Metro School Lesson Plan
Name: Dirk the Protector Date: January
Time: 45 min lessons Content Area: Language Arts
Teachers: Adams, Palarino and Chapman
NCSCOS Grade Level Standard:
·  Comp. Goal 1: Grades 6th, 7th, 8th: Learner will use language to express individual perspectives drawn from personal or related experience.
·  Comp. Goal 5: Grades 6th, 7th, 8th: Learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretative and evaluative processes.
Grade Level Extensions:
·  Goal 1: Grades 6th, 7th, 8th: Explore and comprehend expressive materials that make connections between events and feelings.
·  Goal 5: Grades 6th, 7th, 8th: Explore relationships of ideas, concepts, and/or experiences. Extend understanding by creating products that exemplify specific types of text.
Symbolic: To create a sentence about a personal event/activity using pictures or words. To express feelings regarding a personal activity. To communicate perspective/feelings on a personal activity or event. To explore and respond to a variety of print.
Early Symbolic: To fill in a symbol to label appropriate feelings. To explore various literary genres. To acknowledge feelings.
Pre-Symbolic: To consistently exhibit an intentional response about feelings. To attend to various literary genres. To acknowledge feelings.
Links to Prior Learning:
·  Students have discussed the concept of feelings. Students have identified different feelings and have completed the sentence “I feel ____.” The students have also been discussing the different genres of literature.
Materials/Technologies Needed:
·  Week 1: Chapter 1 of Dirk the Protector
1.  Smartboard activity: “Chapter 1”
2.  Reading Selection on Chapter 1
3.  Picture symbols for vocabulary and comprehension questions choices
4.  Writing activity
·  Week 2: Chapter 2 of Dirk the Protector
1.  Smartboard activity: “Chapter 2”
2.  Reading Selection “Chapter 2”
3.  picture symbols for vocabulary and comprehension question choices
4.  Writing activity
·  Week 3: Chapter 3 of Dirk the Protector
1.  Smartboard activity: “Chapter 3”
2.  Reading Selection “Chapter 3”
3.  picture symbols for vocabulary and comprehension question choices
4.  Writing activity
Lesson Procedures:
Symbolic: Teacher will review the concept of upcoming genres. She will have students identify genres. The teacher will then introduce the author of the story and the title of the story (see weekly story schedule above). She will have students make a verbal prediction as to what they think the story is about. The teacher will then introduce the vocabulary words for the story. She will have students identify the vocabulary words. The first week, the teacher will read chapter 1 of the story. The following weeks, the teacher will read each chapter of the story for that week to the students and ask the students to verbally answer 3 comprehension questions. Teacher will ask questions to students in whole group form. Students will break into smaller groups. Each assistant will be leading a group of students with the activity that relates to the story.
Early Symbolic: Teacher will present the smart board lesson for the story and the author study. She will use picture symbols with 3 or more choices when presenting questions to the students. Students will use picture symbols and the smart board to answer questions. Each assistant will be leading a group of students with the activity that relates to the story.
Pre-Symbolic: Teacher will present the smart board lesson for the story “Dirk the Protector”. She will use picture symbols when presenting to the students. The students will respond with eye gaze, smart board touch, aug. comm. Devices when answering questions. Teacher will break students up into groups of two when answering questions. Each assistant will be leading a group of students with the activity that relates to the story.
Independent Practice:
These language arts skills are embedded throughout the other content areas (science, math, writing and global studies). This will allow the students an opportunity to have more practice with these skills and help them to generalize the concepts. The students will also have a chance to practice these skills in their support classes.
·  Teacher will praise students repeatedly.
·  Teacher will ask students comprehension questions about the story read.
·  Teacher will review literary genre and the events that took place within the story. The teacher will have students answer the question how they felt about the story and they will check their predictions about the story.