Claremont / Weaste Neighbourhood Partnership Board
9 February, 2011
9 February, 2011
Meeting commenced:4.30 p.m.
“ ended:6.16 p.m.
PRESENT:Councillor Heywood - in the Chair
Councillors Ainsworth, Owen, Taylor and R. Wilson
Jonathan Drake-Salix Homes
Valerie Ivison-Claremont / Weaste Community Committee
Brian Downes-Claremont / Weaste Community Committee
Dawn Mitchell-Salford Community Leisure
Maggie Heavey-Children’s Services
David Greenfield-Sustainable Regeneration
Dave Jolley-Urban Vision
Trevor Haye-Great Places
Mick Walbank-Neighbourhood Manager
Mike McHugh-Senior Democratic Services Officer
Item / Decision / Action / To be taken by1.Welcome and Introductions / Noted. / -
2.Apologies for absence / Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Dirir,Dave Henthorne and Toni Doyle. / -
3.Action Sheet - 8 December, 2010 / The Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 8 December, 2010, was approved. / -
4.Matters Arising
4a.Bollards / Valerie Ivison raised further concerns that all of the bollards along Eccles New Road had not yet been replaced with the ‘reflective’ style which had been promised in April, 2009.
Mick Walbank reported on the current position relating to the bollards.
RESOLVED:THAT Dave Jolley provide an update relating to (a) the replacement of bollards on Eccles New Road and (b) cleaning protocols for reflective bollards; and that this information be provided to members of the group. / Dave Jolley / Mike McHugh
5.Schools Update / RESOLVED:THAT arrangements be made to hold a meeting, between ward councillors from Claremont and Weaste and Seedley with Nick Page in order to discuss matters relating to schools within the Neighbourhood Management Area. / Mike McHugh / Nick Page’s Office
6.Eccles New Road Updates / A number of updates were provided in respect of the Eccles New Road Area, including -
-Great Places New Build - Nelson Street area
-Salix Blueprint update
-Salix Homes Restructure
-Dolby Park Consultation events
-ongoing work in the Borough Street / Humber Street area
Councillor Ainsworth requested details of the family profile of houses let by Great Places within the Nelson Street area, specifically in relation to the number of children and their ages.
RESOLVED:(1) THAT Trevor Haye provide the lettings information referred to above to Mick Walbank; and that he provide the information to members of the group.
(2) THAT Jonathan Drake provide an update report in respect of the restructure of Salix Homes at the next meeting of this group. / Trevor Haye / Mick Walbank
Jonathan Drake
7.Tootal / Willows Updates / A number of updates were provided in respect of the Tootal / Willows Area, including -
-an indication that the potential meeting between ward councillors and Iain Watson, Director of Salford City Reds relating to the future of the Willows had not taken place.
-an update relating to ongoing work to resolve issues at the former Weaste Cricket Ground.
-the current status of the £100,000 contribution made by the Salford Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust(on submission of the initial planning consent for the development of the hospital) and the possibility of making use of this for improvements to Stott Lane Playing Fields.
RESOLVED:(1) THAT the update reports be noted.
(2) THAT David Greenfield provide an update report in respect of the current status of the £100,000 contribution made by the Salford Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (on submission of the initial planning consent for the development of the hospital). / -
David Greenfield
8.Parks Updates / A number of updates were provided in respect of parks within the area, including -
-plans for the installation of a Green Gym on Lightoaks Park.
-completion of the play area on WestlandsPark
-an update on the Playbuilder Scheme, including associated funding from government
RESOLVED:THAT the update reports be noted. / -
9.Children’s Homes Issues / Mick Walbank reported on the number of “police related” incidents at two children’s homes within the Weaste area.
Discussion took place relating to -
-the proposed relocation of one of the homes to the Claremont area.
-engagement with young people from the homes.
RESOLVED:(1) THAT the report be noted.
(2) THAT Mick Walbank liaise with Maggie Heavey in respect of engagement with young people from the homes. / -
Mick Walbank / Maggie Heavey
10.Updates from Partners
10a. / Salford Community Leisure
Dawn Mitchell provided an update in respect of -
-work being undertaken to develop neighbourhood priorities
-community use of facilities at Buile Hill Visual Arts College
RESOLVED:THAT the report be noted. / -
10b. / Community Services
Mick Walbank reported on current delays in respect of the Business Planning Process cycle.
RESOLVED:THAT the report be noted. / -
10c. / Youth Service
Maggie Heavey provided an update in respect of work being undertaken by the Salford Youth Service in the area.
RESOLVED:THAT the report be noted. / -
11.Date and time of next meeting / Wednesday, 13 April, 2011 at 4.30 p.m. in a Committee Room at the Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton / All Members