Introductory Items
- Call to Order & Roll Call
Board Secretary Chlouber called the meeting to order at 8:15 am and roll was taken:
Ken Brenner
Pat Chlouber
Charles Cunniffe
Kathy Goudy
Patty Theobald
Board Secretary Chlouber welcomed the newly elected trustees, Doris Dewton and Peg Portscheller.
- Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
President’s Report and Agenda Review
President Hauser reviewed the agenda and presented her report.
Action Items
- Certify Election Results
ACTION: Trustee Goudy Moved to Certify the Election Results as found in the packet; Trustee Theobald Seconded the Motion and a roll call vote was taken. The Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Brenner - Aye
Trustee Chlouber - Aye
Trustee Cunniffe - Aye
Trustee Goudy - Aye
Trustee Theobald – Aye
- Administer Oath of Office
Board Secretary Chlouber thanked all candidates that ran for office and congratulated the new trustees. General Counsel Richard Gonzales administered the Oath of Office to Trustees Cunniffe, Dewton, and Portscheller.
- Elect Board Officers
Trustee Cunniffe nominated Trustee Theobald for Board President and Trustee Dewton Seconded the nomination.
Trustee Goudy nominated Trustee Brenner.
Trustee Theobald stated that it is an honor to be nominated and would like to serve in this capacity. Trustee Brenner stated it is an honor to be considered for Board President and that he is proud of the work that has been accomplished by the board and management over the last six years. Trustee Goudy stated that she feels Trustee Brenner would make a good leader and meeting moderator, as he spent many hours on committees and keeping the Board on procedure following processes.
ACTION: The Board of Trustees held a roll call vote for Board President:
Trustee Brenner – Ken Brenner
Trustee Chlouber – Patty Theobald
Trustee Cunniffe – Patty Theobald
Trustee Dewton – Patty Theobald
Trustee Goudy - Ken Brenner
Trustee Portscheller Patty Theobald
Trustee Theobald – Patty Theobald
Trustee Theobald was elected as the Board President with a 5-2 vote. She stated that she will lead collaboratively and make sure all are heard. She has confidence in the administration and the Board can either accept or discuss the advice from the president and staff. She asked that trustees go through the appropriate channels to get access to a staff person or information.
Trustee Cunniffe nominated Trustee Chlouber for Board Secretary.She accepted and stated that she is honored to serve the board and administration.
ACTION: Trustee Chlouber was elected Board Secretary by acclamation.
Trustee Cunniffe nominated Trustee Brenner for Treasurer and Trustee Brenner accepted the nomination.
ACTION: Trustee Brenner was elected Treasurer by acclamation.
- Approve Minutes
Trustee Goudy asked that a sentence be added stating that she requested the amount in the ballot language be changed from $10,000 to $50,000.
ACTION: Trustee Chlouber Moved to Approve the Minutes with the above revision; Trustee Cunniffe Seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
- Approve Agenda
Trustee Brenner requested that the reserve appropriation item be removed from the consent agenda.
ACTION: Trustee Cunniffe Moved to Approve the Agenda with the above requested change to the consent agenda; Trustee Chlouber seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda
8.Accept Q4 2016-17 Financial Reports
9.Accept Q1 2017-18 Financial Reports
10.Mid-Year Requests for Capital Priorities
11.Resolution to Approve USDA Rural Grant
12.Resolution to Approve COSI Institutional
Scholarship Grant
13.Resolution to Approve COSI Rural Educator
Programming Grant
14.Get Outdoors Leadville! Partnership
15.Potential Spring Valley Conservation Easement
16.Spring 2017 Sabbatical Reports
ACTION: Trustee Cunniffe Moved to Approve the Consent Agenda as amended; Trustee Dewton Seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
Action Items
17. Resolution and appropriation of reserves
Trustee Brenner asked how management prioritizes reserve designations. Mary Boyd, Vice President of Fiscal Affairs, explained that funds not spent in June that should have first priority,allowing the money to be used in July. Facilities is a priority withminor maintenance first, especially items that weren’t completed by June 30.
ACTION: Trustee Brenner moved to approve the Resolutions to appropriate and spend reserves; Trustee Portscheller Seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
18. Certify Mill Levy
Management recommends maintaining the current rate of 3.997.
ACTION: Trustee Brenner Moved to Maintain the Current Mill Levyof 3.997; Trustee Portscheller Seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
19. Accept Audited Financials
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP presented the Audited financial statements.
The Board would like to see a plan about answering the management letter presented by IT. The College had asked the auditors to take a deeper look at IT (cyber security issues) and they were no alarming observations. There are some recommendations that could be costly, so there needs to be some thought before putting them into place.
ACTION: Trustee Brenner Moved to Accept the Audited Financial Statements; Trustee Goudy Seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
20. Authorization to Execute an Agreement with eCampus and Set a Book Fee Rate for 2018-19
Matt Gianneschi, Chief Operating Officer, explained that this request is for authorization to the president to set the book fee rate with a not-to-exceed $32.5/credit hour fee and not-to-exceed $4 for administration (as we don’t have afinal number yet.) We need to have done before fall registration begins. Kathy Kiser Miller, Vice President of Academic Affairs and VP of the Steamboat Springs Campus, gave a brief background/history of the program and benefits for students.
There was a discussion about why administrative costs were assessed per credit hour.
ACTION: Trustee Brenner Moved to ApproveAuthorization to Execute an Agreement with eCampus and Set a Book Fee Rate for 2018-19; Trustee Cunniffe Seconded the Motion. A roll-call vote was taken and it carried unanimously.
Trustee Chlouber– Aye
Trustee Goudy - Aye
Trustee Portscheller - Aye
Trustee Brenner - Aye
Trustee Dewton - Aye
Trustee Cunniffe - Aye
Trustee Theobald– Aye
Trustee Goudy left the meeting at this point.
21. Ruffalo Noel Levitz Agreement
Matt Gianneschi and Shane Larson presented information on the contract for services with Ruffalo Noel Levitz. This organization can help the College predict where our enrollments will come from and the mix of students to expect. The volatility of the College’s enrollment mix led to revenues of 1.5 million dollars less than projections.This data may help the College become more accurate in its enrollment projections and use Financial Aid and scholarship dollars to successfully recruit undecided students. It also should assist the college in awardingFinancial Aidand use recruitment resources most effectively. We will have more information on why studentsstay with CMC and why some leave.This will be a 4 year process.Funding will come from strategic plan reserves.
Action: Trustee Cunniffe Moved to Approve the Ruffalo Noel Levitz Agreement; Trustee Portscheller Seconded the Motion and it carried unanimously.
Trustee Comments
Trustee Dewton requested a review of trustee district boundaries for election purposes. There may be a better way to divide the trustee districts, noting that Avon residents who may wish to run for election would be considered part of the Lake County District.
Trustee Chlouber reported on ACCT’s meeting and the presentations she attended. She also mentioned the code of conduct that was approved by the Board and that some were not filled out. Accreditors asked questions as to why all trustees did not sign it. Trustee Cunniffe asked why anyone would agree to be on a board and not agree with the code of conduct. It is not appropriate or fair if one person chooses to modify the form as they see fit. (Board governance does not go unnoticed by the accrediting agency)
Government Relations Committee Report
Matt Gianneschipresented the first draft of the Governor’s budget, which is quite favorable to higher education this year. The College is running a bill that has been picked up by a number of groups to get state assistance forrural teacher candidates in their 4th year with housing. We have sponsors (Millie Hamner and Bob Rankin) and a funding source.
Pagosa Springs is interested in becoming annexed into the district.
There has also a request in Gilpin County for a culinary campus to help with the gaming community.
DACA and the reauthorization of the Higher Education reauthorization act will be of interest this upcoming session.Matt Gianneschi drafted a resolution based on the College’s policy on inclusivity. We have one of the highest population of DACA students in the state. Management is looking for guidance on whether to have an electronic vote since it hasn’t been noticed for today’s meeting. An electronic vote will be posted as quickly as possible.
There is a question as to whether the Board should take a position on Net Neutrality. Academic freedom has come up due to this new ruling as some students may not be able to access certain sites.
22. Annual Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Forms
Richard Gonzales, General Counsel stated that it is time to sign these forms again. Copies were available for Trustees to sign.
23. Board Committees
Richard Gonzales discussed the board committees stating that at times the board may elect to have ad hoc committees.
Legislative/Government Relations Committee
TrusteeChlouber is still interested in the Legislative Committee and would love to have someone else be a chair.
Trustee Portscheller is interested too, but not opposed to being on audit if needed
Trustee Dewton would like to be on this committee as she has a long legislative background
Trustee Brenner would like to remain on the committee
Will elect a chair at their next meeting
Audit committee
Ken Brenner as treasurer, so should be on this committee
There was a question about possibly recruiting someone with accounting credentials. (non-board member)
Trustee Dewton is interested in this committee
Trustee Brenner asked whether Trustee Goudymay want to be involved on this committee.
The Board would like to see an Academic Affairs Redesign presentation at some point and/or included as a written update.
Supplemental/Information (regular written reports/updates)
- Human Resources
- Facilities
- Academic Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Faculty Senate/Adjunct
- Foundation/Advancement
New Business
Wednesday, February 7, 2018 | Committee Meetings (as needed) | Work Session | Trustee Meeting | Edwards Campus
8:30 – 10:00 | Committee Meetings
10:00 – Noon | Work Session (working lunch)
Budget Preview/Planning, Tuition
Noon – 3:00 | Trustee Meeting
- Approve Tuition and Fees for Upcoming Fiscal Year
- Locations for Posting Notice of meetings
- Accept 2nd Quarter Quarterly Financial Statements
- Board charge to External Auditors
- Approve CCHE Report
3:00 – 4:00 | Local/Campus Meet and Greet
Important Dates:
December 15, 2017 | AGB Limited Time Only (“super extra early bird”) Registration Deadline (saves $100)
February 15, 2018 | AGB Early Bird Registration Deadline
April 22 - 24, 2018 | AGB Conference (San Francisco, CA)
The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 am.