Kevin Stackhouse
Director of Finance and
Corporate Services
Civic Offices, Civic Way,
Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 0AH
Please ask for Rholda Wiggett
Tel: (01283) 221000 Ext. 5868
DDI (01283) 595868
Fax (01283) 595854
Minicom: (01283) 228149
DX 23912 Swadlincote
Our Ref: KS/RW/1314-145
Your Ref:
Date: 31 July 2013
Mr Daniel Morehead
Dear Mr Morehead
Your request for details under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 has been considered. Please find below the information requested:
1. How much did your website design, development and launch cost? – The redesign, development and
launch was undertaken by our in house Communications team with no cost.
2. What is the cost of maintaining your website month to month? I'm specifically looking for
development support, hosting and other maintenance costs.
£9,000 per annum (ex VAT)
3. When was the current iteration of your website launched? - 2009
4. Do you have a mobile friendly website? (i.e. does your website have a version tailored specifically to
smartphone users) - No
January 2013 / 33,583 / 5,287 / 3,745
February 2013 / 25880 / 3618 / 2742
March 2013 / 27863 / 4164 / 3041
April 2013 / 29462 / 4645 / 3571
May 2013 / 28798 / 4948 / 3711
6. Which web analytics tool do you use to track data such as the above? - Google Analytics
7. What are the costs incurred with using your current web Analytics tool? - Free
Please note that the supply to you of any material does not give you the right to use that it in a way that breaches the copyright or other intellectual property rights in that material. For example publishing or otherwise re-using it for commercial purposes. You must get the consent of the copyright owner which may involve the granting of a licence and the application of a fee.
This does not restrict your rights under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
For more information on the Freedom of Information Act, including our publication scheme, please look at our web site at under Council Services.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted in writing, outlining your grounds of appeal, within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Kevin Stackhouse, Director of Finance and Corporate Services, South Derbyshire District Council, Civic Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AH.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF Telephone:01625 545 700
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. In addition, any feedback you may have on the way your request has been handled would be beneficial, so that any future requests can be handled more effectively.
Yours sincerely
Rholda Wiggett
Freedom of Information Officer