CountyCase Management Services

Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes for November 29, 2012

Veterans Memorial Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center

833 Fifth Avenue

Des Moines,IA50309

Present: Harlan Hansen, Jack Willey, Paul Merten, Elaine Armstrong, Steve Reuter,Ellen Gaffney, Larry Vest

Absent: Sally Stutsman, Jill Davisson

Guest: Terrance Neuzil

Staff: Deb Eckerman Slack, Jackie Olson Leech, Cindy Chappelle, Linda Kemp, Brad Holtan, Robin Harlow

Call to Order: Paul Merten called the meeting to order at 7:31 AM.

Minutes from previous meeting: Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting made by Larry Vest, seconded by Harlan Hansen. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial: Brad Holtan presented the Balance Sheet ending 10/31/12. In addition to the income statement analysis Brad provided an explanation of the costs for CSN/TCM module with changes expected to begin 1/1/13. The program construction will be done and costs will then be to maintain it. Motion made by Steve Reuter to accept the financial report, seconded by Ellen Gaffney. Motion carried unanimously. Brad presented copies of the independent audit report from McGowen, Hurst, Clark & Smith, P.C. The report indicated no issues. Motion to approve the report made by Ellen Gaffney, seconded by Elaine Armstrong. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Membership: From the current board, Steve Reuter is retiring as a Bremer County Supervisor thus no longer on the CCMS Board of Directors. Sally Stutsman has been elected to the State House of Representatives, thus no longer eligible for the CCMS Board. Tim Schumacher from Emmett County has agreed to be considered as a member. Motion to nominate Tim Schumacher as a member of the CCMS Board of Directors made by Jack Willey, seconded by Larry Vest. Motion carried unanimously. Terrance Neuzil from Johnson County has agreed to be considered as a member of the Board also. Motion to nominate Terrance Neuzil as a member of the CCMS Board of Directors made by Jack Willey, seconded by Steve Reuter. Motion carried unanimously. Both nominees will be presented to the ISAC Board of Directors for final approval on December 13, 2012. One vacant position remains.

Staff Report: Robin Harlow updated the Board on the CSN/TCM module. As they move into the maintenance stage, the CCMS staff will be integrated into the role of answering questions of the users. Future enhancements and maintenance costs will be taken to the steering committee to determine costs.

Deb Eckerman Slack discussed the ETC/CSN Governance, Funding and Operations Study Committee being formed. The CCMS Board is being asked to provide a member to serve on this committee also. Following ISAC Board approval of the appointment of nominee Terrance Neuzil, a motion was made by Larry Vest to have Mr. Neuzil be the CCMS Board representative on the ETC/CSN committee, seconded by Paul Merten. Motion carried unanimously.

Deb reported DHS case management is interested in using the CSN/TCM module. Draft agreement has been drawn up by Kristy Harshbarger. The proposal is to use the same charge methodology per consumer as member counties are charged however use of the system would be the only service provided through CCMS. Further discussion will follow after review of the draft agreement at the February Board meeting. A motion to allow DHS Case Management to use the CSN/TCM electronic system at a negotiated rate was made by Elaine Armstrong, seconded by Jack Willey. Motion carried unanimously.

Deb presented the letter from the Webster County Board of Supervisors announcing a withdrawal from CCMS effective June 30, 2013.

Deb reviewed the Strategic Plan. Linda Kemp is expecting to retire in September, 2013. Deb will be requesting to hire replacement staff in the spring to be able to learn job responsibilities by shadowing current staff.

Commission Report: Jack Willey reported that the commission has completed the rules for transition (to regions). Rules for those requesting a waiver are being reviewed.

Next Meeting: February 6, 2013, at the Ankeny Marriott Hotel, time TBD.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned 8:35AM.