First name:______/ Last Name:______
Company name:______/ Position:______
City:______/ Province:______/ Postal Code:______
Phone: ( )______/ Fax: ( )______/ Email:______

Commitment to Principles

By joining Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds,______

(company name) declares a commitment to the following principles:

Responsibility: each member of the diamond industry has a responsibility to take action to end the trade in conflict diamonds.

Working together: governments, the diamond industry and civil society must work together towards ending the trade in conflict diamonds.

Accuracy: the diamond industry must provide accurate information on conflict diamonds and the origin of diamonds to consumers.

Transparency: increased transparency in the diamond trade is essential to ending the trade in conflict diamonds.

Diamonds for development: diamonds should contribute to the well-being of the populations of countries and communities where they are mined.

Credit and consequences: members of the diamond industry who are taking positive steps to end the trade in conflict diamonds should be given credit. Members of the diamond industry who are obstacles to ending the trade in conflict diamonds should face consequences.

On-going process: actions to end the trade in conflict diamonds will be an on-going process.

Commitment to Action

To demonstrate these principles, ______(company name) commits to taking the following actions within 3 months of joining Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds:

Advocating for an effective Kimberley Process by:

  • sending a letter to the World Diamond Council stating your support for the inclusion of regular, independent monitoring in the Kimberley Process. We also ask that you send a copy of your letter to One Sky.

Providing accurate information on conflict diamonds to consumers by:

  • letting consumers know that because of a lack of regular, independent monitoring in the Kimberley Process, there is no guarantee that any diamonds are conflict-free.
  • letting consumers who purchase diamonds advertised as Canadian know that without regular, independent monitoring of all national control systems, even Canadian diamonds cannot be guaranteed as Canadian.
  • refraining from distributing information that claims to guarantee that a diamond is “clean” or “conflict-free”, or claims to guarantee the origin of a diamond until effective systems are put into place.

A yearly renewal of commitment

Events are constantly developing in efforts to end the trade in conflict diamonds. Next year on Valentine’s Day, we will ask you to renew your commitment to Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds. With your help, we hope to ensure within two years that conflict diamonds can no longer be traded, and there will be no further need for the initiative.

Our commitment to you

One Sky commits to supporting members of Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds by:

  • providing resources for action to end the trade in conflict diamonds to members (for example, a sample letter to send to the World Diamond Council)
  • listing members on the One Sky website
  • giving updates on further actions members can take as events develop
  • providing members with a Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds decal

I understand that by becoming a member of Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds, I am committed to the principles and actions outlined in this document. My membership in Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds will be subject to a yearly renewal.

Signature Name (print)Company

Send this form in via fax (250) 877-6040, or mail to One Sky – the Canadian Institute of Sustainable Living, Box 3352 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0.