Meeting Minutes – 7/12/2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:40PM by Harold Hogan, President. There were22attendeesat the meeting. There was no fly tying or presentation before the meeting since this meeting was the annual game night social.


The Secretarypresented the Junemeeting minutes for approvalas it was posted on the TU692 chapter website. The report was accepted as written.

A brief summary of the Treasurer’s report for June was presented by the chapter secretary, Diane Sharpe, since the Treasurer was unable to attend the meeting this month. The beginning balance of $7,015.51 from last month’s Treasurer’s reportwas increased by $1600 received for raffle tickets sold at the June meeting and reduced by fivecheckstotaling $927.12 that cleared and are detailed as follows: $500 (Casting for Recovery - Georgia); $40 (TU692 Business Card printing); $150 (Steve Hudson speaker expenses); $171.18 (TU692 trifold brochures printing); and $65.94 (TU692 website services). After the bank statement date of 6/29/18, an additional check for $25 was issued to Ron Sharpe for the purchase of the fly box for Jim Wentworth retirement gift. Petty Cash remains at $228 leaving a new total balance of $8,163.39.

Old Business

  • TU692 Annual Fundraiser –Tickets went on sale at the June meeting for $100 each with only 50 tickets to be sold. All prizesare valuedover $100 with some as high as $600!!! Currently, tickets are only being sold to TU692 members. Winners will be selected at the October meeting via a double-blind drawing whereby one jar will hold the prizes and the other jar will hold all the ticketholders’ names. Winners do not have to be present to win. The winners who are present at the meeting have the option of turning down a prize and putting their name back in the jar for a chance to win something else (or lose). For every $100 ticket purchased, the member receives one Dream Ticket at no additional cost, i.e. buy 5 tickets and get 5 Dream Tickets for FREE.
  • TU692 Trifold Brochure: Joe Duket, who spearheaded this effort, was unable to attend the meeting; however, the brochures are printed and look OUTSTANDING!! A couple of dozen have been placed at the Union County Chamber of Commerce along with several TU692 business cards. Marcus Tuschel took a dozen to be placed at the Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery. Harold Hogan agreed to place some in Clay County and Ron Sharpe is working locations in Towns County. The brochures will be available at next month’s meeting if members have ideas for other locations.
  • Marcus Tuschel, Friends of the Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery,presented TU692 chapter with a matted and framed Certificate of Appreciation for our members continuing support at the Hatchery events in 2018.Thank you to everyone who supported these events.
  • Flies are still being accepted for the retirement gift, a fly box with a few dozen flies, for Jim Wentworth, USFS Fish Biologist. At the June meeting, Ron Sharpe presented the fly box along with 31 flies. Joe Duket will contact Jim about attending the August meeting for a presentation of the gift from our chapter.
  • Dan Goff provided an update on his discussions with the Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition (HRWC) Executive Director, Callie Moore, regarding the transfer of funds from the Reece Farm projects (no longer viable—see last month’s minutes for details) to a potential project on Raper Mill Creek, a private property project. Callie indicated that Tony Ward, HRWC Restoration Coordinator, needs to review the situation with the property owner(s) at Raper Mill Creek to determine if $3,000 is adequate funding for the restoration actions required at the site. If not, they may recommend a different project site. Based on the TU692 Board’s unanimous decision at the June 2018 Board Meeting, HRWC will continue to hold the $3,000 awaiting further project selection updates.
  • Dan Dolvin attended the quarterly Georgia TU Council meeting in Dahlonega GA on June 16, 2018 as our chapter representative. Dan will provide a summary at our next monthly meeting. Thank you to Dan for stepping up at the last minute to attend this important TU meeting.

New Business

  • Dan Goff, TU692 Programs Coordinator, reminded everyone that next month is the 2nd annual presentation by Dr. James “Jay” Shelton, Associate Professor of Fisheriesat the University of Georgia (UGA) Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources. Further, a motion was presented and discussed by the membersin attendancefor a $500 donation in support of the Trout Unlimited Coldwater Fisheries Endowmentprogram at UGA. This endowment was established for scholarship support of graduate or undergraduate students at UGA with a demonstrated interest in cold water fisheries. Approval of the motion will be addressed at next month’s meeting.
  • Election of Officers will occur at the September meeting.
  • Club fly fishing trips:
  • There will not be a trip in July
  • Spring 2019 trip to Frying Pan/Roaring Fork in Basalt, Colorado
  • Dates: April 28 – May 4
  • 6 nights/7 days for $1600 which includes roundtrip airfare, fishing license, van rentals, lodging in Basalt (dbl occ), one night in Denver (dbl occ), some meals, one guided float rip, one guided wade trip, gas, and tips
  • Pricing assumes 16 people, but no less than 10 (12 commits so far)
  • Frying Pan Anglers is the guide service – check them out at


Door Prize Winners

  • Door Prize: Not held this month
  • Bugs & Bucks: Not held this month

The official meeting ended at 7 PM and games, libations,and social hour began.

The first event was a Trivia Game. Everyone was given a hard-copy, multiple-choice quizwith prizes for best score. The prizes for the winners were gift certificates to UnicoiOutfitters: $25 for 1st place, $15 for 2nd place, and $10 for 3rd place. The winners were: 1stIvor Groves, 2ndBob East, and 3rdRon Sharpe.

Everyone migrated to the outside area for the casting contest. There were 2 parts for this event: distance and accuracy. The accuracy contest had two targets (one at 25’ and one at 40’) with separate scores for each target. All the scores were totaled to determine the winners. The prize certificates were the same denominations as for Trivia Game. The winners were: 1stJohn Willis, 2ndBob Finn, and 3rdBob East.

Congrats to all the winners!! Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the evening.

Meeting ended at 8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted,

//signed by dcs//18 July2018

Diane C. Sharpe, Secretary

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