Charles Gordon
SeniorPublic School
Superintendent: Shirley Chan(416) 396-9178
Trustee: David Smith (416) 397-3104
Principal: David Terminesi
Vice Principal: Tom McKeown
701Adhitya R. / Prima T.
702Nathan L. / Christina B.
703Cheliyan S. / Messieh K.
704Mahek M.
705Arvalan R. / Rita G.
706Hariish I. / Avis S.
707Aisha C. / Dominik N.
801Genci L.
802Suruthika S.
803Niduja B. / Tharanya S.
804Neveathan J. / Shanzay A.
805Samim N.
806Lamia A. / Cameron L.
807Hailey M. / Arunnan A.
Mr. ThibideauMughees J. / Haseeb J. / Ruhan S.
Next Month’s Character Development Trait is: Empathy
The Progress Report Card will be going home to parents on Monday November 14. You will have an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher on Thursday November 17 from 4PM to 9PM and Friday November 18from 8AM to 3 PM. We will be sending home the Interview Time Request form. Please fill it out and have your child return it to their classroom teacher. An Interview Confirmation sheet will be placed in the Progress Report. We will do all that we can to accommodate your request. We are looking forward to seeing you.
October: A Month of Terry Fox Foundation Fundraising at Charles Gordon
“Terry Fox was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) in his right leg in 1977 and had his leg amputated 15 cm (six inches) above the knee. While in hospital, Terry was so overcome by the suffering of other cancer patients that he decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. He called his journey the Marathon of Hope.
Terry's Marathon of Hope took place in 1980 with the simple objective of informing Canadians of the importance of finding a cure for cancer. With fierce determination, he ran an average of 42 kilometres (26 miles) every day for 143 days. Terry was forced to end his run on September 1, 1980 when the cancer spread to his lungs.
By February 1, 1981, Terry's dream of raising $1 for every Canadian was realized - the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope fund totaled $24.17 million. Terry died in June 1981.”
(Terry Fox Foundation website, )
The Terry Fox Run is an annual non-competitive charity event held in numerous regions around the world in commemoration of Canadian cancer activist Terry Fox, and his Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research.
Charles Gordon dedicated the month of October as Terry Fox Foundation Fundraising Month and $600 was raised in 6 events over 3 weeks. These events included throwing wet sponges at the Principal (lots of smiles and cheers during that lunch hour), having the freedom to chew gum and wear hats in class (students donated without participating), enjoying a Pita Pit Lunch ($1 from every pita was donated), honouring loved ones with Memorial Shoes (hanging proudly in our cafe) and finally on the afternoon of Monday, October 24 running “2k for Terry”. Class 707’s excellent participation on the run with the 15 lowest place scores earned their class a pizza lunch. Our students and staff demonstrated empathy, teamwork and caring during the fundraising campaign. #Gatorscare
Ms. Toyama and Ms. Salsman
1. Find out what you need to learn. 2. Read the material. 3. Ask yourself questions. 4. Write down what is important. 5. Recite the work you reviewed.
It is suggested that the Homework for students should be “approximately 10 minutes” per grade, not including daily reading.
Gators Slo-Pitch Team Goes to Conference Finals
This year’s slo-pitch season started with tryouts the second week of school. Once the team was picked they devoted themselves to early morning practices at 7:30 a.m. where their motto was, “The team that eats breakfast together, wins together.” Well, that held true as they won all of their games except for one in the regular season.
The Gators played the Semi-Final at Corvette P.S. against J.S. Woodsworth where a fabulous catch at home plate clinched the game. They moved on to meet their arch nemesis Joseph Howe in the Conference Finals. The boys held their own going 0-0 for the first few innings. Unfortunately, Howe took the lead and the Gators bats couldn’t bounce back.
The team showed tremendous growth over the entire season. Special thanks to the staff and families in the Charles Gordon Community for their continuous support. #GATORPRIDE! Ms. Salsman & Ms. Toyama
The school agenda is an excellent tool for students to learn organizational and time management skills, and helps to develop good study habits, as well as, a means of keeping lines of communication open between home and school. Students are expected to copy their homework into their agenda. The teacher signs/initials the agenda which then goes home. Parents are expected to check the agenda with their child’s homework, ensuring that it is completed. Parents then sign/initial confirming for the teacher that the homework was, in fact, completed.
Congratulations to our Gators who did extremely well in the Conference Finals finishing in 3rd Place! Eight students moved on to the City Finals at Centennial Park in Etobicoke and finished well there too. Thanks to those who started training early and to Coaches Penney, Ramoutar and Allahyar for all of their work! #GATORPRIDE
Our annual Gr. 8 to Gr. 9 Parent Information Night will be done on 2 different nights: October 25th, 6PM at David and Mary Thomson CI and November 3rd, 6PM at Cedarbrae CI. This night is essential for parents and their Gr. 8 child to learn about the transition process from Elementary to Secondary School in the TDSB. Our Guidance Counsellor, Mr. Woodrow will provideinformation about applying to local and specialty schools, application deadlines, and different course levels available to your child. If you need further information, please contact Mr. Woodrow at (416) 396-6130.
As well, here is a website that parents can use for another resource. On this site, high schools give information, tips on mental health, Learning Skills, Work Habits for students and important dates that Grade 8 parents should be aware of.
Nov. 2Tech Day at Bendale BTI
Nov. 11Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30in the gym – Please join us!
Nov. 14Progress Reports go home
Nov. 17Interviews in the evening
Nov. 18PD Day Interviews
Nov. 21Parent Council 6PM in Staffroom
Nov. 30SOM #3 - Empathy / Spirit Day #3 – Hat Day
Dec. 15Gordon Christmas Concert@ 6PM in the gym
General Information of the Toronto District School Board can be foundon the website –