Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

9:00 A.M.

Vince Whibbs Conference Room

1st Floor City Hall

Board Members Present

Butch Hansen, John B. Clark, Roberto Rivera, Michael Swinehart, Peter McKanna, Paul Brown, Paul Entrekin, Lisa Rawson, David Glassman, Steve Wilmer, Bill Weeks (City Representative), Jack Brown (Immediate Past President) and Ed Hold (Legal Advisor).

Board Members Absent

Nancy Clark, John Ochs and Joe Glover.

Guest(s) Present

Warren Palmer, Volunteer Coordinator

Norm LaFountain

Grayson Berry, DigiPro

Neal Caspersen, Vietnam Dustoff Association

Art Giberson, Author

Randy New, Sculptor

(Motions and actions taken are listed in red)

Call to Order and Welcome
Visitor Acknowledgement & Presentations
Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report
Committee Reports
Maintenance and Planning
Public Affairs and Educational Outreach
Finance and Marketing
Other Business / The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Board President Butch Hansen who led those present in a moment of silence for those we honor at the Park and their families, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Hansen welcomed and acknowledged visitors. He asked Jack Brown to introduce his guest. Mr. Brown introduced Neal Caspersen with the Vietnam Dustoff Association. Mr. Caspersen spoke briefly about the Dustoff Association, its mission and purpose. He was present today to solicit suggestions for a guest speaker at their reunion in October. Frenchy LaFountain suggested someone who had “walked the talk” and perhaps from within their own group. He volunteered to provide Mr. Caspersen with some names as potential speakers.
President Hansen introduced Art Giberson who spoke about the latest revisions of his book, “Wall South.” He said the book is available through Amazon and Kindle. Cost is $20; however, they can be purchased directly from him for $18. Mr. Giberson said he is willing to donate $2 from each book he sells directly to the Park. David noted that if the board approved, we could advertise and promote the book on the VMP website.
There followed discussion about the potential use of this book for marketing purposes; such as providing to elected officials, donors, military personnel and others who might be coming through this area. It was seen as something that could not only promote the Park but also our local area.
David Glassman introduced Grayson Berry with DigiPro. Mr. Berry specializes in “targeted marketing” and most recently was involved in the successful Independence Fund project to support wounded veterans in promoting their recovery and independence.
David and Mr. Berry provided an overview of how targeted marketing works and how companies develop a “profile” of those to whom they wish to market a product, issue or cause. One of the key issues for the board would be how we would use such targeted marketing for fundraising efforts. It was agreed that this should be a discussion for the board’s fundraising meetings.
Paul Entrekin introduced Randy New, a local sculptor and art teacher, who designed and created the Children’s Homecoming Memorial in the Park which was dedicated to all those children who lost their fathers in Vietnam.
Mr. New has proposed two designs for a Global War on Terror (GWOT) Memorial; both are attached to these minutes. He explained the concept of both designs. One clearly highlights the Twin Towers covered by a dome design of the world and topped with an eagle. The other is a sculpture of a crumbled I beam (symbolizing the destruction caused by terrorism) topped by a globe and eagle.
There was discussion about cost; Mr. New estimated the cost of the design featuring the crumbled I beam topped by a globe and eagle to be approximately $75,000, not including the base. He did not have a cost estimate of the second design. It was noted that we only have on hand $10,000 ($8,000 BP funds, $2,000 held in escrow by Suburban West Rotary and $1,000 from other sources).
There was considerable discussion about how to proceed with such a memorial. President Hansen wanted to be able to present a proposed design to the Mayor to solicit his support. Jack Brown urged the board to select a preliminary design to present to the City. He noted that leaving it wide open would drag the process on for years. Everyone was in agreement.
The minutes of the December 8, 2015 board meeting were presented for review and approval.
In the absence of the treasurer there was no formal report. President Hansen reported that the executive committee approved the appointment of Paul Brown as interim treasurer in the absence of John Ochs. President Hansen also reported that we are current on paying invoices and that as of January 5, 2016 there was $73,749.00 in the Park checking account.
However, there is an issue of who can access the Park’s Quick Books account and also a need to update the Park’s authorization for check signing privileges. We need to remove Charlie Switzer, Jack Brown and John Ochs from check signing privileges and add Paul Brown as an authorized signatory on checking accounts, as well as all Quick Book Accounts, along with Butch Hansen and Michael Swinehart.
President Hansen reported on the following:
·  Originally was going to give a brief presentation on our proposal for a RESTORE grant, but due to changes in priorities approved by Escambia County Commissioners (Environment, Economy and Infrastructure) the presentation was postponed.
·  Security: nothing new to report.
·  International Paper (IP) Grant: he has applied for a grant from IP.
·  HAU Series was selected for a Freedom’s Foundation Award.
·  Annual Report is due to the City and he will prepare a draft report and send to members for feedback.
Roberto Rivera had no formal report. However, Paul Entrekin indicated that he had a possible speaker for our Memorial Day event, Tony Gain. Paul will send a bio to members for their review.
Peter McKanna reported on the following:
·  Flag Pole repairs are underway today.
·  IMPACT bids are due January 15; two companies are expected to submit proposals. Work could begin by February 1.
·  Some of the plaques on the entrance wall are missing bolts and stars; GLEMCO has located replacements and will submit cost estimate to us.
·  No update to report of adding missing names to the Wall South.
·  STOA has indicated that they would be willing to work with us on a GWOT Memorial proposal.
David reported that:
·  Information on the $5,000.00 donation from the Sheriff’s office has been posted on the website. He will get specific language from the Sheriff’s office to post on the site.
·  Kevin Layman has offered to update the flyover video of the Park the week of January 18. Was discussion about time and whether or not to have people at the Park during the flyover; no decision was made.
·  The military reunion page continues to progress.
·  Charlie Switzer and Warren Palmer continue to work on a Friends of the Park group.
Lisa Rawson had nothing to add from her last report. She will discuss with David and others on how to proceed on some of the areas being discussed.
President Hansen will work on setting up a meeting to discuss fundraising efforts.
There was no business from the floor. / Information Only
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Motion by Paul Entrekin to promote the sale of the book on the Park website and other social media. Second by John Clark. Motion Carried.
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Information and Action
Motion by Paul Entrekin to accept the preliminary GWOT Memorial Design featuring the crumbled I Beam with a globe and eagle on a pedestal and present this to the City for approval. Second by Michael Swinehart. Motion Carried.
Motion by John Clark to approve the minutes as presented. Second by David Glassman. Motion Carried.
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Motion by Paul Entrekin to add Paul Brown, along with Butch Hansen and Michael Swinehart, to VMP checking account and Quick Book accounts; and remove Charlie Switzer, Jack Brown and John Ochs from said accounts. Second by Lisa Rawson. Motion Carried.
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Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM. Next meetings will be Tuesday, January 26, 2016 commencing at 9:00. / Information Only

Submitted by:

John B. Clark

These minutes were approved at the regular board meeting of the VMP board on Tuesday, January 26.