Burnley Borough Council

Job Description

Post:Dog Fouling and Littering Enforcement Officer

Post No:ST3007


JE Ref:A1510

Service Unit:Streetscene / Green Spaces and Amenities

Job Purpose:To reduce dog fouling and littering throughout the Borough by patrolling, issuing fixed penalty fines and engaging with the community.

Job Status:Staff

Responsible to: Contracts Manager (Streetscene)

Senior Ranger (Green Spaces & Amenities)

Responsible for:None

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To investigate and respond to reports of dog fouling and littering complaintsacross the borough, including streets and green spaces and other land.
  1. To undertake patrols in areas where problems occur or are reported,workingeither alone or supported by colleagues in Streetscene and Green Spaces and Amenities as appropriate.
  1. To issue and/orprovide relevant Fixed Penalty Noticeinformation in respect of dog fouling and littering incidents, to complete witness statements and to contribute to the preparation of any subsequent case files to the appropriate standard for incidents that warrant prosecution by the authority.
  1. To work with community groups, councillors and schools to promote the Council’s ‘zero tolerance’ approach to dog fouling and littering andto promote responsible dog ownership.
  1. To link with the Dog Warden to report stray / roaming / dangerous dogs for collection.
  1. As part of the routine patrolling duties of the role, to report other anti-social and environmental issues for the Council to address. For instance, graffiti, fly-tipping and issues with dog fouling bins etc.
  1. Submit individual daily patrol reports together with incident and accident reports as necessary.
  1. To ensure that existing systems are kept up to date e.g. manual files and computerised databases and to produce letters, reports, statements, mailshots and other appropriate documents as requested as part of the duties undertaken on a regular basis.
  1. To provide adequate evidence for attendance at Court as a witness for work undertaken in this post.
  1. To liaise with other Service Units of the Council and other organisations i.e. Police, RSPCA, Urbaser and Animal Rescue bodies by attendance on site or at meetings as required.
  1. To attend training identified as necessary to undertake current and future job requirements.
  1. To comply with Health and Safety responsibilities as laid down in the Council’s Health and Safety Policy statement and relevant processes and risk assessments associated with the role.
  1. To work a 7-day rota of seasonal hours alongside the Council’s Park Ranger Service, averaging 36.25 hours per week. The seasonal hours vary from 12.00 - 17.00 in winter to 12.00 – 22.00 at the height of summer. Also to work early mornings (at times to be agreed), to meet the demands of the service.
  1. To comply with the Council’s policy on Customer Care at all times.
  1. To wear the uniform provided and present yourself with a clean and tidy appearance at all times.
  1. To undertake such other duties that may be required from time to time which are in line with the skills and responsibility level for the grading of this post.
  1. To maintain any vehicle used in the course of his/her duties in a clean and tidy condition.

Health and Safety

Employees are required to work with their employer to ensure a working environment which is safe and without risks to the health, safety and welfare of employees, and others who may be affected, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, associated regulations and the Corporate Health and Safety Policy.


This Job Description summarises the major responsibilities of the post. It is not intended to exclude other activities, nor future changes from the post holder’s responsibilities.

Prepared by: Simon Goff / Date: 09.09.2015
Postholder: / Date of issue:

Person Specification

Post: Dog Fouling and Littering Enforcement Officer

Post No: ST3007

Selection Criteria: / Essential/
E/D / Means of Assessment:
Production of Certificate


1. / Experience of dealing with members of the public. / E / A/I
2. / Experience of undertaking enforcement work and issuing Penalty Notices. / E / A/I


1. / Ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. / E / A/I
2. / Ability to deal with conflict and sensitive situations and possess effective conflict resolution skills. / E / I
3. / Ability to work alone and with the minimum of supervision. / E / I
4. / Ability to plan and organise your time to ensure work targets are met. / E / I
5. / Ability to work as a team member. / E / I
6. / Ability to maintain computerised and paper based recording systems and to produce reports and updates for a range of audiences. / E / I


1 / Understanding of the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 and other relevant legislation. / D / A/I
2. / Understanding of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. / D / A/I


1. / Understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities, diversity and customer care. / E / I/T
2. / Willingness to work out of doors in all weather conditions (for which appropriate clothing is provided). / E / I
3. / Willingness to work on a rota and to work seasonal hours. / E / I
4. / Current driving licence. / E / C
The Burnley Way
Burnley employees are expected to be role models for the following behaviours at a level appropriate to the role: Performance Management; Customer Focus; Decision Making; Change Management; Learns and Challenges.
Our organisational leaders and managers are expected to strive for transformational leadership qualities and continuous improvement, acting as role models to create a culture where we live our values and deliver our vision.”
Skills for Life
The Council has signed the Skills Pledge and Get On Award as a commitment to up skill the workforce. Once appointed, the postholder will be offered the opportunity to undertake a skills assessment in literacy & numeracy. Support will be given to employees where necessary to achieve the level 2 standard.

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