Date:11 April 2012
Your Reference:
Our Reference:7571555
Enquiries to:Bose Kayode
Ms Anna Bianchini
Organisation Development
London Borough of Camden
Argyle Street
Tel: 020 7974 5212

Fax 020 7974 6980

Dear Ms Bianchini

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Further to your email, received on 20 January2012, please see attached the requested information.

You stated:

This request for information relates to recent recruitment advertisements placed on your website for qualified town planners (up to senior planner level) including development control, enforcement and planning policy planners. I am interested in data for the last 12 months.

Please provide data for each advertised post separately indicating the position title and indicate the month and year when the post was closed.

  1. How many applications did you receive for the post advertised?

18 (Senior Planner)

8 (Principle Planner)

  1. How many candidates had more than two years post qualification experience?

All for both positions

  1. How many were shortlisted for interview?

3 (Senior Planner)

3 (Principle Planner)

  1. How many attended interview?

3 (Senior Planner)

3 (Principle Planner)

  1. How many candidates were of non British nationality?

We do not record nationality on our system.

  1. How many non British candidates were shortlisted for interview?

We do not record nationality on our system.

  1. How many candidates received in the past a planning bursary from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to help them finance their studies?

This was not a requirement of the advert to provide this information.

  1. Was anyone recruited for the post?

Yes to both

  1. If answer to question 8 is yes - Was the successful candidate already an employee or agency worker?

1Internal applicant (Senior Planner)

1 internal and 1 external (Principle Planner)

  1. If answer to question 8 is yes - Did the successful candidate have prior experience of working for a local authority?

Yes to both

  1. If answer to question 8 is yes – Did the successful candidate receive the DCLG planning bursary?

This was not a requirement of the advert to provide this information.

  1. Please provide a copy of any paper based exercise/test used in the interview(s) or recruitment for this specific post, in addition to any document/form or documents/forms used for scoring or evaluating any interviewee's exercise/task.

The recruitment team did not facilitate any tests and there is no supporting information on the system to suggest that the hiring manager carried out any tests either.

  1. What was the Job Title or Designation of all those who conducted or participated in the interview(s) for this particular post?

Development Management Team Manager (East Area)

Development Management Team Manager (West Area)

Advice & Consultation Team Manager

Development Management

You also asked:

Could you please provide me with the following information and if possible provide separate figures for development control, enforcement and planning?

  1. The number of councils employees employed on a permanent basis


  1. The number of councils employees employed on a temporary/fixed term basis


  1. The number of agency workers


Please note the information is still covered by copyright legislation.You are not authorised to re-use this information for commercial or research purposes as defined by the Re-Use of Public Sector Regulations 2005.If you do wish to re-use this information please contact the Information Access Team, Legal Services/ Second Floor, CamdenTown Hall, Judd Street, LondonWC1H 9JE, who will assess your request.

You have the right of appeal against the decision. If you wish to appeal please set out in writing your grounds of appeal (within 2 months of this letter) and send it to: Freedom of Information Appeals Panel, Central Complaints Unit, CamdenTown Hall, Judd Street, LondonWC1H 9JE and your complaint will be dealt with through our Internal Review procedure.

If you are still not satisfied following the Internal Review, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

They can be contacted at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 01625 545 700

Yours sincerely

Bose Kayode
Management Information Specialist