April 11, 2012
The meeting began at 12:00 p.m. and adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Kristin Joannou is submitting minutes.
Board members present for the meeting:
- Officers:
- Lisa Pufpaff, President
- Kharon Grimmet, President-Elect
- Kristin Joannou, Secretary
- Committee Chairs:
- Bob Hales, Membership Committee Chair
- Cindy Chambers, Professional Development Committee Co-Chair
- Megan Elam, Hospital/ Homebound Committee Chair
Approval of minutes from March 16, 2012: Kharon moved to approve, Megan Elam provided the second, all in favor.
Officers’ Reports
Lisa Pufpaff presented the president’s report.
- Discussed topics for General Business Meeting:
- Brainstorming- what do you like, what don’t you like, what could we be doing differently
- Budget
- Webinars
- Collaborating with other divisions
Kharon Grimmet had no president-elect’s report.
Kristin Joannou had no secretary report.
Committee Reports
Cindy Chambers presented the Professional Development Committee report.
- Webinars
- Just got a date from Erik Carter for webinar- September 25. 4:00 or 4:30. Supporting Meaningful Inclusion for Students with Severe Disabilities: The Promise and Practice of Peer Supports. CEC handles it from here but we need to help with marketing. Lisa needs confirmation as soon as possible for date, time and title- deadline for CEC Today is two weeks from today.
- Will try to get more webinars for 2013.
- Tomorrow we’ll talk about marketing the webinar.
Bob Hales presented the Membership Committee report.
- Didn’t have membership numbers for March
- Went to membership training yesterday
- Membership has been declining overall. Under 33,000 members. Retention for CEC is 46%.
- Redesign of website and renewal system
- Membership webinar at the end of April on SharePoint
- Trying to get better demographic information to target people better
- Talked about going to electronic journal but set up costs are prohibitive
- Talking about offering other membership options (first year teachers can’t afford it)
- One division had recruited businesses to offer discounts to new members and those who recruit new members
- Companies to target- smart home, able net, Don Johnson
- Can we survey the membership to see what members want and if they are getting what they want
- Discussed sending a letter of appreciation to long standing members (5, 10, 15 years…)
- Targeting post-secondary organizations like Think College
- Kharon will contact Megan from Think College
Megan Elam presented the Home/Hospital Committee Report
- Partnering with other organizations and pulling them in (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society), has a Google doc of organization that they could contact
- Tina on committee typed up a blurb with a proposal for Facebook
- Public audience
- Updated page
- Involves creating a new page and recruit people who like the current page to switch over
- Share CEC resources that would be relevant to a wide audience
- Share resources from other organization
- Post weekly and bi-week
- Post updates about current legislation
- Resources from other organizations needs board approval
- Give each committee one or two months that they are responsible for the weekly or biweekly discussions topic
- Add people as administrators to post on Facebook so that it shows up as DPHMD and not the individual
- Insert about committee for DPHMD policy is in the works, maybe polish it up during committee meeting
- Poster for APHOS- $66
- Will check with Joni about printing it and getting it to Meghan
- Committee Name suggestions
- Significant Illnesses Committee
- Working on strategic plan at next meeting
- Working on something for Fall Newsletter
- Will have something by May 15
- Katie Doring is presenting on death is thinking about doing something for fall journal
- Meghan will talk to her about it
- Discussed possible webinar about chronic illness, online modules
New Business
No new business
Upon termination of discussion regarding new business, Kharon moved to adjourn, Meganseconded. Meeting adjourned at3:00 p.m.