Solicitation of CSHP Education Ideas Document
DISCLAIMER: CSHP-AB is committed to providing high quality educational events. Whenthird party organizations wish to provide an educational grant to fund an event for members, CSHP-AB remains responsible for ensuring the quality of the event and therefore reserves final approval over all content to be delivered.
A. Submission of topics for consideration.
Members of CSHP-AB branch may bring forward ideas for educational opportunities to the Education Committee for consideration. At the time of presentation of the idea, the following information must be provided [Appendix A]. This information will identify the needs of the submitting party and ensure that these needs are addressed and are in line with the CSHP vision. Submitting parties are asked to be as specific as possible with the information that they provide.
- Topic: thisshouldbeclearlyindicated (i.e.journalclub,guidelinereview, disease management, didactic, etc). The more precise the description of the topic, the more adequately we can ensure that the needs of the submitting party is addressed in alignment with the CSHP-AB vision.
- Speaker: the submitting party is required to identify a speaker or speakers and have this person or group provide a brief bio or curriculum vitae. Although the Education Committee consists of members from across the province, the Committee may not be familiar with all areas of practice and specialists within those areas.
- Objectives/Outline: iftherearespecificobjectivesthatshouldbecovered, these should be specified to ensure that the needs of the submitting member(s) are addressed. For example, if the suggestion is for a journal club, objectives may include, but are not limited to:
- To review pertinent articles relating to the care of patients
- Toreviewtheprocessbywhichtoevaluateandinterpretvarioustypes of evidence-based medicine (indicate type)
- To generate discussion and facilitate peer-based learning
The submitting party is also responsible for generating an outline. For example, if this is for a journal club, an outline may include, but is not limited to:
- Journalarticlemustbeselectedatleast____weeksinadvance.
- Article selectionmaybeselectedbasedon______
- Articles may include (indicate type of study)
- Presenters will present the article and generate discussion from the group. The presentation may be formal or informal. Discussion should include ______
- Participantsaretoreadtheselectedarticlepriortothejournalclub
- Presentation: it is the responsibility of the submitting party to obtain a copy of the presentation that will be reviewed by the Education Committee prior to the event. If this is not possible, a summary of the anticipated content should be outlined.The Education Committee reserves the right to deny requests based on the suitability of the content.
- Target audience: Indicate who the anticipated participants will be(i.e., therapeutic group, specific hospital, former health region, etc). Although accessibility is encouraged by the Committee, it is not a requirement but a consideration. Regardless, events must be made available to all CSHP members.
- Location: The submitting party is responsible for venue selection and estimation of numbers of potential attendees. If this event should be considered for videoconferencing, teleconferencing, and/or online access to multiple sites throughout the province, this should be indicated on the proposal.
- Venue: The type of venue (i.e. hotel, conference room, restaurant, etc) should be specified.
- Sponsorship: The need for sponsorship should be clearly outlined.
- If sponsorship is required, the submitting party is responsible for obtaining sponsorship. Once a potential/confirmed sponsor has been identified, please provide contact information for the individual(s).
- If a sponsor has not been identified, the Educational Committee will be available for advice on obtaining a sponsor.
- If no sponsorship is available, Council will review on a case-by-case basis (i.e. requests by Education Committee to use Branch funds or to bill members to attend) based on the application submitted to the Education Committee (Appendix A).
- Date/Timeline. This will ensure that time-sensitive topics (i.e. dissemination of new guidelines and/or policies) are addressed appropriately.
- Continuing education. If continuing education accreditation is sought, there must be enough time from acceptance of proposal to date of event to ensure that accreditation can be obtained. This must be done in concordance with accreditation guidelines as set out by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) . In addition, funding for accreditation must also be sought if required.
- Participation. The submitting party must ensure all considerations for planning the event are considered. Although the Committee may be available for advice, the Committee will not be responsible for organizing or fundraising for the event, unless mandated by Council.
B. Selection of education proposals.
As the Committee consists of members from across the province, once a proposal has been submitted, the proposal will be disseminated to the Committee via e-mail for review and discussion. If the proposal is deemed reasonable, the Educational Committee will grant approval. Appendix B outlines criteria for approval. The submitting party will be notified of the decision. Should the proposal be declined, the Education Committee will provide the submitting party with a formal letter of decline, including their rationale for the decision. Submissionswill be brought to Council to resolve if outside of the Committee’s terms of reference or if direct support if requested by the submitting party. The Education Committee may approve up to three solicited educational events annually. Any additional event approvals must be discussed with Council prior to approval.
C. Funding/sponsorship of educational events.
Third party organizations will commit to covering all of the costs incurred during the event andmay be directly involved with booking food, venue and speakers. Once sponsorship has been confirmed, the Education Committee will send the third party sponsor a letter requesting the required funds, and the third party will issue a sponsorship cheque to the Education Committee to cover the proposed costs incurred by hosting the event prior to the event. They. The Education Committee will not incur costs associated with educational events unless prior approval from Council has been obtained.
The sponsor secured for a particular event will be acknowledged on the advertisement for the event that is forwarded to members as well as at the educational event itself. Funding provided throughout the year will also be acknowledged in the CSHP-AB member newsletter.
The funding organization will be asked to sign a support agreement, providing transparency for both CSHP-AB and the sponsor involved that neither CSHP-AB branch nor its subcommittees will be involved with endorsing the products associated with the sponsor [Appendix C].
D. Venue booking
The submitting party will be responsible for coordinating the event. In the case where third party organizations wish to coordinate the venue, this will become the responsibility of the third party representative but will be overseen by the submitting party.
E. Continuing education accreditation
It will be the responsibility of the submitting party and the Evaluation/CE coordinator or delegate to adhere to the standards set out by an authorized accrediting body when submitting the event for educational credits. Acquisition of educational credits is not mandatory for events.
F. Event evaluation
The Educational Committee believes that formal evaluation of all events is essential in ensuring the continuation of high quality educational events. It will be the responsibility of the submitting party to draft the evaluation to be completed at the event. The accreditation/CE coordinator may provide consultation if required. A report of the evaluation summary is to be submitted to the Education Committee following the event.
G. Event advertisement/promotion
It will be the responsibility of the submitting party in consultation with the Secretary/Publications/Promotions Committee member to draft a poster to advertise the event. The Education Committee will forward the advertisement for the event to the Membership Committee, which will be sent to the global CSHP-AB membership community.
H. Event registration
It will be the responsibility of the submitting party to collect information from registrants wishing to attend the event. The registering member must provide first and last name, CSHP number, contact information. A list of attendees along with contact information is required by the Education Committee for purposes of verifying membership status prior to the event.
I. CSHP-AB representation at event
Wherever possible, a member of the Education Committee will attend the event and liaise with members and third party representatives and provide representation on behalf of the CSHP-AB branch.
Revised July 2012