World Religions

Exam Review HRT 3M

Why Study Religion?

How does the study of other religions promote religious pluralism?

How does the study of other religions promote universal toleration?

What is multiculturalism?

How does the study of world religions encourage us to reflect and grow as individuals?

What is prayer? What is its purpose? What forms can it take?

How does prayer function for religious people throughout the world? For you?

Define monotheistic. Define polytheistic. Give an example of each.

What is interreligious dialogue (name them)? Why is it necessary?

What laws are in place in Canada to support the rights of various cultures/religions?

What is a hate crime? How is it different from other crimes?

What is the Great Commission? The Christian Call to love? Explain their origin.

What is resurrection?

Aboriginal Spirituality

What is the significance of the peace tree? The circle? The drums?

Describe some of the Aboriginal creation stories.

What is a shaman? What is his role?

What are petroglyphs? What is their significance?

How much do you know about our native population at STCSS? How might you find out more?

Is it easy to be Aboriginal in Canada? Describe some struggles (past and present).


What is reincarnation? Can one be born outside of this cycle? Explain.

What is a mandir, murti, avatar?

What is Puja? Why do Hindu followers partake in this ritual?

What are Vedas? Make a connection between Vedas and the Christian scriptures.

Describe the main Hindu deities.

Explain the concept of Brahman. Connect it to the concept of a Christian God.

Explain the functions of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.

What is the role of yoga for Hindus? Describe all 3 types.

What are the major significant Hindu rights and rituals? Explain at least two in detail.

What is the caste system? Explain how the Hindu faith “fits in” with this.

What is dharma? What is karma? How are the 2 related?

Explain the importance of Ghandi to the Hindu faith tradition.

Describe the importance of the Ganges River for Hindus. Any challenges?

What struggles are Hindus facing? Describe.


Based on the Four Noble Truths, explain the Buddhist philosophy about suffering and life.

Explain the biography and importance of Buddha.

What is the Noble Eightfold Path? Explain.

What is enlightenment? Explain as best you can.

What is karma? Explain as best you can.

What are the 5 precepts? Can you apply any of these to your own life? Explain.

Explain as best you can the concepts presented in The Three Marks of Existence.

Explain the concept of reincarnation/rebirth.

What is meditation? How do Buddhists do it?

What purpose does meditation serve?

Where do Buddhists meditate? Why?

What is a relic? Where are relics from Buddha usually kept?

What is a mantra? A mandala? What function do they serve for Buddhists?

Describe what a Buddhist sacred space might look like. .

What is mindfulness?


Who was Muhammad? When was he born? Why is he significant to the Muslim people?

What is Ramadan? Why is it significant?

What is the hajj?

What is the difference between a hijab, niqab, and burka? Why are they worn?

What is halal? Haram?

What is Mecca? Why is it significant to Muslims?

What is the Qur’an? Why is it significant?

What is a mosque? Why is this significant to Muslims? How is it different from a church?

Who is Allah? How is this similar to our Catholic belief?

How many Gods do Muslims believe in?

How do Muslims view Jesus? How is this different from our Catholic belief?

What are the Five Pillars? Name them.

Make as many comparisons between Islam, Catholicism and Judaism as you can.

Is it easy to be Muslim in Canada? Describe some struggles (including jihad).


How many Gods do Jewish people believe in?

What is most disturbing about the holocaust?

How are prejudice, discrimination and racism dangerous? As good Catholics [Christians}, what message should we be sending to others?

What is the Sabbath? Why keep it holy?

How is Moses a fundamental part of the Jewish history?

What celebration occurs at age 13 for boys? For girls? Explain.

What is the Tanakh? The Torah? The Talmud? Why are they significant to Jewish people?

What is Kosher? What are the rules? Why is this significant to Jewish people?

Define anti-semitism. Provide an example for support.

What is a menorah? What is its function? Why is it significant?

What is a synagogue? Why is it significant for Jewish people?


Who was Guru Nanak? Do Sikhs worship representations of him (statues, pictures)?

What is gurdwara? Amrit? The 5 K’s? Khanda?

Describe the morning routine for a Sikh.

How do Sikhs pray?

What surname are Sikh males given? Girls?


- creation stories - how different religions view Jesus (ex. Islam, Judaism)

- places of worship, rituals - incarnation, reincarnation, resurrection (which religions?)

- worldviews of various religions - concepts of equality and human dignity

Similarities between religions

- Golden Rule - “Commandments” – moral guidance

- views on peace, love, acceptance of others - virtues, values

- number of prayers each day - effect of culture on religious practices (ex.

- other similarities (ex. Islam/Jew/Christians) interfaith marriage, wearing head coverings, etc)