Postgraduate Book Subsidy Application Form
The MUPSA Book Subsidy Scheme aims to financially assist Murdoch University coursework postgraduate students by providing $100 Murdoch University Bookshop gift vouchers for the purchase of course materials such as textbooks.
The MUPSA Book Subsidy Scheme provides funds beyond the Commonwealth-funded book subsidy scheme run by the Murdoch University Guild of Students, for which Murdoch University postgraduate students are not eligible. Only Murdoch coursework postgraduate students who live in Australia can apply for the MUPSA Book Subsidy (i.e. students residing and/or studying off-shore, i.e. outside Australia, are not eligible).
Any coursework postgraduate student who pays the ‘Student Services and Amenities Fee’ is eligible to apply for the MUPSA Book Subsidy. Coursework postgraduates are defined as students enrolled in a Masters by coursework, GradCert, GradDip, PostgradCert or PostgradDip course. Eligible coursework postgraduates must be enrolled in a minimum of 1 x three credit point postgraduate coursework unit for Semester 2, 2014.
Each semester MUPSA’s Book Subsidy funding will be awarded to applicants with financial difficulties, based on the information provided in the application form below. The bursary is awarded on a needs-only basis. Where relevant, applicants must include proof and/or details of income from Centrelink, Health Care or Pensioner’s Card and/or the Family Tax Benefit. Since some Australian government benefits are available only to domestic students, decisions will not be based solely on whether applicants receive these benefits. Rather, the information provided in an application is reviewed as a whole to assess the applicant’s overall financial situation. International and domestic postgraduate coursework students who residein Australia are eligible to apply for the MUPSA Book Subsidy.
In Semester 2, 2014, the Murdoch University Guild of Students will offerthree different bursaries for purchasing course materials: the MUPSA Book Subsidy, the MISABook Scholarship (which is merit-based) and The Guild Book Subsidy. International postgraduates can apply for both the MUPSA Book Subsidy and the MISA Book Scholarship. However, postgraduates eligible for both these bursaries can be awarded only one of them, not both. Postgraduates, whether domestic or international, cannot apply for The Guild Book Subsidy.
Students can be provided with only one MUPSA Book Subsidy voucher per year of enrolment.In Semester 2, 2014, MUPSA Committee will offer (up to) twentyBook Subsidy vouchers.
For Semester 2, 2014, applications must be received by 12:00PM WST, Friday, 25July 2014. Strictly no late applications or extra information will be accepted.
Applications to the MUPSA Book Subsidy Scheme will be assessed by the MUPSA Committee. The Committee will not contact applicants for more information if the application is incorrect or incomplete, so please ensure that you provide as much information as possible. Please do not contact MUPSA or other Guild departments to ascertain the progress of your application after you have submitted it, or during the evaluation period. Any such enquiries will not be answered.
Emails will be sent to applicants within 10 working days of the closing date to inform them whether they have been successful. Recipients must pick up their voucher from the Murdoch University Bookshop (South Street campus) or if they live outside of Perth/are external students, telephone the Bookshop to inform staff they will order online.More instructions will be forwarded in the official email to recipients.
The vouchers can be redeemed only at the Murdoch University Bookshop. They cannot be sold, transferred or swapped for cash.
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The checklist below has been included to help you ensure your application is complete. Please use it, and check that you have included all relevant information before submitting. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
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Requirement / ItemMandatory attachment for all applicants. / Proof of your Murdoch University enrolment.
Only copies of official Confirmation of Enrolment for Semester 2, 2014 will be accepted. This can easily be obtained from MyInfo. You can ‘copy & paste’ the details onto a word document and print/attach to an email.
Only mandatory for applicants who receive benefits. / A copy of your Centrelink, Health Care and/or Pensioner’s Card.
This does not apply to international students.
Only mandatory for applicants who receive benefit. / Proof of Family Tax Benefit.
This does not apply to international students.
Mandatory if you are working. / Proof of income from employment.
Attach copies of your TWO MOST RECENTpayslips.
Mandatory for all applicants. / Complete application form.
All items need to be completed (N/A can be used where items do not apply). Please pay particular attention to and check the following before submitting your application:
Income and expenses
Any benefits received (domestic students only)
Number of dependents
Additional information you want the Committee to consider
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To be completed by the Applicant:
Surname: / Given Names:Student Number:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Enrolment Type (Full Time/Part Time):
Degree Currently Enrolled in:
Date of Commencement:
Expected Date of Completion:
Are you required to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee? (If unsure, contact the Student Centre for verification.) / Yes / No
Financial Details:
Please provide your approximate weekly expenditure, including rent/mortgage, food, transport, phones, internet, electricity, gas, loan repayments, insurances, premiums, entertainment, clothing, health expenses and any other expenditure:
Self / Partner (if applicable)Total Expenditure* / $ / $
Combined Total Expenditure / $
Please provide approximate weekly income, including Youth Allowance, Austudy, Newstart, other Centrelink payments, scholarships/grants, parental support, employment income and any other: (Proof of all income MUST be provided)
Self / Partner (if applicable)Total Income* / $ / $
Combined Total Income / $
*If your expenditure exceeds your income, an attachmentMUST be provided explaining how the shortfall is met (i.e. loan/support from family, use savings, etc.).
* ALSO – you must provide proof of income from paid employment – attach copies of your TWO MOST RECENTpayslips.
Tick which of the following applies to you:
Do you currently live with your parents?Are you in Murdoch Student Accommodation?
Are you in a share-house?
Do you rent?
Do you own your own home (including currently paying a mortgage)?
Do you personally receive any financial support from Centrelink or any other Government assistance? / Yes / No
If yes, please specify what Centrelink income you receive and attach proof:
Are you currently in receipt of a scholarship or other study-related funding? / Yes / No
Please provide details and attach proof:
Do you have a current Australian government Health Care card*/pension card? (If yes, please attach proof.) A Health Care card is not a Medicare or OSHC card. / Yes / No
Do you receive any Family Tax Benefit? / Yes / No
How many Dependents do you have?
Please attach proof of your Family Tax Benefit.
Are you currently on an international visa? / Yes / No
What type of visa are you on?
Who is your visa sponsor?
Please provide further information about your financial situation which may support your application (attach extra pages). If your income sufficiently exceeds your expenditure, you are not in receipt of government benefitsor you are an international student, please explain why your financial circumstances merit assistance in the form of the MUPSA Book Subsidy. For example, please explain how you pay for your university tuition fees (e.g. Australian government HELP loan, your parents pay them for you, you use credit cards or your/partner’s savings) and your accommodation costs.
Signature of Applicant:
The completed form, and all supporting documents, can be submitted:
- By email to: ; Subject line: MUPSA Book Subsidy
- In person to: AMEN 2.058 (South Street campus), during business hours only
- By post to:Murdoch University Postgraduate Association, Murdoch University Guild of Students, Amenities Building, Murdoch University, 90 South Street, Murdoch, WA 6150.
If you have any queriesbefore you submit your application, please contact The Guild Postgraduate Officer, Vanessa, via (08) 9360 6585 or .
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