Lesson Plan
Teacher:Miss Milford / Subject:PSHE / Classroom Support:yes a TA is in the room
Class:11s1 / Day/date:Fri
10/02/12 / Period:2 / Room: F16 / Number on Class Register: / 30
Boys: 17 / Girls:13
Prior attainment (class range):
KS2 English 3 - 5 / Student targets(class range):
End of KS4 English F – A / Working at grades/levels(class range):
Lesson Context: (link to previous and future lesson(s), SOW, ref to NC etc.)
This is one lesson in a series looking at discussion skills and how you might improve them. The lessons have covered the skills but this lesson is a standalone is terms of topic and subject
Learning Objectives (What the teacher intends pupils to learn). Most lessons should include objectives with a stem from each of the groups listed 1 to 3 below. Lessons should also incorporate a specific cross-curricular objective e.g.Literacy
1. Know what skills are needed to successfully take part in a discussion.
2. Understand how to evaluate a recent discussion and what they could do to improve their own skills.
3. Be aware of other people’s opinions and values and how to back up their opinions with relevant evidence.
Independent learning/AG&T objective/task
They will be working in groups of their own choosing (except one group that will be working with a TA). The timings of the discussions and who speaks will be controlled by the groups themselves.
Learning Outcomes (How achievement will be demonstrated by pupils). / Level/Grade
Lower attainers: will be able to contribute to the discussion and show evidence of skills linked to grade D. Their contributions will be in brief statements and short agree/disagree comments. / D
Middle attainers: will be able to contribute to discussions in a confident manner and show evidence of skills linked to grade C. They will be able to back up their views with relevant evidence. / C
Higher attainers:will be likely to shape and direct the discussion and will lead in a major role. They will show evidence of discussion skills linked to grade B/A. / B/A
Organisation of Lesson / Timing / T&L StyleVAK
Own Learning (set in accordance with homework timetable for Y7-Y11)
They will bring to the lesson pictures of people they think are “someone”.
Previous lessons will have looked at the discussion skills criteria and they will base their targets on their English predicted grade.
Starter (including review of prior learning/sharing understanding of intended learning):
  • Watch a short video clip from the play Noughts and Crossesand introduce the overall statement “Would you rather be ‘someone’ or make a difference?”
/ 5 / VAK
Main Activity(with appropriately differentiated tasks to meet objectives/outcomes):
  • Complete the ‘Someone Avatar’ task, using the pictures you brought as homework to back up your views and comments.
  • Review and evaluate your discussions skills.
  • Complete the ‘Graffiti Wall’ task.
  • Feedback about the choice the table made.
  • Review and evaluate the discussion and comment on what skills a person in the group used.
  • Answer the question “Would you rather be ‘someone’ or make a difference?” They will stand on a continuum line to show what they think.
/ 10
8 / VAK
Plenary (assessment of progress/achievement):
Answer a number of questions linked to their own evaluation of their discussion skills / 5 / AK
Personalised learning (what you have done to accommodate pupils with IEPs, SEN/LDD, AGAT, LAC, returning from absence/exclusion? If appropriate, state how the TA(s) is being used to support the learning/needsof these pupils):
The TA will be sitting with a group of low attainers and the Polish student to clarify the instructions and help guide the discussion.
The higher attainers are all in different groups, so they can have the chance of demonstrating skills such as “develop and sustain a discussion”.
Specific resources/differentiated materials/risk assessments:
See attached sheets