Civics Mario de Simone
COURSE: Civics (CHV2O)
STRAND: Local Government
LESSON #5, 6, 7, 8 TOPIC: Culminating Activity – Create a Web Page on a Social Justice Issue
Active Citizen – Local Government and citizenship
5 min / Anticipatory Set / Cartoon analysis (attached – Appendix A) – While showing the first cartoon that has the caption greyed-out, ask the students one question:
What do you think this is about? (Make no comment to influence students, simply restate their comments and ideas about the cartoon)
At 4 minutes reveal the cartoon with the caption. State your objective: To have students identify media and political bias. / Show cartoon on overhead projector OR laptop with LCD.
1 min / Lesson Purposes / o Becoming a purposeful students
o Researching different issues and using the internet as a research tool / Agenda written on the board
10 min / Guided Practice –
Socratic Method / Then reflect on answers while discussing several of the “What is Citizenship?” short-essays that students submitted as a homework exercise that was completed earlier. / “What is Citizenship?” reflection paragraph
5 min / Team Selection / Students to select partner or groups up to 3 maximum to complete the exercise/activity – Political Pamphlet (attached - Appendix C) / Record Team with members
45 min / Cooperative Learning –Internet Research Activity / 1. Students are to follow the instructions found on the Scavenger Hunt (attached - Appendix B) sheet for internet electronic newspaper sheet
2. The items/articles are to be printed and then glued onto the bristle board to form a collage
3. Students must use a different web site source for each item.
4. They must enter the complete URL
5. They must print the first page of the article, item, picture, etc only
6. Teacher to circulate around the class to provide any necessary guidance
7. Students must begin to think about an issue/social justice cause that they wish to investigate (attached - Appendix E)
8. Search for web sites supporting their issue/cause and print off pages of this web site (to be used for Web Design Exercise) / Hand out Scavenger Hunt Sheet to be completed using Internet and web browser (IE or Netscape) in Comp. Lab or Library Lab Room
Bristle Board and Glue (for collage)
5 min / Closure / o You can all make a difference
o You start small and then expand.
o Do you think you pamphlet is effective and will work?
Home Work / Independent Practice / Teams might want to decide which political/social/economic issue will be used to create the Political/Social Justice Pamphlet (attached - Appendix C)
5 min / Anticipatory Set / “Evil things happen when good people stand by” and don’t get involved. BENJAMIN DISRAELI (British Statesman 1804-1881
Ask students what they think about this quote. Let them discuss and debate.
p. 211 have students turn to this page of text to show picture of Craig Keilburger and how he embarrassed PM Chtetein and his Team Canada tour to drum up business in Asia. C. Keilburger confronted the politicians and business people about child labour in India.
Show the “take action” book by C. Keilburger and his brother and emphasize that they decided to make a difference. It also shows how just the actions of one person can make a difference. / Put Quote on the Board
1 min / Lesson Purposes / o Getting active – drafting a Political/Social Pamphlet / Agenda written on the board
25 min / Guided Practice -Group Activity: Brainstorm / Get the students involved in one large activity that will be used as input into evaluated and marked
They are to create their own pamphlet (attached - Appendix C & D).
1. Describe what you want the students to accomplish for this assignment. State that it is in-class and it has to be completed by the end of this class.
2. Have students read Step 1 through Step 5.
3. Step 1 – give student groups 5 minutes to select an issue and then post them on the board. This is to ensure that the groups do not select the same topic.
4. Allow students to make a suggestion for a topic that they have a concern about.
5. Walk throughout the class to show sample of mission statements and an actual pamphlet from a current interest (NGO) group.
NOTE: The “Creating a Political Pamphlet Rubric” is to be used as a guide for this exercise. However, it could also be used as an assessment resource if the teacher decides to include this as an assessment. / Hand out with Checklist and Assessment Rubric for the Political Pamphlet
(attached Appendix D)
Internet search from the Scavenger Hun will support each section of the Political Pamphlet
Pamphlet exercise requires coloured paper, & coloured markers
35 min / Independent Study -
Web Page Design Tutorial / o Check for the following links:
· Learn HTML link to “How to Design a Web Page”
· Dos and Donts link to “HTML Do&Donts”
· Tips on Creating Your Own Web Page link
· Web Page Design Guidelines link
(print documents as reference guides)
/ Computer Lab or Library Lab Room5 min / Closure / o Do you think your issue for a pamphlet is effective and will work?
o How did you find the learning from the two documents that were read off the web site
Home Work / Independent Practice / 1. Provide a copy of the “Code of Internet Ethics and Parental Consent Form” (original from Peel District School Board, attached Appendix E)
2. Students must have parents and themselves sign the form to be returned on the following day
3. Have parents check for link
(NOTE: This is a sample of the type of web page that the students will be creating for the final culminating activity) / Code of Ethics and Parental Consent Form
(attached – Appendix E)
10 min / Guide Practice –
Create MSN / Hotmail account
(No Anticipatory Set) / 1. Check for students resources – Social Justice issues/concern web page printed during the DAY 1 Scavenger Hunt lesson
2. Students must logon using school ID and password.
3. Use school board approved e-mail & conferencing software
Eg. BlackBoard, WebCT
4. Students must create an MSN and Hotmail e-mail account
(NOTE: MSN contains a secure conferencing feature)
5. Students must all log-on and add the MSN/Hotmail IDs as team member’s ID (“handle”) and begin to conference using MSN
(NOTE: AOL’s ICQ can also be used instead of MSN)
6. Students are to NOT ALLOWED TO CONVERSE amongst each other. They must use the newly created MSN/Hotmail conferencing feature. / Computer Lab or Library Lab Room
Student School ID & password required w/internet access
50 min / Guide Practice –
Group Web Design & Development Class / Students must develop a simple Web page on their own computers, with the following:
ü Simple title and heading
ü One table with some statistics (fictitious)
ü Two links to other web sites
ü Two graphics (*.GIFs or *JPGs)
ü One button (minimum, but can have more than one) link to a second page
ü One link to a Word document
ü One link to a document with statistical data (Excel)
ü One link to another document of student’s choice (PowerPoint, Excel, Text file, etc.) / Computer Lab or Library Lab Room
Printed resource documents from
5 min / Guide Practice –
Create and register web site / 1. Enter website and register a name on the free web site area
2. Naming convention of the web sites are as follows:
Col 1 – 4 = Team
Col 5 = Team letter ranging from “A” to “Z”
Col 6 – 15 = School name (first 10 letters only, truncated)
Col 16 – 18 = month course commences (“Sep”, “Jan”,
Col 19 – 20 = last two number of the current year
Eg. TeamCGonzagaSep03
3. Record the web site “www” ID & password
4. Record the web site “ftp” ID & password / (or,
5 min / Guide Practice –
FTP/Upload / 1. Use WS-FTP or other FTP software (legally available at the school) to upload the web pages and documents
2. Students must view and make any changes so that the web site links function correctly (attached -- Appendix F: Web Page Analysis Rubric) / WS FTP or other file transfer protocol software
Assessment of Web Page Analysis Rubric
Home Work / Independent Practice / Students are to create a PowerPoint presentation (using links to their social justice web site).
PowerPoint Group Presentation Criteria:
1. The number of slides for the presentation may vary. It must range between 3 to 5 slides.
2. Each presentation must last between 5 to 7 minutes in length. / Computer Lab or Library Lab Room (w/ internet availability) to test links to PowerPoint
70 min / Guide Practice –
Group Presentations / 1. Group presentations. (approx. 10 groups)
2. Oral Presentation Checklist is to be used to assess the group presentations (attached – Appendix G) / Computer Lab or Library Lab Room (w/ internet availability)
Oral Presentation Assessment.
Appendix A
Cartoon Analysis
Show the cartoon (missing phrase) above to the class. Ask the following question set to stimulate discussion.
What is this cartoon trying to tell us?
Why do you think it is about ___(student’s issue)____ ?
Are we looking at a Health Care Issue?
Appendix B
Scavenger Hunt-Citizenship & Government e-Newspaper
Items: Scavenger Hunt Sheet
e- Newspaper web sites: Financial Post, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, Ottawa Citizen
search engines:,,,
Internet Explorer or Netscape Browser
Students individually or in groups of 2
ü Select one web site or scroll through several sites and locate the following items/articles.
ü Circle them with a pen or pencil. Be sure to indicate web site URL (eg. next to the item.
ü Print ONLY the first page of the article, ad or picture that corresponds to the item on the list below.
ü When you are finished, submit this sheet to the teacher so that he/she knows you are finished.
1. * A picture of a politician ______
2. * An article about two or more countries co-operating______
3. * An article showing how someone has shown positive leadership______
4. * A story or letter related to a complaint by a consumer______
5. * An item from the sports section involving the breaking of rules______
6. * A comic strip showing two people or groups in conflict______
7. * An ad for a job with the government______
8. * A news item about a crime______
9. * An editorial talking about a political issue______
10. * A letter to the editor critical of the government______
11. * An item about a government outside of North America______
12. * An article about events in a foreign country that could affect this country______
13. * An article dealing with an important local issue______
14. * A picture showing people trying to influence government______
15. * A picture showing how government affects the lives of its citizens______
16. * An ad for a movie that involves the law in some way______
17. * A map______
18. * A news item related to education______
19. * The word “municipal” or “city” ______
20. * An item about immigrants or immigration______
1. Did you finish quickly? ______
2. What strategies did your team use? (e.g. one person led the group through each item, one person cut the items, while the others found the items OR everyone found and cut items from the newspaper).
3. Locate 5 other web sites that represent a cause or issue that you feel are very important to you. List the cause and the web site’s URL.
From -- Cooperative Learning and Social Studies: Towards Excellence and Equity by Tom Morton, 1996.
Appendix C
Project Activity: “Do Something….Get Involved”
Checklist for creating a Political Pamphlet
STEP 1: Choose a Cause (Use the Internet to research and provide information to support your cause or issue)
Teens for … OR Teens against …
1. Awareness – Homelessness (e.g. Homeless Shelter in our neighbourhood, Habitant for Humanity)
2. Awareness – Hunger: Feed our Poor (e.g. School Cafeteria food program for poor, Breakfast program for needy children, World Vision)
3. Awareness - Accessibility for Student (e.g. Free Mississauga Transit for Students, Physical Disabilities and Accessibility)
4. Awareness – S.A.D.D & M.A.D.D.
5. Peace & Violence - No Guns Zone
6. Peace & Violence - Nuclear Free Zone
7. Environment - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Program
8. Environment - Pollution Reduction Program (Public Transit over Cars, Lakeview Generating Station)
9. Environment – Increase “Green space” and/or ”Tree planting” Program
10. Student Peer Support Group (Teen Issues E.g. Depression, Anger Control, Violence)
11. Animal Rights - Animals in Cosmetic Research (vs. Medical Research)
12. Human Rights – Discrimination & human rights based on ethnicity, race or gender
13. Consumer Rights – Advertising in Schools
14. Other – Student Suggestion: ______
STEP 2: Create Your Message
Design a Logo – use of variety is important (e.g. letters with a diagram/drawing/symbol)
Design a Message for your Logo – less than 7 words
STEP 3: Develop a Mission Statement/Vision
i. What is the purpose of your group?
ii. What is your group’s concern?
iii. What does your group hope to accomplish?
STEP 4: Develop a Communication & Education Plan
i. How will you achieve your mission statement? That is, what are your goals?
ii. How will you create a greater awareness of the issue?
iii. How will you use the media (TV, radio, newspaper, and internet) and other students to help?
iv. How will you get other students to help?