DATE/TIME: Wednesday, August 24, 2016
LOCATION: Unity Town Office
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Porter, Jason Bosco, Jean Bourg, Donald Newell, Mark Nickerson, Sherry Powell-Wilson
SECRETARY: Sherry Powell-Wilson
SELECTMEN PRESENT: Penny Picard Sampson
Application #/Date / Applicant Name / Building Site Address / Structure Type / Committee Approval / ConditionsLot Permit Application
Date: __/__/__ / Chad Tozier
Present: Chad Tozier / Tax Map #21, Lot #4
40 Juneberry Lane / Application is to create a separate lot from current five. / Yes / See below
Construction Application & Permit No. 117
08/05/2016 / William Wade
Present: William Wade / Tax Map #8, Lot #5
809 Town Farm Road / Replace & expand porch, add an additional 450’, 13’ above grade / Yes
Construction Application & Permit No. 120
08/23/2016 / Kara Getchell
Present: Kara Getchell / Tax Map #2, Lot #24
499 Hunter Road / Post & Beam w/walk-out basement / Yes
Construction Application & Permit
__/__/__ / Mark McCorrison
Present: Mark McCorrison / Map #__, Lot #__
_6 Main Street / Replace existing garage / Yes / Needs to complete application.
Construction Application & Permit No. 119 / Richard A. Meckes
Present: / Tax Map #1, Lot 14-A
Waning Road / Modular Home, 27 x 34 / Yes / Lot Permit Application needs to be completed (if not done already), septic needs to be designed and signed off by a LPI, and driveway needs suitable turnaround for emergency vehicles.
18:57:49 Jim Porter called the meeting to order.
Applicant Chad Tozier, Lot Permit Application, Tax Map #2, Lot #4 -The application is to deed off one property from four others (camps). Lengthy discussion regarding septic system. Don Newell made the motion to accept the application subject to either a satisfactory soil test for a septic system within the remainder of the property, or an easement for a septic system on the property that is being separated. Mark Nickerson seconded. Call for the vote to approve the application, all in favor.
Construction Application and Permit No 117, Map #8, Lot #5, Applicant William Wade – Don made the motion to approve the application without any conditions. No further discussion. Motion seconded. Call for the vote to approve the application, all in favor.
Construction Application and Permit No 120, Map #2, Lot #24 -Don made the motion to approve the application. Jason seconded. Call for the vote, all in favor.
Applicant Mark McCorrison (yet to submit Construction Application and Permit, _6 Main Street, Tear down and replace garage. Applicant paid fee during the meeting. Don made the motion to approve, Jason seconded. Call for the vote to approve the application, all in favor with the condition that the applicant needs to complete the application and submit.
Unity College – Paved Parking Lot/Walking Trail - Unity College representatives present were Dr. Melik Khoury, President;Erica Hutchinson, Chief Fundraising Officer; and Dr. John Zavodny, Chief of Staff. Dr. Khoury spoke to the Board of the College’s decision to pave the lot and create a walking trail from the lot to the College for students. This lot is located below the College off Rt. 9, west of the bridge (the site once owned by Lawry Brothers). Gravel had been hauled in to this lot at an earlier time by Lawry Brothers. Dr. Khoury said they will have about 700 full-time students this year and they have built new residence halls, one being Unity 3. He explained that rather than build a parking lot around Unity 3, the decision was made to use the gravel lot and pave it. The walking path will also be paved. The parking lot and walking path will both be lit with automatic lighting, complete with emergency call boxes.
It was determined that no action was required by the Planning Board. Charlie Porter had suggested to the College that they come down to the Board and explain their plans.
Jason expressed appreciation for the way the College is maintaining the Field of Dreams this year. Don stated that there has been a concern among Unity residents in the past that the College wasn’t doing enough for the Town, but stated that, “it certainly seems that the College is doing well to persuade folks otherwise,” to which Dr. Khoury stated, “We literally built a path to the Town to connect us together.” Dr. Khoury expressed his desire to work with the Town in moving forward. One concern he has is the lack of housing available for College employees to live in Unity. The College, as part of a 10-year plan, has hired 40 people yet only 3-4 have been able to find suitable housing in the Town. He feels there is much more to be gained for the students, the College, and the community, in having these new hires live in the Town. Dr. Khoury is open to ideas. He stated that he comes from schools that have literally built a community around the school and, for the students who come from all over the country, they deserve to have the faculty and staff live in the area enabling them to really be part of the community and participate in games, etc.
Permit 119, Construction Application and Permit, Waning Road–Location described as being past the bog (coming in from the Albion side), one quarter mile on the left. Concern expressed among members that they don’t remember seeing a Lot Permit application. Jean Bourg will look into this and locate the application. Jason made the motion to approve the application with conditions being a Lot Permit Application, if not already submitted, needs to be completed, a septic system needs to be designed and approved by a LPI, and the driveway needs an adequate turnaround for emergency vehicles. Don seconded. Call for the vote, all in favor.
Minutes of July 2016 Planning Board Meeting were approved as read.
Penny stated that the Town now owns the website (, and that Sam is working to get everything posted.
20:30:00Seeing no further business, a motion was made to adjourn. Motion seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry E. Powell-Wilson, Notary Public