Would you like to help restore the line? If you have noticed the work which has been occurring on the line recently and have had thoughts about lending a hand then there may be a job for you. There is no limit to the range of skills and expertise that we can use. In the immediate future we will need labourers to work on refurbishing the line. This will vary from light duties, such as restoring a small batch of “dog spikes” to heavier work in removing and laying sleepers.
Dog spikes (as shown in the photo) are used to hold the line to the sleepers. Mostly they will just need wire brushing and a coat of preservative. We will organise teams to collect the spikes and other bits of “jewellery” (the fittings used to hold line to the sleepers). If you have a wire buff and are interested in making a start on your contribution to restoration of the line then give me a call on 6336 1787. We will store them at a central location for collection and return. In time we will need volunteers to lubricate the thousands of bolts used to hold the rail together. In the first instance we will coat the bolts liberally with old sump oil to allow them to be unbolted and inspected.
We are currently seeking a grant for rehabilitation of the Carlwood Station area. Considerable damage has been caused by off-road motor cycles using the area. This work will involve levelling the site to its original profile, stabilising banks, re-seeding native grasses and vegetation and fencing the area. The Central West Catchment Management Authority is being approached to fund the fencing and seeding. The site has some rare remnant native grasses which CMA are keen to preserve. Once again, Council has come to the party by offering machinery to re-profile the site and restore drainage patterns. The Council is to be congratulated in supporting these projects. OTHR plans to reconstruct replica stations at Carlwood and Hazelgrove so that we may see the original type buildings restored to the site.
Here is a further reminder about Fathers’ Day, Sunday 4th September. Steam locomotive 3801 will be making a whistle stop at Tarana station. On the down journey (from Sydney) it will arrive at 11.22 and on the up, it will return at 18.36 (4.36pm).
OTHR is making a feature of this visit to help the district celebrate 150 years of railways in NSW. We will also be fund-raising and conducting a membership drive. A big crowd is expected at the Tarana Hotel and proprietors Chris and Jenny Robbins will be participating in the organisation. Bands will be on hand to entertain the crowds and visitors are encouraged to wear period costume. Bring your camera.
Further informationis on our website is at:
or contact OTHR Secretary, Rick Fletcher on 6336 1787. Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway Inc.meets on the first Wednesday of the month,7.30pm at Hazelgrove.
Photo Caption:
- Dog Spikes in need of restoration.
- Damage and litter at the Carlwood Site.