Key Stage 1 ModerationAdvice & Guidance 2011
I have prepared this document to support schools with KS1 Teacher assessment and the moderation process. I hope it offers clarity of process and some guidance based on previous experience.
National Materials / Publications
The NCA tools website, run by QCDA, is to be used throughout the 2011 national curriculum test cycle for all test administration
The 2011 KS1 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements booklet for a general administrative overview of what is involved, and an outline how the tasks / tests must be administered under appropriate conditions.
Further Guidance is available through the QCDA publication Key stage 1 assessment and reporting Arrangements- Further guidance and information
Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP)
Assessing pupils’ progress guidelines and standards files are available through the National Strategies Site.
The website has full details of subject attainment targets, level descriptions and about making level judgements - as well as a wide range of levelled and exemplified children’s work.
Using the P scales
Key Dates
Moderation window– throughout May - June (negotiated with each school)
Mick Adams
School Improvement Manager: Learning & Assessment,
01952 380890
LA moderation arrangements
- LAs are required to identify 25% of schools for formal moderation each year.
- The focus of the moderation will be on teacher assessment in reading, writing &mathematics.
- Notification of moderation in December 2010.
- Moderation window runs throughout June (the lead moderator will negotiate a suitable date with the school)
- Paired moderation visits ensure consistent judgements across the LA.
The moderation Visit
- Usually 1½ to 2 hours per class
- Initial meeting/discussion with the teacher about the class and how the teacher assessed levels were agreed.
- Minimum requirement that the school provide evidence for 3 pupils per year 2 class.
- Moderators will review and reflect on the sample provided.
- There is no requirement to observe pupils working.
- A final feedback meeting and a written report are shared with the school.
The Sample of evidence
- For each class containing year 2 pupils. A sample of evidence is required for three children for reading, writing and mathematics.
- One representing the highest level, one middle and one lower level (inc P scale if applicable)
- 1 or 2 extra pupils maybe included in the sample which will be moderated if time allows.
Evidence base to support the judgement should include:
Completed tests & tasks, pupil class books signposted to show specific levels, ongoing assessments and classroom records.
Evidence base to support the judgement could include:
APP assessment guidelines
Reading records / diaries
Details of current reading book (including level)
2 pieces of recent written work (contrasting types / genres)
Evidence of work from all attainment targets
Current class books and where possible examples of independent using and applying of mathematics
Mathematics sub-levelled assessment sheet (as developed by Telford & Wrekin leading maths teachers)
It would be helpful if you could record your overall teacher assessment judgements in the table of the attached KS1 Moderation Summary form
The evidence for the sample should not involve the creation of materials or portfolios which are not part the schools ongoing assessment procedures.
Appeals Process
In the case that the school and the LA moderation team fail to agree a judgement, the school can outline its concerns on the KS1 Moderation Summary Form or contact the School Improvement Manager for Learning & Assessment (Mick Adams) within 5 working days of the moderation visit.
The school should state its concerns, where the school disagrees with the moderator’s judgement, and explain why.
This evidence will be reviewed and re-moderated by the School Improvement Manager for Learning & Assessment, a Senior School Improvement Manager and an independent representative from a neighbouring local authority (Shropshire). The final decision of this panel will stand.
The LA is provided with the opportunity to substitute their assessment for that of the school where the moderation judgements continue to differ.
Overview of Key Stage One Teacher Assessment Arrangements
The main focus of the end of key stage 1 moderation arrangements is that whilst the tasks and tests must be administered to all eligible children working at level 1 and above, their main role is to help inform the final teacher assessment judgements which are reported to parents (and submitted to the LA).
What do teachers have to assess?
- A level for reading, writing, speaking and listening.
For reading and writing, level 2 subdivided into 2C, 2B or 2A
- An overall subject level for mathematics.
The overall subject level 2 subdivided into 2C, 2B or 2A but not each attainment target.
- A level for each attainment target in science.
A subject level for science will be calculated automatically when the levels for the individual attainment targets are entered into the school’s management information system.
Scientific enquiry (Sc1)3
Life processes and living things (Sc2)1
Materials and their properties (Sc3)1
Physical processes (Sc4)1
Tasks and tests available in 2010/11
- Teachers will be able to choose to administer the 2007 or the 2009 materials. (see attached table)
Use of tasks and tests
- Tasks and tests must be administered to all eligible children who are working at level 1 or above in reading, writing and mathematics. The role of the tasks and tests is to help inform the final teacher assessment judgement.
- As a minimum, this will mean a task or test in reading, writing and mathematics for each child, except those judged to be working below level 1.
- Usually carried out in the summer term with planned time for marking and internal moderation.
- All children in their final year of key stage 1 in the school year 2010/11must be assessed.
Which Tests and Tasks
Training dates for 2011
KS1 Moderation (Drop in sessions)26th May & 9th June 2011
Preparing for making Assessment judgements at End of KS1 27th January 2011
Preparing for making Assessment judgements at the end of KS1 25th January 2011
Leading & Managing AFL & APP16th March 2011
Assessment Update25th November 2010
Assessment Update25th November 2010
Assessment Update23rd June 2011
Assessment Update23rd June 2011
AFL & APP Standardisation, Moderation & General Updates 15th October 2010
AFL & APP Standardisation, Moderation & General Updates9th December 2010
AFL & APP Standardisation, Moderation & General Updates22nd March 2011
AFL & APP Standardisation, Moderation & General Updates17th May 2011