MichiganStateUniversity, Philosophy Department, Dr. Christian Lotz
Phil 421: Foucault, Spring 2006, Questions 2
Please pay attention while you are reading the next set of texts to the following ideas and questions:
- Why do Marxists analyse ideologies?
- What is the relation between state apparatuses and ideologies?
- What does Althusser mean by his claim that ideologies don’t have a history?
- Explain the two thesis about ideologies (109-115)
- Especially explain Althusser’s claim that ideologies are “inserted” into practices
- Why do ideologies transform individuals into subjects?
Nietzsche, Freud, Marx (Foucault 2, 269-278)
- Why did interpretation become an infinite task?
- How is the incompleteness of interpretation visible in Nietzsche, according to Foucault?
- What is so important about Nietzsche’s, Marx’s, and Freud’s conception of the sign?
- How are these conceptions related to Saussure’s theory?
Nietzsche, Genealogy, History (Foucault 2, 369-391)
- What is the main thesis of this essay?
- Why is Foucault’s insight into the nature of the concept of “origin” important for his conception of history?
- How would you describe Foucault’s notion of history?
- How is the concept of history connected to his concept of rationality?
Archaeology of Knowledge (1-31)
- What does Foucault say about “unities?” and why does the problem of tradition break down?
- Why do discontinuities become important?
- How do Marx and Nietzsche fit into the picture (13)?
- How does Foucault destroy the unities of the book/oeuvre?
- How does Foucault integrate Saussure’s theory? (27)
Archaeology of Knowledge (50-55)
- Explain how Foucault transforms the idea of the subject into a linguistic category (who, sites, position)
What is an Author (Foucault 2, 205-223)
- Why does the author play a “classificatory function?” (210)
- Explain all aspects of the “author function” (there are 4-5 aspects, 211-217)
- What does Foucault mean by “transdiscursive?”
The Masked Philosopher (Foucault 1, 321-329)
- How does Foucault conceive the “intellectual”
- How does he conceive the activity of the philosopher?
- What is the task of philosophy, according to Foucault?
Truth and Power (Foucault 3, 111-134)
- Summarize Foucault’s view of Marxism
- How does Foucault conceive practices (p.114)?
- How does his concept echoe Althusser’s concept?
- How do the Left and the Right approach the problem of power? (117)
- What does Foucault say about the subject on p.118?
- Why does Foucault have problems with the notions of ideology and repression (119)?
- What is the new form of power that appears within the 18th century?
- What is an intellectual, according to F.?
- Explain Foucault’s notion of truth (131)
Governmentality (Foucault 3, 201-223)
- Explain Foucault’s concept of governing and explain how it departs from what we usually mean by this term within political contexts
- Focus on p. 219-222 and on 205-212
Interview (Foucault 3, 239-298)
- Just read the interview; it gives you a nice overview of the French intellectual scene
Power and Strategies (copy)
- Why does Foucault reject the reduction of power to Law?
- Explain Foucault’s concept of power (142 is important!!!)
The Eye of Power (copy)
- This essay is a perfect introduction to “Discipline and Punish.” Read it carefully!!
- How is Althusser’s concept of ideology visible in Foucault’s concept of space?
- Explain the main aspects of Foucault’s new concept of power (machinery, discipline, labour, gaze, panopticism)