City of Cambridge

Regular Meeting

November 12, 2007

7:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Cambridge City Council was held on November 12, 2007, Council President Nan Rhodes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council President Nan Rhodes, and Councilmen Mark Loveland, Rob Vowell, and Cy Wert. Also present were Clerk Raedell Wagner, Assistant City Clerk Sandra McKee, Public Works Superintendent Ernie Houghton, Andy Gehrke, Jeff Chance, Nadine Chance, Chuck Strickland, Vaughn James, Gail James and Carson Kindall.

Welcome & Flag Salute – Council President Nan Rhodes welcomed patrons to the meeting and Mark Loveland led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Current Agenda & Additions to the Agenda - A motion was made by Rob Vowell to approve the current agenda with the additions of under new business Commercial Club, parks improvement and purchase of a lawn mower. Mark Loveland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Minutes – Cy Wert made a motion to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing and regular City Council Meeting, held October 8, 2007. Rob Vowell seconded the motion and the motion was voted on and carried unanimously.

Bills – A motion was made by Mark Loveland and seconded by Cy Wert to pay the monthly bills and salaries. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.


Eldercare Coalition

No representative of the Eldercare was in attendance so no report was given.

Holladay Engineering – Transportation, Streets, and Roads

Andy Gehrke of Holladay Engineering reported on the status of the transportation, streets, and roads – see attached Engineering Status Report. Mr. Gehrke mentioned that the supplemental agreement has been approved. After approval of right-of-way plans, the City will need to contract with an approved right-of-way negotiator. Holladay Engineering will complete project cost estimates in the near future.

Holladay Engineering – Water System

Andy Gehrke of Holladay Engineering stated that there were no new items regarding the water system.

Holladay Engineering – Wastewater System

DEQ is seeking comment on a draft plan to manage phosphorus in the Weiser River Watershed. The draft TMDL states that each wastewater treatment facility will be required to write a nutrient reduction plan. Andy Gehrke will check on this required plan information.


Snow Plow Bids

Council President Nan Rhodes opened the one snowplow bid received for the city.

A motion was made by Mark Loveland and seconded by Rob Vowell that the city accept the snowplow bid from Kim Braun Construction for the 2007-2008 season. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.

Canvass City Election Votes

The Board then canvassed the votes cast for the City Municipal General Election held November 6, 2007 for the election of two Council members. Nanette Rhodes received 56 votes and write in candidate Carson Kindall received 50 votes.

A motion was made by Rob Vowell to accept the election results as presented to the City Council by the Election Board

Storage Sheds and Related Buildings

Nan Rhodes will draw up an ordinance to address changes to be made concerning building permits for storage sheds and related buildings.

Commercial Club

The Commercial Club approached the City Council to propose that a chime system be installed for the city, but that the siren for the fire department would still be in use for fire and civil defense purposes. The chimes would only replace the noon whistle not the entire siren. The Commercial Club to raise the necessary funds to finance the system.

The Council supports this proposal but more research will need to be done by the Commercial Club.

Park Improvements

A motion was made by Mark Loveland that the City pay $1500.00 to supply adequate electrical services to the city park. The motion was seconded by Rob Vowell and the motion was voted on and carried unanimously.

City Lawn Mowing

A motion was made by Mark Loveland that the city advertise for bids to do the city lawn mowing and weed eating for city properties. The motion was seconded by Rob Vowell and the motion was voted on and carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Mark Loveland and seconded by Rob Vowell to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned.


Raedell Wagner, City Clerk


Mike Campbell, Mayor