Parent ForumMeeting
Date: 09/03/16
- House Points
- It was felt that the target of 1500 house points might be too high. Points are available from a variety of subjects, revision sessions etc. However these are not always being added on so some students do not have enough.
- CW discussed the proposal for rewards week. Running 3 different events/trips over three days for students who have achieved a set number of conduct points (achievement minus behaviour). This is currently being discussed at the school council. The proposed week clashes with foreign trips so may need to be looked at.
- It was asked if bonus points can be awarded for good progress reports (behaviour / homework / progress etc) as this could encourage hard work.
Action points
- CW and Heads of House to look at the number of house points needed for the year 11 ball and alter if appropriate.
- CW will await the response from school council on the rewards trips. CW will look at calendar and see if the trips can be done at a different time to the foreign trips.
- CW to discuss awarding house points to students following progress reports with data officer and Heads of House.
- Homework
- The volume of homework seems to have dropped, particularly in year 9.
- The homework timetable is not being followed by some teachers. Can homework be on set days and this be adhered to, along with not expecting students to complete work for the next day.
- When homework is being completed, sometimes it is not being marked which is leading to students losing enthusiasm.
Action points
- CW to analyse report of homework being set by subjects and staff. This may be skewed though, due to 161 lessons accessing work via showmyhomework.
- Staff who are not setting appropriately or frequently to be spoken to.
- Staff will be reminded not to set homework with less than 48 hour turnaround.
- 161 (Enterprise suite)
- Work is sometimes required to be sent to staff via email, from students in 161. This is causing a problem with inbox capacity and some work is not being delivered. Parents asked if there were another way of sending work.
Action points
- CW to discuss with Mr Houghton (161 supervisor) and Mr Britnell (Network manager).
- More Able and Talented
- The recent launch evening was received very well by parents.
- It was asked, when will students be given the work? CW said it was on the website, but would clarify with Miss Heal.
- It may be better for tutors to have an overview of this work, as it is non subject specific. This could be discussed on Academic Mentoring Day.
Action points
- DH to send a letter giving details of A&T work available on the website.
- Tutors to be made aware of students on the More Able & Talented register.
- Communication
- Overall school to home general communication is good, but it lacks the personal touch. Parents and students respond positively to well done post cards or letters and this helps maintain the home – school contact.
- There are some subjects (History for example) who are good at sending postcards hoe in recognition of a piece of work or good progress. This needs to be spread across all areas and done more regularly.
- It was also expressed that students and parents need to know further in advance of tests (including end of year tests) so they can prepare properly for them, they could be put on the calendar, or put on subject pages on the website so everyone could see when they were.
- The letters for work shadowing this year was sent out very late, with a quick turnaround. This made it difficult to arrange shadowing in appropriate settings for some students.
Action points
- CW to raise with relevant staff and arrange for letters to go home earlier next year and to get dates put on the website / calendar.
Action points
- CW to look into where this is happening really well and develop a strategy for ensuring positive messages are shared with home more often.
- Funding resources
- CW discussed the changes to exam syllabi and the need for text books and resources, but there being no funding for any other changes, which are very expensive.
- In some subjects already students are asked to purchase books or resources, CW proposed this be extended to all KS4 and KS5 subjects. Parents would be written to towards the end of year 9 confirming options and detailing the amount required, to be paid in instalments over the 2 years.
- Parents suggested to set a cost for all students that covered all subjects as this would not deter students or parents from taking a subject based on cost.
- The school will still purchase resources, but not enough for all students, so those without the ability to buy or contribute would not miss out.
- Payments would need to be voluntary.
Action points
- CW to discuss idea of average costs with Business Manager and put together an overall fee.
- Car Park and student access
- The gates are being closed at 8.30 again, as too many students were being marked late when we tried to close them at 8.25am. This was also causing some lessons to be disturbed.
- The volume of traffic has reduced significantly, but some cars are pulling in to the drive and blocking other cars. Is it possible to have a PSCO in attendance occasionally?
Action point
- Middle gate to remain locked to encourage students to walk along the designated pedestrian path. Other gates to be locked at 8.30am.
- CW to discuss having a member of staff in hi-vis or a PCSO on the gate with Mr Perry (Assistant Business Manager / Operations)
- Work being lost
- It was raised that in the past when staff have left they have not handed over all work and some has gone missing as a result. Can this be looked into?
Action points
- CW to liaise with JC and update the staff exit interview sheet, ensuring that all lockers, desks and staff spaces have been cleared of work.
- Forum dates
- It was suggested that the parent forum events be held on different evening to allow all parents to attend at least one (if they were busy on other evenings).
Action point
- CW to run the next forum on a Thursday night and plan next years on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday respectively throughout the year.