meeting held on 7th August 2017 at the Two Brewers.
Present: Richard Hillier, Trevor Aldred, Derek Seymour, Tony Triggle, Rod Wayland, Bob Benbow, John Ferris, Tony Higgs, Martin Ward, Kim Smith.
Apologies: Karen Thorpe Morgan, Dave Simmons, Russell DeVille.
Minutes of the last meeting & matters arising: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. Actions would be picked up in the meeting. There were no matters arising.
Treasurer’s Report:
· Charity Account stands at £4379.68. Future receivables were £150.00 for the film hire deposit. Payables included £640.00 for library shelves, £500 for Centennial Trees project, £87.75 for MS Group room hire, and £10 for a gift for the electrician, a total of £1,237.75.
· Receipts were zero.
· Payments were zero.
· Donations: A donation of £300.00 was made to the Grenfell Tower fire Appeal, £58.50 toMS Support group venue hire and £155.00 to Maddy Brasier. Also the following donations were made via the Admin Account: District Youth fund £30.00, Multiple District Youth Fund £68.00, Liability cover £45.90, Equipment & Cash cover £16.60 and legal expenses cover £9.25, making the grand total of donations this month of £683.25.
· Amin Account stands at £71.24 with future receivables of £42.00
It was agreed to reinstate the President’s Honorarium at £150 to encourage take up of development opportunities by providing subsidy for associated expenditure.
End of year summary:
· Trevor had produced an end of year summary which illustrates that the club is still performing well financially. Overall fundraising receipts were £16563.60, with expenses of £7752.19. Charitable donations were as follows: £4732.70 to local charities, £2797.10 to National and £3000.00 to International making a grand total of £10529.80 in charitable donations.
Service Committee
· Library Shelves. Ousedale School is having ongoing problems with the supplier. Another set of new shelves were delivered and returned because they were of the wrong dimensions. OG.
· 209 Centennial Trees. Martin had agreed with OTC a site for planting out an avenue of Oak trees on Crouches field. OTC were also happy to supply some labour and support, with the Lions funding the project and undertaking planting. Acorn Nurseries series will provide the tress ready to plant and may also be prepared to support this through discount. Planting out in autumn should ensure adequate ground moisture, especially given it’s proximity to the river. NP do not own any land but it was thought that if an appropriate plot of community land could be identified there would be a chance of planting this out in Phase 2. John to include an item in The Lions page in The Phonebox. AP MW ongoing.
· 223 Maddie Brasier - Maddie would be back on 16th September and the intention is to start engaging schools locally after Bob had established that they would be very receptive to the ideas. The donation of $155has been made. We would also raise awareness of this with other Lions Clubs through the Zone Meeting. AP BB KS TA.
· Lenny’s mobility car scheme – Kim outlined the issues facing the family. Tony Higgs volunteered to visit the family and confirm the needs and apply due diligence. Report back at the next meeting. AP TH.
· Royal British Legion – Looking for support in selling poppies in the autumn. The club could not commit to this and it was agreed that Lions could respond on an individual basis. In the meantime John suggested that we offer to collect on their behalf when we are selling calendars on the market place. AP JT.
· Dentaid – This scheme enables dental practices with spare dental equipment to donate this to Lions who would then make it available to communities abroad who are in need. Local lions clubs would identify the opportunities with dentists locally and then inform Dentaid what is on offer. If it is needed then local lions would collect and arrange for delivery. It was felt that cherry picking the generosity of dental practices was not a good idea and that local Lions should take what is on offer and then dispose of any equipment surplus to requirements. Tony T had already approached his dentist and they are making an itinery of available equipment. AP TT
Fund Raising
· Calendars 2018. The intention is still to produce 2 calendars, one for each town. After the meeting there was an opportunity to make initial selections of pictures for possible inclusion in the Olney calendar subject to the approval of sponsors. Tom had taken some great pictures of Newport and would be taking some more, so that we could have enough to produce a calendar. Calendar size and advert space still remain to be finalised before discussions with potential sponsors. AP TA/JF Ongoing.
· Dickens – On track. Awaiting Karen’s update.
· Motorama – Derek mentioned that British Racing Models have a plot of land on which we could hold a Motorama event in the future. Neill Elliot has also offered to integrate Motorama with River Fest if this would help us in future years. There was plenty of evidence to suggest that Motorama was missed this year, and Bob was hopeful that next year we should have the resources necessary to continue as normal.
· The Jazz Night Boat Cruise is on course for 5th October.
· Greyhound – still awaiting an opportunity.
· The Cock at N Crawley – Now booked for 8 for Monday 18th September.
· Proms in the Park, NP, 18th August.
· Black Adder, Stantonbury Theatre 2nd September,
· Maureen and Hannah were unable to make the meeting tonight. Joanna Daly had not made the meeting either. Richard, Kim, Trevor and Bob would put a date down to brainstorm ideas to find new recruits. AP KS, RH TA & BB OG
As circulated.
Any Other Business
· Richard said that he was attending a meeting regarding Olney Fireworks and asked if we planned to support the event this year. John said that there is a process in place whereby the Olney Group write to ask us for help and we respond accordingly. The expectation in the club is that we would support this event again.
· Derek thanked John for his support at the Motor meet in July.
· Bob would send a get well card to Chris who manages The Two Brewers, wishing her a speedy recovery from The Lions. AP BB
· CIO Status – The following is an extract from the latest Multi District consultation concerning CIO status: Following consultation with the Charities Commission & Revenue & Customs, Multi-District have agreed that Clubs raising charity funds of £5k or more annually shall be converted to Charity Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status, and those clubs will then go through the requisite registration process through Multiple District. As the Charities Commission will only be able to deal with approx. 20 such registrations each month, you will be contacted when it is appropriate for your club to go through the process. Once your club is incorporated as a CIO, it will have to ensure compliance with reporting requirements, including the preparation and timely submission of duly examined Annual Financial Statements and Annual Returns to the Charities Commission, and also relevant forms to Revenue and Customs.
After some discussion, the Club agreed to await contact from Multi District concerning this and then to establish how best to comply.
Next Meeting: 7.30pm on 4th September at the Swan Revived, Newport.