¡Bienvenidos! Bienvenus! Welcome!
Sra./MmeFogelsonSpanish AP, French II
Welcome! As a beginning French student or as an advanced or fluent Spanish speaker we all have much to learn during this school year! I love to learn new things about the language, people and cultures of different places so I am very excited to continue our learning together this year. I will do my creative best to make our learning engaging and interesting. Let’s get started!
Technology integration: We are excited to move to 1:1 technology access with LCPS providing our students with Chrome books. However, we will still use paper and pencil for some work.
- 3 ring binder (1½’”) with paper
- 1 composition book
- Pencils
- pens (black or blue, red)
- dry erase and highlighter marker
- LCPS issued Chrome book
OPTIONAL but Helpful:
- flash drive
- Spanish/English dictionary
- French/English dictionary
- Phone app for Wordreference.com, QR code reader, Quizlet, Kahoot
Donations of tissues, disinfectant wipes, antibacterial wipes, wrapped candies, language stickers are very much appreciated!
Extra Help and make up workI am usually available mornings from 8:30-9:00 a.m. and until 4:30. Please let me know in advance if you plan to come in.Titan Time is also an option. Missing work will be marked with a “Z” the day it was due and will be changed to a zero if not completed within 5 school days. Extenuating circumstances must be discussed with me so that we may come up with a reasonable arrangement. If the work is important enough to be assigned, then it’s important to make up.
Phoenix and Remind.com
- Phoenix is our on-line grade book. Please download the app for StudentVue (and ParentVue) on your phone to stay informed. If at any time you have a question about a posted grade, please let me know. I will periodically communicate class information to parents through Phoenix.
- Remind.com is a messaging service I use for assignment reminders and announcements. Students should sign up for either text or email messages. Parents are invited to sign up as well. Sign-up information is posted on my DHS website. (Phone numbers are not identified.)
Google Classroom: Class information and in class tasks will be posted regularly in Google Classroom.Check regularly! Reminders of class announcements and homework will be sent out on Remind and the message feed is also on my DHS web page under each course I teach.
Approved and Recommended Resources Helpful websites with practice, information, games, grammar helps, audio links, etc. are listed on my webpage under “Resources”. Even if something isn’t assigned these are great resources to practice on your own!