Bright Careers in Computers Assignment

ITE 105 Assignment
Bright Careers in Computers


  • Download this file and save it as careers-lastname.docx
  • Open this file in Word. Keep the questions numbered exactly as they are. You should know how to do this.
  • At the end of each question, enter your answer.
  • When you finish, save your file.
  • If you are a classroom student, print your file and submit it at the beginning of class on or before the due date.

Multiple Classes?

You only need to complete this assignment once in one class for me this semester. If you have already completed this assignment in another class, please just submit a Word doc with the following:

  • Your complete name
  • ITE 105 Bright Careers assignment
  • I submitted this assignment already in ______

Your Name Please

What is your name?

Assignment Objective

Now is the time to decide what classes you want to take next semester. This assignment helps you understand the bright future of careers in computers.

Course Preferences

  1. Now that you have spent 10 weeks in this class and other CSC or IT classes. We design our IT degrees so you get to experience several technologies and career paths in the first year. In the second year you need to choose a specialization.
    Which class did you enjoy the most this semester?
  2. Which class did you like the least this semester?
  3. What did you find most interesting in all the lessonsin this class this semester?

Your Chosen Career Path

  1. What do you want to be when you grow up? This may have changed from the beginning of the semester.
  2. Which degree at NRCC are you currently pursuing?
  3. Had you considered a career in web design, mobile apps, digital design or web developer before taking this class?
  1. Go to My Next Move and search for your chosen career. Answer the following questions using the info you found from the web site.
    What was the job title listed at the top of the page?
  1. Copy and paste the link to the My Next Move page you listed in the previous question.
  1. List at least 3 items from the My Next Move page that matches your knowledge, skills, abilities, personality and technology.
  1. What is the Job Outlook for this job from the My Next Move Page? These range from Below Average to Bright.
  1. What is the average salary for this career choice?

More Computer Careers

  1. Read about computer careers on the next page, and check out some of the links. Then come back and answer these questions.
    List at least one computer career that is different from #5 that caught your interest.
  2. From My Next Move, what was the job title listed at the top of the page for the career from the previous question.
  3. Copy and paste the link to the My Next Move page you listed in the previous question.
  1. List at least 1 item from the My Next Move page that matches your knowledge, skills, abilities, personality and technology.
  1. What is the Job Outlook for this job from the My Next Move Page? These range from Below Average to Bright.
  1. What is the average salary for this career choice?
  2. Which of the NRCC degrees or Career Studies Certificates match this computer career choice?
  3. After this assignment, do you plan to stay with your current degree choice?
  4. If your answer to #19 is no, what degree are you interested in changing to?
  5. If the answer to #19 is no. Would you like to schedule a time to talk to your NRCC Career Counselor?
  6. If the answer to #19 is no and the degree is CSC or IT, would you like to schedule a time to talk to Mrs. Eaton?

Read this First before answering #12 - #22

Did you Know?

NRCC has several certificates and degrees to help you have a bright career in computers. Details are available at theIT Degrees page or from the NRCC 2017-18 catalog

Career Studies Certificates - Start here if you are not sure if you want to do an entire degree:

  1. Cyber Security CSC
  2. IT Foundations CSC
  3. IT Game Design & Animation CSC
  4. IT Mobile Apps CSC
  5. IT Network CSC

AAS Degrees to get a job:

  • Information Technology AAS
  • IT Game Design Specialization AAS
  • IT Mobile and Web App Development Specialization AAS
  • IT Network and Technical Support Specialization AAS
  • IT Cyber Security Specialization AAS

AA&S Degrees to transfer to VT or RU:

  • General Studies Computer Science Specialization AA&S
  • Engineering Computer Science Specialization AA&S

My Next Move

Not sure which of the NRCC options above matches you?

Go to My Next Move and search using keywords, careers or what you like to do.

Check out theseMy Next Move pages for detailed career information. Note the Average Salary was captured on 4/13/17. This may have changed when you view these pages.

  1. Love to play video games? Creating them is a lot of work and lots of fun. Check out NRCC’s IT Game Design & Animation CSC or IT Game Design degree specialization AAS.
  • $46,900 for Graphic Designersat
  • $85,240 for Video Game Designersat
  1. Are you creative? Do you enjoy Powerpoint? Want to create web sites or mobile apps? Check out NRCC’s IT Mobile Apps CSC or IT Mobile and Web Apps Development specialization AAS.
  • $64,970 for Web Designers and Web Developersat
  • $98,260 for App Developer or Software Developerat
  1. Want to fix computers or networks? Check out NRCC’s IT Network CSC or IT Network and Technical Support specialization AAS.
  • $62,250 for Computer Network Support Specialistsat
  • $100,240 for Computer Network Architectsat
  1. Want to be Abby or McGee from NCIS? Do you like the TV shows Mr. Robot, The IT Crowd, Silicon Valley? Check out NRCC’s Cyber Security CSC or IT Cyber Security specialization AAS.
  • $90,120 for Information Security Analystsat
  1. Do you like Person of Interest or Halt and Catch Fire TV shows? The main character is a programmer. Want to create software for people to use? Check out NRCC’s IT Foundations CSC or Information Technology AAS.
  2. $79,530 for Computer Programmersat

Mrs. EatonITE 105 – Fall 2017Page 1