Minutes – DRC Meeting: April 21, 2016; 9:30 am (LAHC)
Present: Anna Badalyan, Chair (C), Adrian Shadaram (E), Alfred Gallegos (S), Moon Ko (D), Joan Lang (H), Emil Mubarakshin (C), Agyeman Boateng (W), Maury Pearl (D), Amari Williams (V), Rhea Estoya (H), Cathy Jin (E), Rebecca Tillberg (W), Laura Cruz-Atrian (T), LaVonne Hamilton (S), Rene Marquez (T),Giselle Calubayan (P)
Over the phone: Sarah Master (M), Oleg Bespalov (P), Ani Zarpas (V)
- Review of agenda (all)
- Review March 2016minutes (all) (
- Host Share and Shine (Harbor)
- District Update (Maury):
- 2nd Period 320 FTES Report
- DSP Evaluation
- NPSAS Data
- IPEDS Spring Survey
- DRC Collaboration Site
- Momentum Points Data Set
Minutes – DRC Meeting: April 21, 2016; 9:30 am (LAHC)
- IEPI Goals (All)
- CTE Data Unlock (Anna)
- Common Assessment (All)
- Assessment Cut Scores (Anna, Ani)
- Accreditation (all)
- LACCD Student Survey
- IRB (Alfred)
- Calculation of ACCJC Annual Report metric %courses with ongoing assessment (Oleg)
- Items from the floor (all)
- Next Meet, 05/19/2016 LA Mission
- Adjourn
Minutes – DRC Meeting: April 21, 2016; 9:30 am (LAHC)
- Agenda added to the items from the floor section:
- Basic Skills Grant (Anna)
- Review of 3/17/2016 minutes (All)
- Correction: add Sarah Master (M) as over the phone participant
- Consensus on last meeting’s minutes
- District Update (Maury)
- IPEDS – HR, Library, and Enrollment surveys due this period. District locked yesterday. The HR survey had to be corrected--State MIS logic, especially on primary assignment,not reflective of the District’s. Awards and counseling data resubmitted. Student to counselor ratio in the Scorecard should be more realistic now.
- National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) data are all out thanks to Stan.
- DRC Collaboration (Moon) - IT is still working on DRC collaboration site (e.g., trying to set up user accounts). We can use it for Basic Skills Grant.
- District Strategic Plan Evaluation –Subgroups from DPAC will be formed to work on each of the goals. Anna suggested at least one researcher in each subgroup. Moon will send sign-up link through Doodle Poll.
- Momentum Points Data Set – Ryan initiated this project to describe new, first-time students starting in fall of 2012 District-wide. The data set looks at outcomes by different student characteristics. It is built upon ATD ideas to create a reduced data set for colleges to answer questions in a quick way. Stan is working on this project now. State has future cohorts in place already, so maybe we can include future cohorts as well. The project will take a few months to finish.
- SIS Implementation – Initial modules will be rolled out fall 2016. Complete transition is expected by fall 2017. A SIS Modernization Project Newsletter- April 2016 was sent out to provide information to all.
- 320 Report – (Handout) District filed first period report in Jan 2016 where colleges set their own growth target with 4.62% overall District-wide growth. For reasons not entirely clear from the State, the District had 299 unfunded FTES in 2014-15. The Chancellor’s Office will allow us to resubmit 2014-15 to exclude the unfunded FTES from 2014-15 and report in 2015-16. The handout showed the recalculated 2015-16 FTES base and growth by college with an overall District-wide growth of 3%.
- IEPI Goals (All) –Change from previous year – based on fall semester instead of annual; 1 year and 6 year goals to be set. Colleges had varying methodologies for their 1 and 6-year goal setting:
- C: 1 yr – 5 yrIEPI average
- C: 6 yr – 5 yrstatewide IEPI average
- S: 1 yr – current average
- S: 6 yr – 1% increase every year; so add 6% to current average
- W: 1 yr – less mathematical but whatever make sense
- W: 6 yr – less mathematical but whatever make sense
- M: 1 yr – looked at College of the Canyons; rounded up % points from current average
- M: 6 yr – added 2% of their 1 year goal
- M: will come back next year and evaluate
- Data due to State on 6/15. Maury’s office will bring this tothe Board of Trustees as informational data only. No presentation or approval needed. A template with a revised deadline will be sent out and college will not have to meet the original May deadline.
- CTE Data Unlock (Anna)
- State grant ($50,000) for expert position. Requirement is for colleges to ensure a representative has gone through training to learn what CTE data tools are available. This person will train other colleges about the LaunchBoard, etc. May 1st deadline to apply. VP should go through training, too. Anna encouraged as many researchers to apply for consultant expert position. This is in preparation to the $200M grant that is coming.
- Common Assessment (All)
- West and Valley are testing it now.
- Cut-score term will not be used anymore.
- Bill Duxler has been closely working with CAI and West. He said we may not have to validate.
- Anna presented placements across colleges using Accuplacer. Chart shows different math levels students were placed based on scores set by individual college.
- West implementing the 4 cornerstone model for English so they lowered cut score fairly recently for Eng 101 and developed a class that combinesEng 21 & 28.
- Multiple Measures Assessment Project – Trade, SW, and West participating; involves HS transcript.
- Overall, test fall 2016 with spring 2017 placement.
- Send examples of disproportionate impact, validation studies, etc. to Moon to post online.
- Student Survey (All)
- Scheduled for spring 2017.
- Moon will send timeline soon.
- Maybe add a faculty survey. Start collecting sample questions. Look at CCSSE survey for examples. Administer parallel to student survey. Possibly online instead of paper/pencil; administer centrally from the district. Maury will mention to Ryan to relay to CIOs and Academic Senate.
- Oleg: what is the use of student survey other than accreditation? Anna: useful information to express to faculty representing students’ opinion. Rebecca: good to see if facility is doing good or not.
- Designed for first time students
- Anna doesn’t think it’s worth it – our cohort is bigger, although they have a faculty side; designed to be done in the first 3 weeks of school so we don’t lose students who will be gone by the end of semester; colleges are stuck with the cohort of sections selected
- IRB (Alfred)
- A District IRB is being developed.
- Several campuses need this in place at their campus. Suggestion to create a committee to develop.
- Calculation of ACCJC Annual Report metric %courses with ongoing assessment (Oleg)
- City - # of courses submitted = courses offered that academic year
- West – courses that are scheduled to be assessed
- The issue with archiving courses is common and there seems to be diverse of approaches for archiving and reporting in this area.
- Items from Floor
- Needs of the OIE offices changing (All)-- planning gets lost because of the research needs; office needs a combo of info tech, research, planning.Anna: the work of the office is not just research numbers. It’s not just a research office.
- Data Warehouse Connectivity (Maury) – Ameeting was held recently; no demo was presented; Ryan was at the meeting and articulated our need to connect to the underlying PeopleSoft tables. Maury was asked to request PeopleSoft for a person assigned to work with us.
- Harbor’s Assessment-based Planning System (Rhea)
- The general design which includes review of data, unit planning, learning outcomes assessment, and resource allocation (in progress) was introduced. Rhea showed the different components in HAPS and demonstrated the process of completing the Completion Module. Once saved, modules and their contents can be extracted and presented in various waysdepending on the use and audience.
- Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.