EGU Minutes 12/2/16

Meeting w/ Lee/Madelyn & Jayda

1)“evaluator report”—FSU teacher training: entering grad students on payroll during second summer section, 2 graded training courses, fall/spring training courses, too—they encourage more uniformity, stressed SLO approach—summer courses are a really good idea, this would alleviate a lot of the problems with preceptorship—also, course releases/compensation for writing program orientation—what will they be doing with this report? Went to provost, English department & writing program are supposed to respond—necessary monetary buy-in—Lee wants to suggest moving towards this for next year

2)getting some better tables and recycling bins for outside pink hotel

3)preceptorship credit issue, meetings with WPA, our goals are for preceptorship to count in some way for all students in all programs—their vision of preceptorship is seminar, not mentorship group—they stressed seminar environment for fall semester, mentorship for spring—seminar component as “big picture” component, why/how we do what we do—they want to retain the seminar component, offers a sense of the field/discipline of composition, develop teaching philosophy—shift to ENGL 591, instead of preceptorship—but what about graduate students being completely overwhelmed, especially in the first semester? They agreed that mentors need to be on the same page, but the content of preceptorship is not up for debate

4)D & I statement—tabled for now, but it was brought up at meetings

5)Updated pay scale for graduate students distributed

6)Task force in the CW program, feelings of community/inclusion, 2 larger group meetings: diversity and gender aggression; we should have official meeting times/spaces for other programs, too—could be a positive space, too, better sense of community—RCTE forum is not as effective as CW model—modeling good student/faculty relationships

7)D& I statement was drafted in the heat of the tension, we don’t want our statement to come off as confrontational—but Ander is completely supportive of the statement, so it probably won’t be an issue—send to Lee next week, then out to everyone else—framing it with acknowledgement of effort of CW

8)Elections next week, we can still nominate, send out ballot next week

9)Council meeting—first thing, the council voted and approved undergraduate certificate in teaching of global English, turning classes that have already been offered into a certificate—one other thing, Lee proposed having some sort of faculty/GAT roundtable on teaching in the post-election climate, what we allowed to say and not allowed to say, how do we teach/approach politically charged materials? let Lee know if you want to facilitate one of these meetings—also, a couple of professors pushed for statement of values in English Dept.

Rep Reports

RCTE—meeting, big shifts in curriculum, etc.

EAL—no updates

WriPaCa - no updates

CW—no updates

GPSC—food drive, vigil and march next week on the mall, post-election stuff and making sure that marginalized communities feel accepted on campus, Noam Chomsky office hours for grad students

GLC—no updates

GSOC—dissolved! We don’t really need to worry about filling the position if it’s not necessary

LIT—no updates

EGU could back program where we donate books to schools in the area—we can ask Sunnyside teachers lead-in questions—banned books and books in Spanish—working with librarians from individual schools—mostly middle and elementary schools, or maybe just elementary schools—we could go to Bookmans and ask for donations, how to handle donations vs. money—a new year’s resolution kind of thing, jan./feb.

Madelyn’s to-do list:

1)pay scale; 2) evaluator list; 3) elections next week (voting via google form)