Welcome to Year 4 Mathematics!!!!



Welcome to another year. I am glad you’re in my classroom. I am excited for the school year to begin and I hope to shape your mind in the right angle!!J


During the year, you will master algebraic properties and methods. Students will analyze and interpret the behavior and nature of functions. The types of functions will include: polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, absolute value and piecewise. Other topics may include: system of equations, matrices, combinations, permutations, sequences, series, conics, and data analysis with a focus on modeling and solving real world problems.


My expectations are as follows:

1)  Be Respectful! 2) Be prepared for class! 3) Be on time!


First offense – verbal warning

Second offense – sent out of classroom

Third offense – removal from classroom with referral to administration/phone call home

Repeated Offenses - I will contact parents and involve administration.


1st/ 2nd TARDY – FREE

3rd TARDY - phone call home to a parent.

4th TARDY – Referral to an administrator


Every student is allowed six bathroom passes per semester. The student must ask the teacher first and have the pass signed by the teacher before they leave the classroom. Any passes not used by the end of the semester will be applied as extra credit to the semester final exam grade.


·  Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry by Blitzer. Pearson Custom Publishing.

·  Textbook: Thinking Mathematically by Blitzer. Pearson Custom Publishing.

·  3 Ring Notebook for notes, handouts, and hw assignments

·  Pencils and Erasers

·  Graphing Calculator – Recommended

TI – 83 or TI -84

***All students need a spiral notebook to bring to class every day for notes and in class activities. Please see the teacher with any questions.***

HOMEWORK: The student will be given a homework packet or problems out of the textbook. All homework assignments will be posted on my school website. The website also includes power points and dates for tests along with other helpful information.

Homework is checked weekly. It is checked for COMPLETION and all the problems must have work shown in order to receive credit. DO NOT just copy answers. Each homework is 5 points.

·  All homework must have your name, due date, period and the assignment.

·  I expect all assignments to be turned in on time. It is your responsibility to show me your homework if you’re late to class or absent.



Tests and quizzes will be taken periodically throughout the year and are announced. If you have an excused absence the test or quiz you missed must be made up within 48 hours(2 school days). If you are absent during a test review day for a test, you will be expected to take the test when you return to class. You will receive a zero for not making up any test or quiz. NO QUIZ/TEST RETAKES.

GRADING POLICY – Your semester grade is cumulative, it does not reset each quarter. The cumulative grade will be 30% homework and 70% assessments. The semester grade is 80% of your semester grade and 20% of your semester final exam.


If you have an excused absence, you are 48 hours(2 school days) for every excused absence to make up the work. It is your responsibility to check the absent bins located in the classroom and to check the website for information missed that day you were absent. Here is the process for picking up absent work:

1.  Check for absent work in the folders located in the classroom. If you have any questions, please see the teacher before you leave class.

2.  You must turn in the assignment due the day of your absence to the folder in the bins labeled absent work on the side of the classroom. Please make sure your name is on the assignment with ABSENT written at the top with the date.

3.  It is your responsibility to complete and turn the work in on time.

4.  It is your responsibility to get tests and quizzes made up as soon as you return.

5.  Absent work is not allowed for unexcused absences.


You are responsible for getting the missed assignment during a field trip or school sponsored activity. The assignment will be collected the next class period. There are no extra make up days for assignments missed during a field trip.


90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

59% or below F


My email address is and my phone number is 480-224-2911.


The math tutoring lab is available for students who need extra assistance and everyone is welcome. The math tutoring lab is open Monday – Friday in the mornings from 6:30 – 7:25am and after school from

2:15 – 3:15pm. Please check the flyers for room location. Transportation is available if you utilize the math lab after school. I am available most mornings and afternoons as well. Please come in for help before you get behind!!!

College Credit Options: Dual Enrollment: Perry High School, in conjunction with Chandler Gilbert Community College, offers high school students dual credit opportunities. All students must take the ACCUPLACER placement test. Students, who simultaneously enroll in Year 4 Math at PHS and CGCC, take the course at the high school for credit at both institutions. Students must maintain a minimum of a “C” average and pay the tuition fee to CGCC in order to be eligible to enroll in this course for college credit. A total of 4 college credit hours for MAT 141 are earned upon successful completion of this course. Registration occurs in early August. More information regarding tuition fees and specific dates will be announced at a future date.

Parents, please review this syllabus with your student, fill out and sign the attached parent contact sheet and return it to school by Monday, July 27th. Thank you!!!

Welcome BackJ!!