
The CSSC Yorkshire Region, in consultation and in agreement with the local Area Associations, has agreed a policy to provide financial assistance to CSSC members taking part in CSSC Regional and National ‘Open’ events. The policy is aimed at establishing a consistent level of support to members across the Region and in doing so promoting an increased level of participation in events.

The funding is being provided by the Area Associations in Yorkshire but is being administered by the Region. Because the Area Associations are providing the funding, they will not be accepting any further/additional claims directly. To do so, would defeat the objective of providing common support across the whole Region.

2.General Rules

CSSC Yorkshire Region will consider claims for expenses for events from members that either live or work within the Yorkshire Region boundary and are CSSC members at the time of the booking the event and attendance at the event.

Financial assistance will be considered for those attending:

a)Regional qualifying competitions hosted by CSSC Yorkshire Region.

b)All CSSC ‘Open’ events held on a National basis including social events e.g. Pudding Club.

c)Other social and/or non-competitive events organised by the Yorkshire Region.

3.Claims Guidance

Applicants must make every effort to ensure that their travel and accommodation arrangements are cost-effectiveand necessary, in the same way that they would for business travel. Claims for accommodation will be carefully scrutinised and rejected if there was not a good reason for it.

The official CSSC Yorkshire Region Expenses Claim form should be used to record details of the claim.

Requests for assistance should be submitted no later than three months after the event in question.

4.Completion of Expenses Claim Form

The Expenses Claim Form has been designed for use by CSSC members taking part in a Yorkshire Region event or CSSC ‘Open’ event who wish to claim for reimbursement of travel costs incurred (including carriage of passengers) and where necessary, overnight accommodation. In the case of complicated or lengthy claims where insufficient space on the claim form is available please continue on the reverse of the form if necessary. The total expenses paid by the Region will be limited to the maximum allowances as set out at paragraph 5 below.

Section 4 (a): Travel by Car

Claims for travel by car will be paid at the CSSC mileage rate as shown at Volunteer Mileage Rate.Every effort should be made to car share to the event venue and passenger(s) details should be clearly shown on the claim form.

The CSSC car mileage rate is to be recorded by the driver. The rate of 5p per mile per passenger (return journey) may also be calculated for other competitors and/or match officials travelling in the same car. Such passengers will not be eligible to claim travel costs in their own right, except for travel to and from the pick up point.

Section 4 (b): Travel by Rail/Coach

All claims for rail or bus travel must be accompanied by the relevant tickets or receipts. Where it is likely that the tickets may be surrendered for inspection or on arrival, a suitable receipt should be obtained at the time of purchase.

Every effort should be made to secure the cheapest ticket available for the journey e.g. Saver, Super Saver, Apex or other discounted tickets. Under no circumstances will the cost of first class travel be reimbursedunless you can provide evidence e.g. screen print, that it is cheaper than any of other fares.

Taxi fares are only allowed if there is no other form of transport available and must be approved beforehand by the Regional Treasurer.

Section 4 (c): Accommodation

Where necessary, accommodation costs may be claimed for National Open events e.g. because of an early start or late finish or where accommodation is an integral part of the event e.g. the CSSC Games. It is important that you state why accommodation was needed/required.

When booking accommodation yourself, every care must be taken to obtain the best rate available and only bed & breakfast will be payable.


The events covered together with an indication of the level of support that can be expected are indicated below:

Regional Events organized and hosted by Yorkshire Region

Travelling Expenses may be claimed as follows:

Public Transport - 50% of costs up to one half of the current full annual CSSC subscription.

Driver - 50% of mileage costs up to one half of the current full annual CSSC subscription.

Passengers – 5p per mile up to a maximum of £15 per passenger.

For example the annual subscription is £44.40. This means that you can claim up to £22.20 per event e.g. if your travelling expenses are £15 you can claim £7.50 but if they are £50 you can claim £22.20.

The CSSC subscription year runs from Jan – Dec and the current rate is shown on the website

CSSC ‘Open’ Events held Nationally

Travelling Expenses may be claimed as follows:

Public Transport - 50% of costs up to one times the current full annual CSSC subscription.

Driver - 50% of mileage costs up to one times the current full annual CSSC subscription.

Passengers – 5p per mile up to a maximum of £15 per passenger.

You can claim up to £44.40 per event e.g. if your travelling expenses are £40 you can claim £20 but if they are £100 you can claim £44.40.

Accommodation costs for National Events may be claimed as follows:

Where you book your own accommodation

a)You may claim 100% for the first night only up to the current yearly subscription rate.

b)For additional nights you may claim 50% of the cost up to the current yearly subscription rate per night.

Where Accommodation is booked centrally by CSSC HO e.g. CSSC Games

a)You may claim the lowest rate as advertised by CSSC for the first night only

b)Additional nights will be payable at 50% of the lowest published rate.

Where Accommodation is provided as part of a package e.g. Hill Walking, Mountain Biking etc

a) It will be established how much of the package price relates to accommodation costs.

b) 100% of the bed & breakfast element only may be claimed for the first nightup to the current yearly subscription rate.

c)For additional nights you may claim 50%of the cost up to the current yearly subscription rate per night for the accommodation element only.

International Events

Claims for CSSC events held outside the boundaries of the United Kingdom are excluded from the common subsidy policy. However, expenses for any related, qualifying events that are held within the UK may be claimed. You may also claim travel costs to the point of departure in the UK (as above for CSSC Open Events held nationally). Accommodation that may be required prior or post travel abroad needs prior consent. Please discuss your requirements with the Treasurer before committing yourself to any accommodation costs.

6.When completing your claim form please complete the full costs of your travel and accommodation. The Treasurer will make the necessary calculations based on the rules above. Please submit your claim within 6 weeks of the event taking place.

7.Processing of claims

The CSSC Yorkshire Region Treasurer will receive and process claims in good time. Payment of expenses will be made through on line banking or by chequeif preferred, in which case a stamped self addressed envelope must be included with the claim form.


If, after reading these guidance notes, you remain unsure about the completion of your expense claim form, please contact the Regional Treasurer or your BDE.


Appendix 12