Wrentham Conservation Commission
Minutes of January 12, 2012
A regular meeting of the Wrentham Conservation Commission was held Thursday evening, January 12, 2012, in the Wrentham Town Hall Meeting Room. Present were Chairman Leo Immonen, Vice Chairman George Smith, Jr., members Barry Kassler, Christopher Yarworth, Michael Mavrides, Maria Jomides, Dianne Demarais Agent Darryl Luce. Secretary Lee Ann Tavares was absent; Diana Gray was the recording secretary.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and noted that the meeting was not being videotaped.
Certificate of Compliance
20 Shore Drive
Ms. Jomides recused herself as she is an abutter to this property. These Orders were for the replacing of a wall near Mirror Lake with a new one. Mr. Luce has inspected it and noted that the wall is stable and there is vegetative growth. Mr. Luce recommends approval and release of the bond.
A motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for 20 Shore Drive and return the bond was made by Mr. Smith and seconded. The motion carried 6-0
Maria Jomides returns to her role as Commissioner.
Certificate of Compliance
Lot 2, 7 Badus Brook Road
Mr. Luce noted that this is actually a release from the entire subdivision. Mr. Yarworth stated that there may be a difference of what was actually built from what was shown on the plans. Plan standards need to be looked at as changes will affect the drainage eventually. Mr. Yarworth suggested a covenant up front. Mr. Luce stated that DEP would not agree that Conservation has jurisdiction as it is out of the 100 foot buffer. Mr. Luce will get DEP’s opinion. Mr. Immonen suggested that Mr. Yarworth think of how this could be enforced and come back with it. Mr. Smith noted that Norfolk requires all houses to be located and all finished grades on their plans.
This led to a discussion of Toils End where Mr. Yarworth felt that the limit of clearing was exceeded. He would like Beals and Thomas to review the drainage to see if they are in compliance and would like to see a 53G account for this. Mr. Luce is meeting with the Town Planner next week and will see if the drainage is being checked.
Mr. Yarworth inquired if Badus Brook was in compliance with the proposed size. Mr. Luce stated that part of the lawn was slightly in the 100 feet buffer. A motion to approve the Certificate of Compliance for Lot 2, 7 Badus Brook Road was made by Mr. Yarworth and seconded. The motion carried 7-0-0.
A motion to approve the minutes of December 22, 2011, as amended was made by Mr. Kassler and seconded. The motion passed 6-0-1 with Mr. Yarworth abstaining.
A request by a citizen to remove fallen trees at Joe’s Rock has been received. Mr. Yarworth doesn’t want people in vehicles crossing the wetlands and cutting whatever they want, this could cause damage to the wetlands. Mr. Mavrides thought this might be an insurance issue if someone was injured. The Board agreed that this would be against policy and the rules and regulations in addition to raising liability issues, etc. Mr. Luce was directed to share the Commission’s conclusion with the citizen who made the request.
Ms. Demarais updated the Board on stewardship at Birchwold. The parking lot is a mess; gravel was put in one hole in the middle of the lot. Mr. Luce will check with the DPW on what else needs to be done. Mr. Luce is working on a letter to be discussed on a future agenda.
Enforcement Order: Michael Foley, 140 Riverside Drive, encroachment into Open Space. Mr. Foley came before the Board to discuss the delineation between his and town property. He has planted butterfly and blueberry bushes as well as a few oak trees as required. He showed the Board pictures of what has been planted. He claims he did all this work before the October 13th deadline, it wasn’t clear to him that a fence was going to be necessary so he did not install one. He thought the signs would suffice. He would like to mulch the grassy area to restore it as it was before the encroachment.
Mr. Smith noted that there are no bounds for the open space in this subdivision. Mr. Kassler would like to see a sign at each corner of the property and mulch.
A motion that Mr. Foley place three inches of wood chips or bark mulch in the grassy area as well as install a sign at each corner of the property by April 6, 2012, was made by Mr. Yarworth and seconded. The motion carried 7-0-0.
Mr. Immonen met with the Town Administrator at the beginning of January. The Town Administrator is reviewing the proposal for increased hours for the agent and the secretary. One of the two budgets submitted was level funded. The Board of Selectmen will be meeting on the budgets at the end of January and meeting with Department Heads in February.
The next Strategic Initiative meeting will be on January 24th. The purpose is to find ways to increase revenue and streamline processes for the town.
Members submitted their choices for the upcoming MACC conference.
Mr. Immonen highlighted significant parts of the Crocker Pond Progress Report. The Commission had completed its second year of removing invasive plants from the areas.
A motion to authorize the chairman to sign a voucher to Universal Business Supplies in the amount of $9.45 was made by Mr. Smith and seconded. The motion carried 7-0-0.
A motion to authorize the chairman to sign a voucher to Universal Business Supplies in the amount of $52.59 was made by Mr. Smith and seconded. The motion carried 7-0-0.
A motion to authorize the chairman to sign a voucher to LKC properties in the amount of $250 was made by Mr. Kassler and seconded. The motion carried 7-0-0. This is a required reduction of the local administrative fee since 53G funds were being used to pay for the review of the wetland delineation at the corner of Washington Street and Thurston Street.
Mr. Luce presented his Agent’s Report. He will be meeting with the Town Planner and the developer to discuss the discharge permit and drainage improvements at Amberfields next Wednesday. This meeting is to resolve an abutter’s drainage problems. A Notice of Intent and engineered plans might be needed.
Mr. Immonen noted that the Zoning Board has a modification of the Eaglebrook 40B in front of them. A peer review was done by Beals and Thomas. Mr. Luce has already submitted a letter stating the Commission’s concerns for this application.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Gray
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