Wisconsin Section AWWA Membership Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2017 at 10:00AM


Kevin Richardson, Steve Kluesner, Jason Bordewyk, Katie Karow (not present), Jodi Dobson, Steve Schultz (not present)

1.Process to welcome new members

The process to welcome new members in the past has been to send a letter in the mail. Jill has requested that we send a welcome email instead. So, moving forward our welcome to new members will be with an email and Kevin will coordinate with Jill. Kevin also requested that if we know an individual on the new member list, to reach out with a personal email congratulating and welcoming them to the organization and potentially share with them ways to get involved.



2.Process to contact Drop/Late Members

a.Steve K. shared with the group the status of contacting late members. Steve K. requested assistance with contacting the Utility and Service Provider members on the late list.

b.It was suggested the MAC committee or other service providers could assist with contacting Utility members that are late or dropped.


Steve K. will contact late individual, operator, and student members. Steve K. will send out the current list of late Service Providers and Utility Members to Kevin and Jason to contact.

Kevin will contact the chair of the MAC committee and ask about ways they can assist with contacting Utility Members.

3.Suggestions & ideas to recruit active members for membership committee

Jodi indicated that the Image and PR committee only have 2 active members and they have sent out an email to membership asking for volunteers to join the committee. They have received responses from several individuals interested in learning more. Jodi thinks the membership committee could do something similar.


Kevin to work with Jill to craft an email similar to what Image and PR committee did and send out.

4.Suggestions for future membership committee projects

a.Kevin would like to contact National AWWA about obtaining information and contacting elected officials to get the word out on our organization.

b.Send out mailings to membership.

c.Contact Utilities about membership. Jodi indicated that Andy Chase was identified in the past to assist with this effort. National AWWA has asked that we hold off on using Andy for now. The WI-Section board members that are Utility members are available to attend a meeting with membership to discuss benefits of Utility membership with other Utilities. Can let Utilities know that the costs for the membership can be part of the rate base and is acceptable to the PSC.


Kevin to coordinate with National and mailings. Kevin will review the list of Utilities to focus our contacting efforts on. Janesville, Eau Claire, others were discussed.

Steve K. will contact a board member about setting up a meeting with West Bend.


No discussion.

6.Next Meeting

Next Meeting - Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 10:00 am.

Prepared and respectfully submitted by Steve Kluesner.